Chapter 8. Bucky reads the books and learns about the ranks

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"Why am I having these thoughts about me and her." Bucky thought to himself, as he looked at her as she walked over to him with about four to five books.

He was amazed at how big the books were and how she could carry them with ease, he wondered how strong werewolves were but he wondered if the thoughts he was having was his wolf instead of him.

Shadow got the books and carried them over to Bucky, she sat them down on her bed next to him. "These books are really really old, but they have a lot of a information to help you with controlling your wolf.

One thing I have learned though, in order for you and your wolf to work together you both have to get to know each other and figure out how to get along. Trust me it took a long time before I did, so now I basically use my wolf's name as a code/alies name." Shadow said, as she looked around her room for a moment.

Bucky looked at the books then at her as he listened, he nodded his head not sure how him and his wolf were going to get along or let alone get to know each other but he was willing to figure it out.

"I don't know if him and I will get along, but I will try my best to understand him." Bucky said, as he watched her look around her room before he picked up a book and looked at it. He however looked up from the book, when he heard her clearing off her desk along with her making a nest in the corner of a room which he thought was kinda strange.

"You can read at my desk if you want too and if you want, you can stay here for the night. I am fine with you taking the bed while I sleep in my nest, I know it looks and sounds weird but it's comfortable." Shadow mumbled shyly as she smiled a little, before going back to making her nest while letting Bucky read.

Bucky chuckled softly at her shyness, his expression was soft though.

"Are you sure you okay with me taking your bed? It feels off since normally the woman gets the bed

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"Are you sure you okay with me taking your bed? It feels off since normally the woman gets the bed." Bucky asked her gently, he wasn't to keen on taking her bed but if she wanted to lay in the corner in her nest that she was making he knew that he probably couldn't change her mind.

Shadow looked at him and nodded her head lightly, as she gently gave him a small smile. "I'm sure, you are the guest in my room so yes. Plus I figured maybe the bed would help you to sleep a bit better, I know you've been having a hard time sleeping so I thought maybe since you slept here before without a nightmare maybe you wouldn't have a nightmare and could get some sleep if you stayed here tonight." Shadow said gently, her alpha instincts wanted him to be able to sleep and to get some rest without having bad dreams of flashbacks.

"I...I'm actually gonna go get something to eat, did you want or need anything?" She asked him as she pulled on her hoodie shirt a bit, she wanted to make sure that she got them both something if he wanted anything before she left to go get some food along with something to drink.

"A sandwich and a glass of water." Bucky said as he looked at the book on his lap that he was trying to read, he looked up when he heard her let out a okay before leaving the room to go get them both something to eat.

Once her door was closed, he smiled to himself as he got up and carried the first book over to her desk to read it.
He sat down in the chair and started to read it, he turned the small light on as he sat there reading waiting on her to come back with food and drinks.

mean while in the kitchen....

Shadow closed her door and shook off her wolf's thoughts with a small smile still on her face, as she headed to the kitchen where Peggy and Wanda were talking to Steve. She ignored their conversation as she grabbed stuff out for sandwiches after she washed, she then got down plates and cups. Shadow then got busy to making their sandwiches and since she had made Bucky one that night a few days ago, it's been his favorite ever since so she made it that way every time.

"You two really should be talking things about before your cycle gets triggered, you know what will happen if you can't control her. I don't want to see either of you get hurt or worse for that matter, Steve and I are worried about him, along you and it worries us especially since your both our friends." Peggy told her with concern and care for her, because Peggy know how shadow/Shauna got when her cycle looped around but it was gonna be harder for her now since Bucky was a werewolf with a cycle too sorta, but his was gonna be bad.

"I want to tell him Peggy, but I don't want to ruin anything between us that we have going on right now. My main focus is helping him, I know my cycle is starting soon but that's what I'm afraid it could trigger his wolf early and making things bad for him. Especially since he's gonna be in misery once it starts from his wolf being suppressed for so long....sigh....I'll tell him how I feel just not tonight, he needs to control it better and learn to work with his wolf." Shauna honestly didn't want him to get hurt either, but Buck needed to understand his wolf side before she tells him how she feels about him since she really does care about him.

Bucky was in her room still reading the first book, he was learning a lot of the wolves and their ranks but as he studied the book he noticed that the ranks that had the most hard times were the alphas and omegas since both had some sorta cycle and we're miserable for a week, or sometimes a few days before that week.

"Is that why I'm been acting all moody? But that means......I'm a alpha?" Bucky thought as his brain started to over think about what could happen or would happen, he winced as his head started to throb again along with him starting to feel his wolf wanting out.

"Her wolf is my mate, my Luna." Bucky's wolf spoke to him in his head, Bucky sat there listening to his wolf but he saw the moon started to shine through the room and onto the book. Bucky noticed a secret page glowing in the light, he pulled the page out and looked at it and was stunned at what he read.

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