Chapter 25. T.P.C.B. Part 11. Taken.

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Shauna was down stairs in the avengers living room quarters talking to Wanda, when her phone rang but she had a bad feeling as she picked up the phone seeing that it was her fiancé calling her. "Buck is everything alright?" She asked him and waited for him to respond, but when she heard the jet crashing and silence she stood there with wide eyes in shock.

"J-James?" She whispered, before looking over at Wanda who gave her a look of worry after reading her mind. "Friday alert the others, I'm gonna go find Vis. Shauna he's gonna be okay, I promise you." Wanda told her friend, before going off to find vision leaving the stunned girl alone. Shauna let her phone thud to the floor, as she sat back down on the couch at a lost for words as she sat a hand on her belly rubbing it as the twins kicked. "I knew he shouldn't have gone." She whispered to herself, and shook her head as she fought back tears.

Bucky eventually started to groan as he woke up, he heard the others groaning as they woke up as well. He opened and closed his eyes a few times, before trying to push himself up carefully but his leg was stuck under something. He looked behind him and saw that his leg had been trapped, he winced and groaned when he tried to move.

He had taken quite a beating when the jet had crashed down. Bucky heard people outside the jet as he tried to get up, he growled lowly as his eyes went wolf white both from pain and anger. He looked back at his leg and tried to get it unstuck to get free, he continued to try and get his leg unstuck as Steve an Sam tried to help him get his leg free.

Bucky grunted in pain once the thing was off his leg, he tried to get up but Sam helped him up while Steve sat the piece down. Natasha had her gun at the ready and was watching the part of the jet, as she heard the agents now too. "Sam help him sit down, me and Natasha with handle them." Steve told Sam, as he picked up his shield getting ready to try and fight.

Sam helped Bucky sit down, before being on guard as the agents got closer to the crashed jet. "Steve count about twenty of them." Sam told him, as he kept watch til him Steve and Natasha fought the agents trying to keep them back from getting into the jet.

Bucky groaned and held his throbbing leg, he felt it and his eyes went wide when he felt he bone poking up at the skin in his leg. The bone was popped out and would need popped back in, he sat there and watched as they fought the agent trying to keep them back til he looked up and saw them surrounded. "Uh....Steve I think we have a problem." He said.

Steve heard more agents and knew that they definitely wouldn't be able to fight their way out of this, they were all to hurt and tired and there were to many agent to try and combat. "We're surrounded." Steve said, as he looked at the his friends as the agents took them to their base.

Meanwhile back at base.

Shauna was pacing the floor as she rubbed her belly, she was trying not to stress or panic but she was worried about Buck and knew that something was wrong because she felt it. "Shauna you need to relax, before you stress yourself and the twins out." She heard Peggy tell him, as a few teammates flew out to go help Bucky and the other three.
"I'm trying to relax but I can't. I just can't. I knew he shouldn't have left and I let him go. Fury should've known that it was a bad idea to send him there, to a hydra base knowing what they could do to him again." Shauna said as she paced, before stopping and wincing as her left side started to throb.

"You need to rest." Peggy told her friend, as she walked over to her and gently sat a hand on her back. Before growing worried as her friend started to act off. "Are you alright?" Peggy asked her friend with concern.

Shauna shook her head, as she groaned quietly and doubled over a little bit holding her stomach. "No. It hurts." She said, as she held her stomach before asking Friday to scan her belly. "I hate to alarm you miss Rogers, but it seems that the twins are starting to grow a bit faster then normal and are starting to shift into pups.

Shauna's eyes went wide as she took in everything that Friday had just told her, she went quiet as Peggy spoke to Friday. "Alert Helen and tell her to meet us on this floor. I'm gonna help you to bed alright?" She heard peggy tell her, as she nodded her head and walked with Peggy to the bedroom.

Bucky and then we're taken by hydra agents to a base that him and his fiancé were familiar with. He had a pained look on his face, as they were lead through the base but his leg was really throbbing and he could barely walk. Once hydra had lead the four of them to a room, before taking Bucky to a different room.

Bucky tried to fight the agents regardless of his pain, but he stopped and let out a sound of pain as his leg started to hurt more. But he was soon sedated and dragged to a room, unable to fight or do anything and his friends couldn't even help him as hydra agents kept them back.

Steve sighed as he watched them sedate Bucky and take him too a room, he looked at Natasha and Sam as agents walked out of the room and guarded the door. "We need to come up with a plan and get out of here." Steve said.

"We might not have too. If Buck was on the call with Shauna when the jet crashed, she would've known that something happened and she would've told Peggy about it." Natasha said, she knew her friend and knew that she would do whatever it took to make sure that the people she loved and cared about got home safely especially Bucky and Steve.

Steve knew that Natasha was right, he was just hoping that all of them got out of there before something happened to Bucky especially with the shape that he's in from the crash.

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