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"Okay, so let me get this straight. You've seen the grabber in your dreams, Vance and Bruce found that stupid book in the library, and you WEREN'T GONNA TELL ME!?" I said raising my voice at Gwen.

"I'm sorry Robin, but we need to get home and call the police, in class I had a dream of him coming to..." she muttered her voice going soft.

"Going to what Gwen!?" I said starting to walk back to my house.

"Look let's just go get Ryan and Finney!" She said frantically as she grabbed my hand and starting running out of the woods.

"Why are they ok!?" I said as Gwen started to run faster.

"I don't know but if we hurry they will be!" She said as made it out of the woods.

We made it to my house and seen Finney sitting on the porch looking pissed with Ryan. I took a big sigh of relieve that Ryan and Finn were ok.

"Hey dumbass! Wrong damn key!" Ryan said tossing me the key.

"Here asshole quit cussing." I said handing him the correct key as he opened the door.

"Learned it from youuuu!" He said as he walked inside.

"Gwen whatever I did to make you mad I'm sorry..." Finn said going to give Gwen a hug which she didn't answer him and just latched onto him for dear life.

"Finney, I'm not mad at you, I'm worried for you..." she said burying her head in his arms.

"Gwen why? Are you ok?" He said as she looked up at him with her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Just call Vance and Bruce," she said almost in a whisperer. I made my way inside my house shutting the door behind Finn, and Gwen who were still holding each other as I called Vance.

"Hello?" He said with a tone of annoyance.

"Hey,...Gwen wants to talk to you, and Bruce." I said hoping Vance would come and cheer this kid up or try to.


I was eating dinner with my mom, Amy, and Bruce when the phone rang.

"I'll get it." I said getting up from the table to answer the phone since Bruce was talking to my mom.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone. I mean who the hell would be calling this house on a Thursday.

"Hey,...Gwen wants to talk to you, and Bruce." Robin said.

"Wow can't even eat dinner can I?" I said leaning on the wall teasing Robin.

"Oh shit, sorry Vance." He muttered.

"I'm kidding! Yeah just let Bruce and I finish eating and we'll be over there, tell Gwen I said hi." I said. Truth is I was done with dinner a long time ago.

"Who was it love?" Bruce said putting his plate in the sink. He'd been real skeptical of the phone lately probably because of his asshole parents.

"Oh it was just  Gwen, Finn, And Robin. He was wanting us to come over. Apparently Gwen wants to talk to both of us." I said tying my shoes as Bruce got his doing the same.

"Why? Are they ok?" He said with a look of concern written on his face.

"I, don't know actually. Let's just go check on them ok?" I said taking his hand and walking out of the door.


Gwen was in her room doing something. She wouldn't tell me or Robin what she was doing either. I figured once Bruce and Vance got here we'd get her out of her room.

"Your leg is shaking." Robin said leaning on my shoulder as I clasped my hands together looking down at my leg which was indeed, shaking.

"Shit...sorry." I said avoiding eye contact with Robin.

"What do you think she's doing in there?" Robin said pointing to Gwen's slightly opened bedroom door.

"I don't know, if I've learned anything from you and her it's that you both don't like being forced to talk." I said elbowing his shoulder ever so slightly.

"Ha, no, I mean...is she okay?" He said looking forward out of the living room window.

"Robin, that's a question I don't think I can answer." I muttered in almost a whisper before the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it and seen Vance and Bruce standing there holding hands with Vance's left hand shoved into his pocket.

"Hey guys come on in." I said moving to the side to let them both in. 

"Gwen! They're here!" Robin said shouting to my little sister as she came out of her room holding seven pieces of folded paper and a sad fake smile written on her face.

"Hey Gwen you ok?" Bruce said giving her a hug which she immediately returned as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"What did you two do to my favorite kid!" Vance said also giving Gwen a hug.

"Nothing Vance that hurt!" Robin said crossing his arms dramatically. Vance laughed at Robin as Gwen spoke.

"Ok but seriously guys you might wanna sit down for this..." Gwen said as the five of us sat on the couch staring up at the serious sounding Gwen.

"The Grabber, he's coming back and he's plotting something. I see him in my dreams. Something bad is gonna happen and I just wanted you guys to spend the night. All of you. To keep you guys safe." She said fiddling with her fingers as she awaited a response from everyone.

"Of course Gwen, I mean Ryan loves ya." Robin said ruffling the shorter boys hair which caused Ryan to smack his elder brothers hand away.

"Sure, whatever makes you feel safe kid." Vance said shrugging his shoulders and throwing one around Bruce. Gwen just smiled for the first time in a while and gave us all a group hug.

"You guys are the best..." she said her brunette hair bouncing on her shoulders as she hugged all of us.

"OKAY THATS ENOUGH!" Vance shouted causing everyone to begin laughing as Gwen let us all go still smiling from ear to ear. 

{hey my sweet fruit cups, kinda of a short chapter because my little cousin came over and wore me out today. I swear if she was a candy she'd be fundip. Super sweet, and 99 percent made of sugar 😂 love you fruit cups with all my heart stay safe and well and thanks for Al, the support on the books I write ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗❤️💗❤️❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗💗🥰🥰🫶}

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