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"I came home and you guys weren't there, what's wrong?" My dad said pulling into our neighborhood street.

"We just went to hang out with friends daddy." My sister lied. It's not like he'd believe her if she told him the grabber was back. Not like he'd understand either. I mean he'd try to, but it wouldn't do him a bit of good and its not every day you hear "your daughters got freaky dreams about a child murderer and sex offender". We got home and Gwen and I went inside as dad turned the car off.

I decided to call Robin to make sure him and Ryan were ok since I left much earlier than him. I picked up the phone and dialed robins number before my dad popped up behind me.

"Hey son who are you calling?" He asked rubbing his eyes of the exhaustion from his job.

"Just my friend Robin," I said pulling a piece of my fluffy hair in front of my face.

"Robin huh, that a girls name?." My dad said chuckling and punching my shoulder slightly. Now I see where Gwen gets that from.

"Ew dad gross! It's not even a girl it's a boy!" I said rolling my eyes. I didn't mean the fact dating Robin was gross, I just thought the "dating topic" in general was gross. 

"Okay son, finish your call and go to bed." My dad sighed as he ruffled hair my lightly before exiting to his room. I laughed at his stupidness and turned back to my phone call.

"Hello?..." Robin asked sounding upset.

"Hey Rob, you seem upset what's wrong? Also I was just calling to make sure you made it home, after you know..." I said my voice trailing off.

"I'm fine Finney, can I call you back I'm kinda busy?" Robin said sounding annoyed.

"Uh, yeah sure, love you bye." I said waiting for his response.

"Mhm." He said before hanging up the phone. 

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling as I contemplated why or what had pissed Robin off.

I might've been Vance,

Maybe his mom,

Wait, what if it was me? I rolled over on my side and closed my eyes shut tightly trying to fall asleep the best I could.

"Shut up." I muttered under my breath at my stupid thoughts that seemed to always follow me.

"Finney? Who are you talking to?" My little sister said as she pushed my bedroom door open more.

"No one Gwen go back to sleep, wait Gwen what the fucks wrong?" I said sitting up to stare at my sister with her tear stained face.

"I just had another dream, and I-I was hoping to sleep in your room tonight?" She said stuttering as she shut the door behind her. I smiled as the memory of mom, Gwen and I lay in bed and slept whenever one of us were upset came flooding back to me. I like to think of my mom in the good thoughts before everything happened.

"Yeah, come on kid." I said scooting over and patting the spot beside me. She smiled and sat next to me leaning her head on my shoulder. I smiled and patted the top of her head before we both fell asleep only to wake up to a shitty Monday, beginning another shitty week.


I felt bad for hanging up on Finney especially with how he's been for the past two weeks. Needless to say that night I didn't sleep. 

When that stupid alarm went off I grumbled at the thought of having to see Finney and the others when I just wanted to sleep and never set foot in that school again.

I put on a black t-shirt and some baggy jeans with a red jacket over it before going to get Ryan, I might be stupid but Ryan was my top priority, I mean that's what good older brothers do.

"RY! COME ON!" I shouted from downstairs waiting for my brother as I double checked my house key to make sure I had the right the right one. Ryan came down the stairs still avoiding eye contact with me as we headed out of the door.

I rolled my eyes, knowing Ryan was right about last night but I wasn't going to let him know that. We met Vance, Bruce, Billy and Griffin at the end of the street waiting for us as usual but with no Finney or Gwen.

"Hey guys wheres Finn and Gwen?" I asked looking around for the other two siblings.

"is Finney seriously all you care about!?" My brother shouted at me.

"The hells up with those two?" Bruce whispered to Vance.

"Ryan what's been your fucking problem these past few days!?" I sighed raising my voice only a little as I pinched the bridge of my nose feeling it beginning to bleed. 

"My problem!?" He said his voice going faint in my ears. 

"Should we pull them apart before things get physical?" Vance whispered back to Bruce as my brother shoved me.

"Answer me asshole!" He screamed before I punched him in the face. 

"Robin god damnit!" Vance said pulling me back from gutting my brother right in the street.

"Vance, I've got Ryan, and Billy." Bruce said turning on his heel and walking the other direction of the school taking the two smaller boys with him. I guess that meant me and Griffin were with Vance.

"You two never fight what's wrong." Vance sighed as we waited the for bell to ring.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said lifting my head up to keep the nosebleed in as the bell burst into ringing.

{hey guy sorry for not posting my mental health has been shit and I needed a break :) love you guys stay safe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰}

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