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"Come on Finn, pleaseee!" I said pulling him up from the ground.

"Alright fine, we can go home." He said handing me my stuff.

"Thanks hermoso" I said taking my stuff from his hands.

"W-what?" He said as he walked down the hill.

"Oh I forgot you don't know Spanish. Never mind!" I said wanting to change the subject. I'm glad Finn was clueless the way he was.

"That better not be name calling you just did!" He said hitting my shoulder slightly.

"Oh it wasn't. Or was it?" I said crossing my arms teasing him.

"You jerk! Tell me!" He said pulling on my arm.

"Ok fine! It means stupid."  I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh ok, Thanks Rob I'll see ya tomorrow!" He said giving me a hug. I put my hand in his curly hair and hugged him back.

"Bye Finn," 

I decided to go bother the hell out of Vance for a bit as I seen Finney shut the door to his house.

"VANCE! Let me in you perra!" I said beating on the door. I heard footsteps for a bit before the door swung open.

"What do you want Rob it's 5:30 on a Tuesday!" He said moving out of the way. I walked in and noticed Bruce's book bag sitting on the floor.

"I don't know I was bored and wanted to bother the shit out of you." I said smirking.

"Yeah now that I believe." He said rolling his eyes.

"Is Bruce here?" I said following Vance down the hall to his room.

"Yeah, I needed some notes from social studies cause I hate the bitch in there that teaches it." He said as we walked in the room.

"Yeah, Finney is a better teacher." I said jokingly.

"Can it Robin your just mad because Bruce can play baseball better!" He said also joking. We walked into Vance's room and Bruce was sitting on Vance's bed drawing something and smiling to himself.

"Hey, what are you drawing?" Vance said walking over to Bruce.

"I-Uh! Nothing!" He said quickly slamming the notebook shut turning red.

"Haha! Are you seriously not gonna show me?" Vance said with "really" look on his face.

"No cause I wasn't drawing anything!" 

"You are such a liar and you suck at it. Just saying." Vance said rolling his eyes.

"Shit! I gotta go." Bruce said hopping up from the bed and walking down the hallway.

"Again? It's only 6:00." Vance said grabbing Bruce's shoulder.

"Look we'll hang out soon I promise!" He said giving Vance a hug quickly leaving.

"Bye," Vance said sadly.

"Bye!" Bruce said picking his bike up from the grass and quickly pedaling away. Vance shut the door and turned around to me.

"Are you okay?" I said stepping towards him. 

"Y-yeah, never been b-better." He said sighing and pushing his hair up.

"No your not, you've got tears in your eyes."  I said giving him a hug.

"I don't need you to worry about me Robin. I appreciate it but you've got to much to deal with right now." He said putting a hand on my head.

"Bitch like what!?" I said pulling away from the hug and looking up at him.

"School dummy. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said rushing me out of the door.

"Bye Vance." 

"Bye Robin." He said before he shut the door. I walked home and wondered if Vance would be okay. Why would Bruce leave early? I stopped at my front porch and got my keys out of my bag. I found the key and twisted the key in the lock and stepped inside.

"RYAN! I'm home!" I called. I heard footsteps running towards me and he gave me a hug.

"Your back!" He yelled.

"Did someone walk you home?" I asked.

"Yeah, sam did." He said blushing.

"Ohhhh did he now?" I said teasing my little brother about his crush.

"Shut up! How was studying with Finney?" He asked as we both walked into the kitchen.

"Good I guess. He gave me a hug and I wanted to die! He's so freaking cute!" 

"Haha! He does seem nice. Can I go to sam's house this weekend?" Ryan asked standing in front of me.

"Yeah I guess but make sure you tell Tio before you go I'm staying at Finn's this weekend."

"K! Thanks Rob!" He said turning on his heel and walking out of the kitchen.


"Bruce honey were have you been!" My mom shouted rushing up to me. 

"Oh ya' know Vance needed help with social studies." I said taking my shoes off and leaving them by the door. My moms nose scrunched up at the thought of Vance. I don't know why my parents hate Vance so much he's not a bad guy at all he's just misunderstood. But my dad was first to speak.

"Bruce." He said his voice cold as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, dad?." I said turning around.

"I don't like you hanging out with that Vance kid." 

"But why? He's my best friend." 

"Because he's a bad influence and that could rub off on you got it?" He said i didn't answer him. I just shoved him out of my way and headed up to my room. I slammed the door behind me and put my back up against it. I sobbed into my knees before I heard soft knocking on my door.

"Bruce, it's Amy can I come in." She asked. I could stay mad at my parents forever but I couldn't stay mad at my sister not for long anyway. I got up from the floor and opened the door. She stepped inside and gave me a hug.

"It's ok Bruce, there's nothing wrong with Vance he's a sweet guy and I know it!" She said looking up  at me.

"Thanks Amy, I just wish they had the same mindset as you do." I said patting her head.

"Sooooooo, what did you guys dooooo?" She asked being nosy like always. I shut the door so my parents couldn't hear our conversation.

"Well we studied, and talked for a bit." I said hugging my pillow.

"Ugh! Boring! I want the love stuff!" She said getting up from my bed.

"Goodnight Amy!" I called out to her as she shut the door behind her. I got my notebook out and flipped to the page with the drawing in it. The drawing of Vance. I shaded it a little more and wrote his name next to it. I smiled as I thought of seeing him at school with no bother of my parents. I just wish they could see Vance for who he really was and not his anger issues. I loved Vance and nothing my parents said or did was ever gonna keep me from him or the way I felt about him. I fell asleep after cutting the light off and thinking of my friends.

{can I just get a nickname for you guys instead of luvs I mean y'all are my pride and joy but I want like a cute nickname for you guys so leave your suggestions. Stay safe and well my precious baby's ily all so so so so much.❤️} also may have mistakes.

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