Chapter nine. Bucky reads the note

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Pregnancy and birthing of young wolves.

The top of the page said that Bucky read, he was a bit intrigued as to why it would be glowing from the moon light though on the page but he was going to be quite shocked at what he was reading.

The pregnancy is three or six months long depending on how many the mother is carrying, the pup limit for a litter is four.

The young wolves can shift while still in their mothers belly, they will grow fast after they are born til they hit three years old looking then they grow normally.

They are either born in human or wolf form, it is rare for the gene to pass when they mix with a human because it is bad for both the mother and child.

The mother will possibly feel slight discomfort or pain from the pups when they shift inside her belly for the first time or kick, wolf pups have a strong kicks to them and do move around a lot especially if there are a lot of them that feel squashed or cramped.

The mother doesn't need a c-section or any surgeries to have her young, she heals quickly along with her body and she can birth multiples with no problem or issues unless they accidentally get stuck and have to be unstuck from being a bit big.

Like any other birth there are times when a child might be breach but they still come out okay and unharmed along with their mother.

The risk of the mother and children dying or getting harmed in child birth or the mother having a miscarriage at all is down to a 0/% due to their fast healing and durability.

Bucky now was shocked at reading all of that, he looked on the other side of the page and it showed a photo of female werewolf in wolf form sleeping with her belly swollen of pups as she rested but the pups in her belly could be seen like the stomach had been see through.

He noticed that the wolf looked a bit like shadow as the other wolf next to her was the male who was bigger then her, but was right by her side protecting her and the pups growing inside her belly.

"You said she's our Luna right?" Bucky thought to his wolf in his head, as he folded the note back up and sat it down back in the book where he found it. "Yes, you both are alpha's which is why she's our Luna.

She is a strong alpha, she will be a good mate and mother to our young one day." His wolf spoke to him, before making Bucky's eyes glow as he showed him the important things in the book that they needed to read about the cycles and how they work.


"Promise me you will tell him, before things get out of hand?" Peggy asked her best friend, she just wanted her to be careful and keep them both from hurting each other on accident.

Shadow sighed and nodded her head lightly, she fought back her eyes as they started to flicker to her wolf ones. "Alright, I promise to tell him before things get out of hand. You guys have my word, but I don't know what his wolf is going to say about it.

I just hope we can make our wolves avoid each other when we have cycles, but knowing my wolf she's hard to handle." Shauna said knowing how shadow could be sometimes when it was that time for them both,
she just hoped she listened to her this time. "I' gonna go take him his food now." With that she left the kitchen and headed to her room, with a tray of their food and drinks.

Bucky snapped out of his thoughts as his eyes went back to normal, as he got up when he heard shadow carrying a tray of food. He opened her door for her and smiled softly at her, as he let her through before closing it. "Sorry, I took so long. Peggy was talking my head off again, not that I mind but I knew you were hungry." He heard her tell him as she sat his plate and drink down on the desk.

"Her and Steve both will talk your head off if you let them, but your fine doll thank you." Bucky said, as he sat down in the chair keeping himself from leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"I take it your wolf was having you read about how some of the stuff that we go through or do works?" He hummed as he turned around to answer her question. "Something like that yeah, I had no idea that you go through a lot as a female werewolf especially being a alpha or omega. I literally had no idea doll, can you tell what my wolf's ranking is?"

"Not exactly, I thought you were a omega but I'm not so sure now but I can deal what your scent it is. Vanilla bean with a hint of cinnamon, which actually is a good scent for you." Shadow said with a blush and smile, as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"W-wait? We have scents? I didn't know that, but I can smells yours. It's minty with a hint of pumpkin. I like it, it's nice." Bucky said, his wolf rather enjoyed her scent and her company but that was probably because Shauna/Shadow is their mate and Luna wolf.

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