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(May have mistakes because once again time crunch and please to holy Jesus don't slander me you know who are 🫵💀🫵) 


"I'm just saying! How is that bullying!? That's an obvious observation!" I said, well pretty much screamed in Vance's words, as I picked at my hands around my scarred knuckles. I was telling Vance and Bruce about how I called a kid a dick in the hallway and got in trouble for it.

"Ok! I hear you! Are you talking to me or the whole damn school!?" Vance whisperer shouted as everyone began to look at us. 

"Sorry," I whispered back as everyone turned back around and looked the other direction.

"Yeah, look back over there fuckers" Bruce mumbled under his breath thinking neither of us heard it.

"Well I'll see 'ya later nerd" Vance said pushing the corridor door open before him and bruce walked to Vance's moms car.

"Bye, then" I mumbled under my breath as I continued waiting for Ryan. 

Ry finally walked outside looking pissed while Sam and some other girl held hands. Poor kid, he really liked him.

"Bye Ry!" Sam said giving the short curly headed boy a hug which he seemed nervous to return.

"Mhm, b-bye" he said smiling standing still awkwardly before Sam finally let go and walked away. Fidgeting with his hoodie strings as we walked home I decided to wait a little bit before asking him what was wrong.

"So, what's up with smiley?" I asked talking about the brunette haired girl that Sam and Ry were with.

Breathing in a big breath he finally answered.

"Smiley" is Sam's girlfriend" Ryan said grabbing his left arm squeezing it tightly.

"Oh Ry, I'm so sorry" 

"Heh, yeah, but I don't care! If he's happy, then well I'm happy" he said heading inside the house as is good there kind of glad my brother didn't care, but it still seemed like he was bothered by it.

"Ok" I sighed before following after him.


Telling Robin I didn't care sucked. It felt like I had been in a ten year coma and just woke up. Woke up to find my best friend wanting nothing to do with me anymore. 

"Hey Ry!" Sam shouted excitedly as I shut my locker and turned around to face him. 

"Oh, hey" I mumbled looking down at the ground.

"Anyway this is Jessica, long version for Jessie or Jess!" He said playfully shoving a girl with brown hair and a purple jacket hanging off of her shoulders wearing baggy black pants towards me. We both kinda stood there awkwardly before Sam's class started filling in with other students and he had to leave. Mine wasn't for another ten minutes and I didn't know how long Jessie's was for.

"Ahem, so you must be Ryan, right?" She asked clearing her throat and holding her hand out for me to shake.

"Yeah, I'm Ryan, but you can call me Ry if you want to" I said shaking her hand which made her face light up.

"Oh thank goodness! I thought you'd be hard to get along with!" She said taking her hand back as I closed my notebook and stuffed it in my bag.

"What makes you say that?" I wondered why I would be hard to get along with. I mean I know my brother gives off serial killer and death threat vibes, but he's really just got adhd and is bad at communication skills.

"Well, I mean Sam talks about how great of a friend you are but uh, you just kinda give off the killer kinda vibe, I mean the black baggy clothes? Not trying to be rude or anything!" she said waving her hands in a nervous way.

"Oh, well I'm Ryan, and totally not a killer I swear" I said holding up my hands in the same motion Jessie did.

"Ok Ryan! Do you prefer Ry or Ryan?" She asked with a smile.

"Ry actually! Do you prefer Jess or Jessie?" I asked returning the smile.

"Ugh! Your making my life hard! Umm, Jessie!" I was supposed to be sad about this girl but I just couldn't be. If I was making her life hard then I'd love to see her walk in my shoes.

"Oh well that's my bell! See 'ya Ry!" And that was pretty much how the entire day went. I just third wheeled with Jessie and Sam the entire day the few times we did see each other. 


"Hey Sam? Can I talk to you?" Jessie asked grabbing my hand as we walked home.

"Uh, yeah what's up?" I asked looking to the shorter girl beside me.

"Has Ry ever like, had a crush on you?" That question left me kinda stumped.

"What do you mean? Of course not! Ryan is not like that" I said brushing her question off. I mean was Ry like that? 

"Sam." She said giving me a dead tone of voice.

"What!" I asked getting sick of her talking about Ryan like that.

"Fine then, until you come to your senses and crawl out of your denial in Egypt river then we'll talk, but he loves you just know that" she said walking inside her house slamming the door behind her.

I went home just as Jessie did and decided to call Ryan. 

"Come on Ry, pick up the fucking phone" I mumbled under my breath.

"Who?" Jay asked stepping out of his room and walking behind me. Jay was my older and annoying noisy brother.

"None of your damn business." I said rolling my eyes when someone answered the phone.

"Hello?" Some older guys voice said answering the phone.

"Hi, do I have the wrong number can I speak to Ryan?" Wondering if the older guy was Ryan's scary elder brother.

"Uh, who is this?"

"Sam? Friend from school?" I asked about to hang up the phone before muffled yelling was heard from the other end.

"RY! PHONE!" The voice shouted before Ryan picked up the small device.


"Hey Ry! It's me can I talk to you somewhere more private?" I asked glaring at the noisy ass boy across from me.

"Uh yeah sure let me just ask Robin" he said dripping the phone.


"Robin please!" I asked pleading with my brother.

"Nope, no" he said shaking his head.


"Alright fine! I'll see you later just be home before ten" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Thanks Rob!" I screamed excitedly giving him a hug.

"Okay now let me go before I punch your ass!" He said jokingly before shoving me off of him. 

I slid my shoes back on and walked down the stairs and out of the door walking to Sam's.

{hey fruit cups! Chapter today because I promised sorry it's out so late I was listening to music and didn't realize how late it was lmao but thanks to everyone who liked my drawing of Ryan y'all are literally the best thing that has ever happened to me, I know I say this a lot but writing both of my books has been the best choice I've ever made and if I could write them all over again I would! Love your fruit cups and take care! ❤️❤️❤️❤️}

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