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I woke to Robins arm lazily thrown over my waist. I sat up and threw his arm on his side and left to find Vance. 

"Hey Vance wheres Gwen?" I said walking into the kitchen where Vance and Bruce where.

"She left with Billy and hour ago she said you could walk home." Vance said putting bread in a toaster.

"Yeah Finney she honestly sounded pissed at you." Bruce said walking over to Vance to make sure he didn't break the toaster.

"Why would she be mad at me?" I asked not seeing  why my sister was mad at me. I never liked when people were mad at me.

"I don't know she just said she was leaving with Billy and just left." Bruce said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh I'll find her later I guess." I said picking at my hands.

"Hey don't sweat it kid, the way you guys have a bond I'm sure she'll be okay and that you'll make up. Or I hope." Vance said chuckling on the last part.

"Yeah...I hope so too." I muttered.


"YOU KNOW IM HONESTLY GETTING SICK OF HIM LEAVING ME OUT!" I shouted throwing a paper close to a woman's feet. I was shouting making sure Billy could hear me through the wind.

"YEAH I MEAN I HAVN'T HUNG WITH ROBIN IN FOR EVER!" He said shouting back. We were delivering newspapers with me hanging onto the back of Billy's bike.

"I MEAN IM HIS SISTER!" I shouted once more.


"SORRY!" I shouted back. We finished delivering papers around 4:00 so I headed back home and was gonna wait to see Finney. 


"Robin, get up. I'm leaving." Finney said shaking me by the shoulders.

"Already carino?" I said rubbing sleep from my eyes. 

"Yes already Gwen ditched me and is pissed. I gotta make it up to her before she kills me in my sleep!" Finney said exaggerating.

"Yeah knowing Gwen, anyways I love you hermoso" I said kissing his cheek. He turned a bright pink before leaving.

"Bye Robin" he said ruffling my hair slightly.

"Tell Gwen I said hi!" I shouted from the porch.

"I will if she'll talk to me! Bye Robin!" Finney said waving bye to me. I walked back inside Vance's house and was going to leave. 

"Hey Vance I'm gonna head home. Moms having guests over." I said putting my shoes on.

"Ok bye Robin. Tell Maya I said hi." (Mayas Robins mom btw)

"I will, bye Vance." I said walking out of the door. 

"Bye dumb shit!" He shouted.


"Should I wake Griffin up?" Bruce said standing next to me leaning on the counter.

"That depends is the kid still alive." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh hush Vance." He said smacking my shoulder.

"What I'm serious! That kid could sleep through an apocalypse if he wanted!" I said shoving him back a bit.

"Haha, very funny Vance BUT I'm right here AND awake!"griffin said rubbing the sleep from his eyes. They all sat down to eat breakfast and just talked about stuff.

"Vance where is everyone?" Griffin asked looking around.

"Oh they left while you were asleep." Bruce said.

"Those assholes!" Griffin said crossing his arms.

"Watch your mouth griffin!" Vance said flicking his forehead.

"OH! So you can cuss like a sailor but when I follow in your footsteps it's a problem!?" Griffin said punching Vance's shoulder.

"Kids got a point V." Bruce said nudging my shoulder with his elbow.

"Oh shut it yamada. Griffin watch your mouth and stop taking after Gwen. If you go home cussing like that your mom will slit. my. throat." I said.

"Okay fine. I don't wanna even think about a world without you in it." Griffin said waving his hands around dramatically.

"Awwww! That's so sweet Griffin!" Bruce squealed.

"Well I'm gonna go to Billy's for a little bit. Biscuit probably has missed me!" Griffin said leaving the kitchen to find his shoes.(biscuit is Billy's dog)

"Yeah okay bye Griffin stay safe!" Vance shouted from the kitchen as Griffin shut the door behind him and headed to Billy's.

Griffin walked until he turned the corner of Billy's street and seen biscuit hoping on the fence excitedly.

"Hey old girl you missed me?" Griffin said petting biscuit behind her ears. Billy came out of his house in his favorite red jacket and immediately spotted Griffin.

"Hey Griff, why didn't you tell me you where coming?" Billy said grabbing biscuits leash and tying it around her collar.

"Oh I was just gonna stop bye and tell you and biscuit hey!" Griffin said teetering on his heels.

"Oh thanks Griff, that's means a lot." Billy said smiling as he opened gate to let biscuit out to walk.


"Hm, they really up right left didn't they?" I said waving the toast around in my hand. 

"Don't roll your eyes they could get stuck up there sweetheart." Vance said ruffling my hair a bit.

"How dare you!" I said ruffling his back to mess it up.

"Anyways, I'm going to go back to bed. See ya dork." He said leaving the kitchen. 

"Wait where do you think you're going?" I said grabbing his wrist to stop him from leaving.

"I just told you love." He said sighing wrapping his hands around my waist. He picked me up from floor and walked to his room.


"Yeah love?" He said sitting me down on the bed.

"Does your mom know, that like. You um" I said hesitating on my question.

"Does she know I like boys? Yeah. She has for a while now actually." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"How did you tell you her? or how did she find out?" I said burying my head into his chest.

"Oh well, when I was about 8 and didn't know that what I liked was considered "wrong" I told my mom about a boy I liked in third grade." Vance said making air quotes with his fingers.

"And she was cool with it? Also who was the boy?" I said looking into his eyes.

"Wow, didn't know you where this dumb. It was you dumb shit obviously!" Vance said laughing.

"Oh, I wish me and my mom where close like that." I said before falling asleep in Vance's arms.

{kinda a bad a chapter and will pick back up tomorrow. I'm tired stay safe fruit cups and I love you all so much! 🥰❤️👍}

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