Chapter 30. Bucky learns about what happened

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Shauna's pov.

I laid there on the bed in pain after Bucky laid me down on it gently, I whined and cried not sure what to do about the pain I was feeling. I know that Bucky was confused and had no idea what had happened, but I couldn't get my mouth to move in order for me to talk with how bad it hurt.

I opened my pained eyes when I felt Bucky cover himself up with the sheet, before leaning his arm over me and sitting his hand on my stomach gently. I curled up a bit as I laid there on my left side, facing the wall til I felt the twins kicking my stomach kinda hard which made me groan softly in pain. "Friday is Helen busy?" I asked the ai. "No, miss Rogers. She's on her way up with some equipment to check on you and the babies. You need to relax miss Rogers."
I groaned softly. "I'll try too, thanks Friday." I told the ai, before uncurling a bit before curling right back up.

Bucky's pov.

I pulled myself up onto the bed and winced, as I watched Shauna lie there in pain. I gently covered myself up, before leaning my arm over her gently and sitting it on her belly. I was a bit worried and concerned for her and the twins. Their kicks were awfully strong, and they seemed to be in pain like their mom was.

I felt her stomach, before stopping my hand over where I had felt one of the twins kicking which made my eyes go wide. Their were a lot stronger then when I left this morning, I listened as Shauna talked to Friday. I wanted to ask her what happened, but I could tell by her talking that she was struggling to because of the pain. "Friday what happened?" I asked the ai, as I rubbed my mates belly gently trying to comfort our twins as they kicked and moved around.

"Miss Rogers was attacked by a agent while you were away mister Barnes." Friday told me, which made my jaw clench in anger. "I should've known." I thought, before looking at the door as Helen came into the room with some equipment and what looked like a ultrasound machine.

End of Bucky's pov.

Helen came up to their floor and took the equipment to their bedroom as fast as possible, she quickly made it to the room and nudged the door open more before wheeling everything over to the bed. "Miss Rogers, I know it hurts but I'm gonna need you to lay somewhat propped up so I can check on the babies alright to see what's going on?" She told her, before nodded at Bucky for him to carefully help her.

Bucky nodded his head at Helen, before gently helping Shauna lay somewhat propped up against the headboard with some pillows supporting her. He then held her hand and kissed her head gently as he stayed close by her side. "Gotcha doll I'm here." He told her softly. "I'm here."

Shauna whined a bit as Bucky held her hand and stayed close to her, she watched as Helen got the ultrasound machine ready and turned it on. Before looking at Bucky then down at her belly, she gave him a look of help which took him a few minutes before he caught on and helped her pull up her shirt gently. She looked like she wanted to cry with how bruised up her stomach was, she then whimpered a bit as the cool jelly hit her stomach. "I'm sorry." She get weak for crying at how much pain she was in.

Bucky shushed her and felt bad for her, he wanted to cry knowing that this was all his fault because he wasn't there to protect her. "Don't be...this..this isn't your fault. Your aloud to show emotions doll. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you the strongest and bravest woman I know.  I love you doll." Bucky said as he fought back his own emotions, before looking at Helen when she called his name. "What is it?" He asked her.

Helen was doing the ultrasound and noticed something different about the twins from earlier, they were much bigger and had gotten quite stronger. "Sargent Barnes?" She asked, before showing him and Shauna both the screen. "The dose of the serum you were given, seems to have sped up the process of their growth and their strength."

"Which means what exactly?" Bucky asked her, he was now really worried for her and the twins knowing this couldn't be good for any of them. "It means, she could have them in three to two months." Helene told him.

Shauna's eyes went wide as she looked at Bucky for a loss for words, before looking back at Helen and the screen. "So...your telling me this was done on purpose?" She asked her as she fought back the lump in her throat. "That's what it looks like.
They seem to be healthy other wise, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can for you to keep them from bruising your stomach.
Your healing seems to be working just more slowly, you've been through quite lot these past few weeks.
Which is why you are to take it easy and rest up. Barnes I'm trusting you to take good care of her, she is your mate and since you'll be off mission for awhile Friday I'd going to keep watch. If anyone comes in or out you'll know who it is." 

Helen printed them off some images and gave them to Bucky. "I will come back up in a couple of days to check up on you and I left some lotions on the shelf of the machine to help with the pain at least some of it. But if anything else happens or if you start to feel worse let me know. Congratulations you two, you'll be good parents." With that she left her equipment in the corner of the bed room for now, before leaving the room to give them both some privacy.

"Will do Helen thank you." Bucky told her, before looking at his mate once she had left. "What serum?" He asked her, as he held her hand gently and looked at her worriedly. "Shauna please tell me, I'm not angry with you. Please doll just tell me."

Shauna took a deep breath and let it out as she squeezed his hand and nodded her head. "Shortly after you guys had left. Groan...I was jumped by a agent when Peggy went to get the hot water bottle for me that is now cold. She was out of the room when it happened...I was given a dose of the super soldier serum."

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