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"Look kid, if you don't want to talk them Bruce and I will sit in there with you." I said putting a hand on Finn's shoulder as he about to go into the interrogation room to talk with detectives about the Grabber.

"Thanks Vance, but I'll be fine." Finn said smiling.

"Of course kid we'll be outside..." I said ruffling his hair and taking Bruce's hand walking outside of the police station. We found Robin, Gwen, griffin and Billy sitting on the steps of the station keeping each other company.

"Hey, he ok?" Robin asked looking up slightly as Bruce and I sat down beside him.

"Yeah he ok?" Griffin asked concern written on his face for the older boy inside.

"Yeah, for the most part. He's acting like my mom on her seventh cup of coffee." I said as Bruce rested his head on my shoulder.

"Vance." Robin said in a cold tone.

"What Rob?" 

"Your not funny." He said laughing slightly.

"What do you mean? I'm fucking hilarious!" I said elbowing his side. 

"Shh! Gwen!?" Robin whisperer shouted at me pointing to small girl asleep on his left shoulder.

"Ok, ok I'm shutting up!" I said looking out into the dark roads of the night as cars passed by us.


"Mr. Blake would you be "ok" describing the grabber to us?" The police officer asked tapping his pen on his notepad waiting for my response. I stared down at the floor picking at the loose skin on my fingers without answering.

"Mr Blake." The officer asked getting impatient with me.

"Right, sorry, but don't call him that name. His names Albert. Um tall, grey and slightly brown hair, brown eyes. That's really it. And that mask, that hideous mask." I said shivering remembering that disgusting mask he wore to hide his guilt from the victims he brutally took the lives and childhoods of.  

"You writing this down? Okay Mr. Blake would you describe the time when he held you captive?" The other officer asked turning to the taller guy beside him.

"Well, it was spent in the basement for a few months after he'd let my friends go. Then after those few months he'd let me come out more and more soon he moved me upstairs in a spare bedroom he had. I guess he done it to get back into his sick games..." I said sighing out my reply.

"Uh-huh I see, and why didn't you leave sooner?" The detective asked looking up from his notepad.

"He'd threaten me, and he'd threaten to hurt the kid he hade in the basement if I even dared step a foot out of that house. He'd only let me out to go to this hill I found comfort in, and to the grocery store, he'd be there though." I said staring back down at the floor.

"Mr Blake we decided we weren't going to tell you and your friends about this but when your sister called us we decided it was time to tell the truth. When police went in the home after your escape we couldn't find Albert. Or any trace of him being there. The house that your sister found was his previous house, yes but had been sitting alone for months." My blood ran cold hearing the officers words. 

Where was he?

He was still out there?

Was he still kidnapping kids?

I started to get scared and my breath felt like it got stuck in my throat and I couldn't breath. I stared to panic and my hands became shaky.

"Mr. Blake? Mr. Blake we're going to need you to clam down ok?" The officers words became slurred and started to go faint as my vision blurred.


"SIR! Your friend passed out in there, he's not breathing right we called an ambulance and-" the detective said rushing outside and tried to speak before being interrupted by Vance.

"The fuck do you mean he's not breathing right!?" Vance said standing to his feet making us all jump to our feet as well. 

"We've called an ambulance we just told him the grabber was gone when we searched the house and he freaked out and just-" Vance lost his absolute shit and shoved the guy out of his way rushing inside to make sure Finney was ok with all of us trailing behind him. 

We rushed inside the room to see Finney sitting in a chair with an officer trying to get him to wake up.

"The fuck did you do to him!?" Vance said shoving the other officer out his way to check on Finney. The ambulance workers soon filled the room and took Finn to get him help.

We all got inside of the ambulance as there was no way we were leaving Finn by himself. I couldn't loose Finney. Not now. I mentally cursed myself for leaving him alone in that room. 

(They're all waiting in a waiting room)


Robin was pacing the hallway as the three younger kids rested in chairs beside Vance and I as we all awaited to here what the doctors had to say about Finney.

"I knew we should've waited in that damn room with him..." Vance said running a hand through his blond curls moving them out of his face.

"Here turn around..." I said taking my hair tie off of my wrist as he turned around.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I pulled his hair back.

"You'll see." I said as I finished putting his hair in a bun.

"Oh, thanks love." Vance said grabbing his shoulder and looking to the side to avoid the fact that he liked his hair.

"Mhm, you looking like a Barbie doll looks cute." I said crossing my arms as Vance's face quickly changed to pissed off and angry.

"Oh shut the hell up. Robin you good over there?" Vance said looking towards the younger boy who had just sat down in chair beside the three sleeping kids.

"Oh yeah, I'm great Vance! Finney is passed out in a fucking hospital with a psychotic child murderer on the loose! Yeah I'm great! My life's fucking perfect right now!" Robin said losing his mind with the amount of stress going through it right now. 

"Bruce, go fix Robin." Vance said nudging me towards the shorter boy. Vance had always said I had been good at calming people down but when it came to Robin I didn't know what to do.

"Robin, Finneys gonna be fine. He just had minor panic attack, it happens." I said walking towards him before he just grabbed me into a hug and sobbed.

"Its all my fault." Robin said as his muffled crying became slightly louder.

"It's not your fault Robin. It's gonna be okay Robin, you're ok..." I said hugging the smaller boy back as we held each other waiting on the doctors to come back with results on Finney.

{hey sweet fruit cups have any of you watched terrifier? If you have I love you even more now ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Stay safe sweet fruit cups and take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Also if you have tell me what you thought of it please I loved it and David he takes playing Art to the fullest and is just so kind}

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