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"You ok?" I said holding Robins hair back laughing a bit.

"Do I look ok jackass!" He said wiping throw up off of his face.

"Ok smart ass! I'll leave you to it then." I said getting up from the bathroom floor and walking to the door.

"Noooo, please I'm sorry!" He said grabbing my arm.

"Robin, I won't leave you come here." I said giving him a hug.

"Now can we please go to bed?." He groaned.

"Yeah come on," I said picking him up off of the floor.

I put Robin on his bed and sat at his desk. I heard footsteps come into his room and turned my head and seen Ryan walking over to him.

"Hey kid where ya' been?" I said smiling.

"At my friend sam's, he had to cancel the sleepover though. Is Robin ok?" He asked with a look of concern written on his face.

"Oh yeah he'll be fine, he just drank to much at a party." I said chuckling a bit.

"Oh, he's missed you." Ryan said sitting down on Robins bed.

"He has?" 

"Yeah, your all he talks about. Its kind of  annoying but cute at the same time." He said laughing.

"Oh, well you should get to bed. Goodnight Ryan." I said as he got up and left the room. I shut the door quietly and put a hand over my face. Robin missed me?. I walked over to where Robin was and sat down on his bed. I smiled as I brushed hair out of his eyes that had fallen on his face.  He was so pretty I thought to myself as I rested my head on my arm looking at Robin as I continued to caress his cheek slightly.


"You called me "love"?" Bruce said resting his face on his knees.

"Yeah, and?" I said smirking.

"And! Your Vance hopper! You having a soft side like that's just!" He said looking up at me turning pink in the face.

"Just what? Oh shut up yamada go to sleep." I said rolling my eyes.

"But I'm not tired!" He shrieked.

"Yeah well I am. Being a babysitter with no pay is not an easy job." I said flopping onto bed and throwing the blanket over my head.

"Vance? Vance!" He said shaking my shoulder roughly.

"UGH!" I said throwing the pillow over my head also.

"You pinball loving bitch! We are not done with this conversation!" He said yanking the pillow from my hands.

"Ok fine! Cause I love you! Can you shut and go to bed now!?" I said throwing the pillow at him.

"Yeah I'll go to bed now goodnight I love you" He said kissing my forehead. 

"Night" I said wrapping my arms around his waist.


I woke up crying in my sleep. I sat up and buried my face in my hands.

"It's all my fault." I mumbled under my breath.

"What's your fault? Holy shit Finn!" Robin said dropping a cup and rushing over to me.

"What happened!?" He asked grabbing my arms.

"I- um, I- was I was dreaming about the dead kids. It's all my fault........." I said closing my eyes feeling the tears all fall from my face. Robin put his arms around me.

"Finney, what happened to you and the kids is not your fault. It never was and never will be ok?." He said trying to sound strong but I still heard his voice crack. He pulled away and wiped tears off of my face.

"I'm gonna go get something to clean that up with." He said pointing the mess and about to leave before is stopped  him.

"Please, I'll go with you. I- I don't wanna be alone....." I said choking a bit on the last part.

"I wont leave come on Finn," he said taking my hand and walking to the kitchen. We cleaned the mess up and  went to bed after. I buried my head in Robins chest and held onto him for dear life.


I woke up on Monday excited to see Robin and the others again. I got ready and headed out of the door with my sister.


"There's something your not telling me dipshit and I'm gonna find out what it is one way or another!" Vance said yelling.

"I'm not hiding anything I swear!" I said raising the same voice.

"Oh please Robin, the way Finney took care of you at that party he clearly likes you more than a friend." He said rolling his eyes.

"Ok fine, but promise you won't tell anyone else?." I said. That was clearly a stupid thing to say when Vance found out he would immediately tell Bruce like two parents gossiping over they're kids.

"Ummm, I guess I promise."

"Vance!" I said hitting his shoulder this was already hard and him being a smart ass wasn't helping.

"Ok, ok, I won't tell anyone just tell me already before they get here!" He said talking about Finney and the others.

"Ok, well me and Finney are kinda a "thing" I guess." I said.

"I KNEW IT! I fucking knew it!" He said shaking me by the shoulders.

"Vance, let him go he's not one of my sisters rag dolls!" Bruce said taking Vance's hand from my shoulders as he held Vance's hand.

"Oh sorry Robin." He said going red when Bruce grabbed his hand.

"It's ok, I missed you." He said giving Vance a hug. Missed him? 

"Oh hell no!" I said pulling them apart.

"What the hells wrong Robin?" Vance said raising a eyebrow.

"Ohhh! So you can tease me about Finney and shit but I can't tease you about Bruce!? I don't think so. Tell me what the hell this is!" I said pointing to both of them. They both got interrupted by Gwen before they could explain.

"Awww, they make such a cute couple!" She said in a squeaky voice.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" They both snapped.

"Ok jeez, don't start arguing like a married one then!" Finney said laughing as he walked up to us . I laughed at his joke and we walked up the street with Vance and Bruce staying a distance behind us.


"I'm going to fucking end those kids one of these days." Vance said grabbing my hand and looking pissed as he stared daggers into Robin.

"I mean it's kinda deserved." I said rolling my eyes at him. I mean it was true he had been pestering Robin about liking Finney even before Finney went missing for all of those years.

"I know but stilllll!" He said groaning at the last part. I laughed at how stupid he sounded as we made our way to school.

{hey fruit cups! I love guys and hope you had an amazing day today and if you didn't I'm sorry and I hope it gets better! I love you guys stay safe and stay well! 🫶🥰😘}

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