Chapter 28. T.P.C.B part 14. Seeing Buck.

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Shauna zoned out and closed her eyes, as she used her wolf link with Bucky to speak to him even if he was in wolf form he'd still be able to hear her. "James you have to fight this for me and our pups please. Winter please fight against their control." She spoke through their mind link, before opening her eyes as she felt the twins stretching.

Helen was worried about Shauna as was Peggy, she left to talk to Bruce while letting Peggy watch over her. She was going to find away to help her and the twins, she saw how much pain she was in and had to do something to try an help her somehow.

Peggy watched over Shauna, but she grew really concerned when she saw how uncomfortable she was as the twins stretched. "Their really active aren't they? I'm really sorry this happened Shauna." She told her friend gently.

Shauna groaned softly and rubbed her belly as the twins stretched out. She looked over at Peggy and she could tell she was worried, but she was worried too especially when no one knew how much more the super soldier serum would effect the twins. "Yeah they are. It's not your fault. I just want to have him back home safe and sound, I miss him Peggy. I could...I could sense his pain and his fear. He's worried and in a lot of pain, I think...I think he's hurt." 

Back at the jet...

Steve and the others had gotten Bucky into the jet after sedating him, Steve was really worried for his friend though with how bad his leg looked. It was out of place and badly broken, it needed to be put back in place but no one at the tower could do it but his mate. "When we get there take him straight to the med bay and have- "I hate to cut you off Captain, but no one is gonna be able to look at his leg in the shape that he's in. He needs to be contained til he can regain control of himself. We can't risk anyone getting hurt, especially by a very huge metal legged wolf." Tony told him. "I'm sorry Cap, but I'm not letting a mind controlled wolf in the med bay. Not until he calms down."

"He's right Cap, it's too dangerous especially when we don't know what could happen if he got lose. He could hurt someone or Shauna could get hurt. We can't risk it, I'm sorry Captain Rogers." Vision said, as he sat next to Wanda holding her hand.

Steve sighed quietly knowing they were right, but he knew that his friend needed help especially with his leg. He would just have to wait until Buck could be freed from the mind control, he knew that Bucky wouldn't hurt Shauna even if he was controlled or not they were mates and had a bond that no one could or would understand. Steve however tried to understand, because he saw the way both of them looked at each other understanding each other's pain and how the other one was feeling.

"Then we put him in the box til he calms down, even though I think it's not a good's the only way to keep everyone safe." Steve said, having no idea about how Bucky was going to react to being put in another glass like box but it was the only way for now.

A few hours later.....

Shauna had fallen asleep waiting for the team to get back along with Bucky, Peggy had fallen asleep in the chair across the room looking and watching over her. Shauna groaned softly, as she woke up to the sound out the jet and to the twins kicking meaning they too were now awake. She sat up carefully, before hearing footsteps over to the bed she knew that it was Peggy.

"Take it easy." She told her softly, before hearing the jet go quiet and smiling softly. "The twins have healthy heartbeats." Peggy helped her sit up carefully, before looking at her. "Do you need anything?"

Shauna thanked Peggy as she helped her sit up carefully, she was also still healing from when the wolf hurt her. "No...y-yeah. I just need to use the rest room." She said, before getting up with Peggy's help to walk over to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. She closed the door and did her business, before finishing up and washing her hands.

She winced though as she felt a sharp pain in her side and held it gently, before hearing banging noises coming from the holding area. "Buck." She said to herself, as she held her side and rubbed her stomach. Shauna walked out of the bathroom and looked at Peggy, she obviously looked like she was in pain but she had to see Buck she just had too. "I have to see him. Peggy I have to see him." Shauna said really fast, as she breathed a bit heavily trying not to panic.

"Shauna...I don't- Peggy please..please."

Peggy sighed. "Alright, I'll take you to see him but I can't guarantee that they'll let you see him." She said, before walking with her to  the elevator to go see Bucky on the floor below.

Steve and Sam watched who were now fixed up along with Natasha, now watched as Bucky who was still controlled woke up growling at the glass before jumping at it trying to break out. Steve sighed not sure what they were going to do to snap him out of it, he wondered what would snap him out of it but he wasn't sure what would other then. "Shauna you shouldn't be down here." Steve turned around and saw Tony along with Natasha trying to keep her from getting through.

"I don't care if I should be or shouldn't. I want to see him...Please." Shauna pleaded, she really wanted and needed to see him. She had to know that he was alright and she might be the only one that can calm him down.

Tony was about to say something when Steve walked over and butted in on their conversation. "Let her see him. She needs to know that he's alright and she might be able to help him calm down. He wouldn't hurt her Tony. I know he wouldn't." And Steve was right, Bucky nor his wolf side would hurt her because she was their mate and pregnant with their pups.

Tony wasn't happy about it but he moved aside and let her through to see him, he then glared at Rogers and both of them argued about Bucky staying in the box.

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