Chapter 11. Training as wolves

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Shadow put in her glasses and nodded her head, before sitting up and getting up so she could go to the restroom and to get ready to go train with him. "I'm glad you didn't have a nightmare, and if..if you want next time you can't sleep.You can lay with me if you w..want too, I know that it probably helps both you and your wolf to get some rest. Im sorry if that sounded weird." She told him as she shook her head and turned around to walk over to her dresser to find some training clothes to wear.

Bucky listened to her and blushed, he didn't mind sleeping in her room or near her because it did actually make him and his wolf very happy to be close to their mate/Luna. " didn't but I will keep that in mind, and it does help us both actually. I think I've heard weirder things." He told her shyly as he watched her look for some clothes to go train, he shook his head as he got up and went to his room to get ready to train with Shadow but in his way to his room, he ran into Steve and on the way to his room who was smiling at him. "You both seem to be getting comfortable with each other." Steve told his friend with a smile, he could see how happy Bucky has been since Shadow joined the team.

Bucky smiled softly and nodded his head, he really had got comfortable around Shadow a lot more since his wolf had come out but he couldn't deny how beautiful and pretty Shadow was in both human an in wolf form. "Y-yeah, we seem to be." He said softly, as he continued to walk to his room to get ready to train. Steve chuckled softly as he shook his head and walked away, he would definitely talk to him more about it later.

skip to training.

Bucky got ready for training and headed to the training room, he made it to the training room and watched as shadow trained which she was pretty good at kicking the bot's butts. He smiled to himself, he loved to see her fight and he couldn't wait til he saw her using her powers on the battlefield to help them after she was done with her training.

Shadow was already in the training room and was training a against a couple of bots, she was doing pretty good and was not even breaking a sweat yet. She stopped training and looked over at the doorway when she felt eyes on her, she smiled when she saw Bucky standing there watching her train. "Took you long enough." She teased him, before motioning for him to come over and train with her to which he did.

Bucky chuckled softly as he walked into the training room and sat his stuff down, before walking over to her and watching as she reset the bots and had them put back in their usual spot. "Are we not using bots?" He asked her a bit confused as he looked at her, he wondered what they were going to be training with something else. "No, we're actually gonna be training as our wolves as long as your okay with that. I figured it would give them both a chance to train together and give your wolf a chance to be the boss this time, you both need a chance to prove that your a alpha worthy of being in charge." He heard her tell him as she turned to face him.

Shadow turned to face him as she waited for him to reply to what she had just told him, she chuckled lightly when she saw his eyes starting to glow their icy color. "I will take that as a yes." She told him, as her eyes started to glow to their purple color before she shifted into her wolf form and waited for him to do the same.

Bucky eyes glowed to his wolf color at her question, before he watched as she shifted into her wolf form and he soon did the same as they started to train. His wolf was very gentle with her and tried not to hurt her as he was trying to be careful, his wolf was doing pretty good at holding his own against her wolf.

"Your doing good, I never did get your name." Shadow growled gently to him as they both trained together, she was doing pretty good at holding her own as well but she was getting a bit distracted by his scent and how she was starting to act a little weird which gave his wolf the opportunity to knock her down and pin her to the floor which made her look up at him. She got a bit startled when he leaned his head down, she relaxed when his nose nuzzled her.

Bucky's wolf was training with shadow, when she asked what his name was he growled lowly replying like she had. "Winter." He told her, before knocking her gently to the floor and onto her back as he pinned her there gently as he then nuzzled her fur with his nose enjoying her scent but it smelled off which made him feel a bit off himself. "Your cycle is starting isn't it?" He asked her gently, as he then shook his head he didn't want to hurt her at all. "Luna I don't want to hurt you." He growled lowly.

Shadow whined lightly as she nuzzled him with her nose smelling his scent changing as well, her whine was letting him know that it was a yes for her cycle starting. "Yes, but I don't want to hurt you either. I...I..I think I need to go to my room." She told him, before gently pushing him off her and running to her room leaving Bucky there trying to control himself.

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