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(May have mistakes)


"So how long has these nosebleeds been happening mr Arellano?" The doctor asked tapping his pen on his notepad waiting for my response.

"Umm, a couple months." I said picking at the loose skin around my fingers.

"Hmm, I see, Mrs. Arellano May I speak to you outside?" The doctor said standing up from his desk chair and pointing outside of the small room we were sat in.

"Yes, of course." My mother said standing up and walking outside of the room. They closed the door behind them which I found kinda odd considering I was the one with the nosebleeds so whatever they were saying I thought I should hear. Shouldn't I?. I pressed my ear up to the door and listened in on their "private conversation".

"The only reasonable answer I can come up with for your son is that his nosebleeds are probably caused from built up stress, and or something in his past that he's been keeping secret?" The doctor said through a muffled voice.

"How do we make them stop?" My mother said in also a kind of muffled voice her temper rising.

"Well, was there anything particularly traumatic that happened in your sons past that...particularly stuck with him? I know he was a victim of the well known "Grabber" or Albert." He said his voice going soft.

"He has a best friend named Finney who was took for a long time, he kinda spiraled into a different type of person after that...not coming out of his room, staying home from school, not seeing his friends, all of that stuff..." 

"Well then that might be why he has such bad nosebleeds like this. He might have had those memories come back after Finney Blake was found. Here I can recommend a family friend who's a good therapist in situations like these." 

"Okay, we'll try it thanks again." My said entering the room again.

"Do you think I could speak with your son in private?" 

"Uh, sure, just do yourself a favor and don't force him to talk to you. Ok?" 

I quickly took my ear from the door and sat back down in my chair hearing them walking back into the room.

"Carino, the doctor wants to speak with you in private, I'll be in the car." My mother said taking a pen and signing her name out of the doctors office.

"Okay mom..." I said ready to leave. She made me go see a doctor about the nosebleeds after she caught me staining her bathroom sink blood red before school this morning. I never thought I'd miss school as much as I did right now.

"Okay son, have you had any headaches, nightmares, or anything like that?" I silently shook my head no, fully aware I had been having a splitting migraine since I woke up this morning.

"Ok, I guess there's nothing else we can do except give you some medicine and send you home for a few days." 

Well going to the doctor was absolutely stupid I thought as I waited in the car on mom to get out the pharmacy with my "medicine".

 "So are you dying Rob?" Ryan asked jokingly but I knew he actually wanted a reasonable answer.

"No, I have two days to live" I said rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny be serious, I care about you 'ya know" 

"Yeah I know, I care about you too and I'll be fine, I'll just have to stay out of school for a few days"  I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Awww! Are you kidding me!" He said in a whiny voice. 

"Ha, I wish I was" I said smiling at him.

 "Ok boys, Ryan lets get you to school and Robin you back home and in bed" my mom said shutting her car door back.

"But I'm not tired?" 

"Mhm, Robin you were bleeding from your nose like something crazy at four in the damn morning. Your going to sleep" she said not taking her eyes off of the road. 

"Bye mom, bye Robin hope you feel better" Ryan said getting out of the car and waving us bye. 

"Bye Ry..." I said missing my little brother already.

We drove in silence for a little bit until curiosity got the best of me.

"How long is this going to be for?" I asked hoping I wouldn't be out of school for long.

"The doctor said a week or two? I don't know yet" she said pulling into the driveway.

"Oh come on!" I said crossing my arms and dreading this week, or possibly two. 

"Robin honey, I'm only doing this because I love you ok?" 

"Ok" I said getting out of the car and awaiting this week being stuck home like a rabid animal that needed to be sheltered from the world.


"Hey Finney, Finney, Finney, Finn?" Gwen said waving her hand in front of my face as we walked home from school.

"What?" I asked wondering what she wanted.

"What's on your mind? I was trying to tell you something funny!" She said walking backwards.

"Oh sorry Gwen, it's nothing what happened?" 

"Some random girl stole Amy's seat today at lunch and Susie told her to move and she didn't so Amy said if she didn't get up she would write her name on the seat and her big ass forehead!" Gwen said shouting to whole neighborhood which neither of us were in a mood to care. I was actually worried about Robin and Ryan. They hadn't showed up to school at all today. 

"Classic Amy, I'll have to tell Bruce about that" I said making a note of it to call him later.

"I know right! ashes the coolest person ever"  she said throwing her hands up excitedly when she talked about Amy.

"So what happened after that?" I asked generally listening.

"The girl went crying to the teacher like a little bitch and then Amy got sent to the office, and yes she did write her name on the seat and her forehead" 

"Hm, so now she owns the seat and her?" I asked elbowing Gwen's shoulder to which she just matched my smirk and started laughing.

"Yup!" She said giggling. I loved talking with my little sister, despite her age she was pretty nice to talk to.

{hey fruit cups sorry for taking so long to post a  new chapter I'm sick and my asthma gets really bad when I'm sick 😅 I was once hospitalized because of it, but anyway I love guys and stay safe! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️}

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