Chapter 31. The agent explains

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Bucky clenched his jaw about hearing her getting jumped by the hydra agent, he looked upset and angry that he couldn't of been there to protect her or the twins from the undercover agent. "I can go refill it with hot water. But after this....I'm not going on anymore missions. It's not safe for you to be alone, especially if I'm not here to protect you." He told her softly but yet firmly.

As he sat up, kissing her cheek, before getting up and throwing on some clothes. He looked over at her, with concern when he heard her groaning again and whining. He was really worried about her and the babies, he was definitely going to have a talk with the agent about what happened to his mate.

Bucky grabbed the hot water and went into the bathroom to fill it, before bringing it back out and walking back over to the bed with it. "Here doll." He said quietly, as he gently touched her shoulder making her look at him. He stood there patiently, watching as she took the bottle from him carefully laying it on her stomach, not uncurling from laying on her left side.

Bucky moved som hair from her face, hearing a quiet thank you from her making him smile sadly, before turning to leave only to feel her hand grab his making him look at her frowning seeing her scared yet sad face. "Stay please." He heard her voice quivering slightly, he felt bad for this and knew that he had-no he needed to figure out why this was done to her and what the purpose was behind it.

"As much as I want to doll, I...sigh...I need to find out why they did this to you. Alright? But I promise as soon as I'm done, I'm not leaving your side not until I know that your safe along with the babies. I'm gonna have Peggy come watch over you alright?" Bucky said, not wanting to leave her but he didn't have a choice, he needed to know why hydra did this to his family.

Shauna nodded her head lightly whining softly, as she curled up holding the water bottle to her stomach gently. "Okay. Just...don't take to long, please." She quietly told Bucky not wanting to be alone without him by her side for very long, she wanted to cover up but was in to much pain to move, as the twins started to kick her stomach again.
Shauna watched Bucky as he covered her up, before kissing the top of her head and giving her the remote along with her Xbox controller. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I will tell Peggy to call for me if anything. I love you doll." She heard Bucky tell her, before leaving the room as Peggy came into the room.


Peggy was in the room with the agent, she soon looked at the doorway as Steve came into the room, whispering to her about going to keep a eye on Shauna, while him and Buck spoke with the agent. "Deal, but I have a feeling Sargent Barnes is not gonna take this well." Peggy said, before heading up to the floor. She nodded her head at Bucky, before entering the room to keep a eye on Shauna. Peggy could see how tired and how much pain Shauna was in, by the look on her face which made Peggy feel bad.

Steve looked at the agent, waiting for Bucky to make his way to the room. "I'm not afraid of you. The all mighty Captain America." Steve heard the agent tell him, making him raise a eyebrow as he thought about it. "Oh really? Because it's not me you should be afraid of." Steve told the agent, watching as it dawned on the agent whom only scoffed. "And what's he gonna do? Beat me senseless for injecting his mate with the serum?" The agent splat at Steve.

"If I have to, I will." The agent heard from, behind him. Making him listen as he heard the Winter Soldier, and saw him coming into his view. But his eyes were white and he looked like he was trying to keep himself calm, he was trying to keep his wolf at bay. He watched the agent as he scoffed at him, not believing him because he knew that Bucky hadn't really been violent since his hydra days. "How high of a dose did you give her?" Bucky asked the agent, as he clenched and unclenched his metal fist making the arm slightly whirl as he did that.

The agent smirked. "Even if I did tell you. There's nothing you can do to help her." The agent told Barnes, which only made him more furious. The agent grunted as Bucky punched him in the face, before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Punching me isn't gonna make me tell you." The agent told Bucky, making Bucky growling as he started to feel his body changing. "I'm not gonna ask you again. How high of a dose?!" Bucky snapped, making Steve on edge and on guard.

The agent swallowed thickly now, in fear watching as Bucky started to partly shift into his werewolf form. "Enough t-to m-make th-the babies stronger." The agent said, which made Bucky wolf out more. "Buck relax." Steve told his best friend, sitting a hand on his shoulder gently to come him down. "How strong?" Steve asked him.

The agent looked at Steve and a very angry Bucky. "Strong enough to be a new breed of soldiers. The plan was to create winter soldier werewolf hybrid's, that could take on anything or anyone without being stopped. The does was high enough to effect the pups, but low enough to not effect her." The agent explained, before watching Steve hold back a angry Bucky. Bucky lost it at the agents words, even after he was out of their control they still wanted his blood and children to make more soldiers, but much stronger and worse.

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