Chapter 34. Helping

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Bucky gave her a small warm smile, knowing that she meant every word as she always did

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Bucky gave her a small warm smile, knowing that she meant every word as she always did. Which was one of the things that he liked about her, she always blunt about things and never hid anything from him, which is one of the reasons he fell for her in the first place. "I love you too Shauna." He whispered to her warmly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "Sargent Barnes, miss Cho is asking to come in." Bucky heard the ai tell him, he looked up at the camera in the room nodding his head. "Let her in." He told the ai, gently petting Shauna's side feeling the twins stretching and moving but not as much as they were.

"Letting her in." Friday alerted, Barnes and his mate as she unlocked the door letting Helen into the room. After unlocking the door for her, to come into the room to check on Shauna and the pups. "Thank you." Bucky told the ai, as he looked over at the door to see Helen walking into the room with some stuff to check on Shauna and the twins.


"Well, the twins seem to be alright. Apart from now being fully shifted and slightly bigger than they were." Helen told Bucky and Shauna, showing them the X-ray scan of the twins thanks to Friday showing them.

Bucky looked at the scan, seeing that the twins were definitely a lot bigger but yet calmer. "How long is this going to last?" He asked Helen, worried that this was gonna last for awhile. "It's hard to say. With you both being wolves, I don't know if or when she'll be able to shift back. Especially if the twins are causing her pain, in her human form but if she was to shift back with them like this there's no telling what could happen."

Bucky thought about Helen's words, thinking about what to do to help his mate with what was going on. He wondered if maybe the book, that he read before could help him figure out how to help her in this situation. "Have Friday call for me, if anything gets worse or changes. Ok?" Helen told him softly, gently smiling at Shauna before leaving the room.

Shauna looked up at her mate once Helen had left. She could see the deep in thought look on his face, wondering what he was thinking she gently tapped him with her paw to get his attention which didn't work. Til she whined, doing it again this time catching his attention.

Bucky snapped out of his train of thought, looking down at Shauna when she had started whining, along with tapping him with her paw. He knew that she could probably see and tell how deep in thought he was about something, which he was but he was just hoping her and the pups would be alright. "Sorry doll. Just thinking about you and the pups, I'm worried about them and you. I just wanna figure out how to help."

With that Bucky got up off the bed carefully and went to pick up the book, off the desk to look through it to see if there was anything that could help his mate and their young. As he picked up the book, he started to thumb through it to see if he could find what he was looking for. It took him a long few minutes before he found something that might be useful.

The page in the book spoke about how if the pups shifted, while their mom was carrying it meant that they were fully wolf but the mother couldn't get hurt by it. She would just be in a lot of pain, depending on how big the pups were and how fast they were growing. He lightly scoffed, as he read the book since his mate was definitely experiencing both those things now thanks to hydra messing with her and them both.

But the book also explained how the pregnancy can be short or long, depending on the litter size since wolves like them can have a couple of them at a time. Bucky relaxed a little bit, as the book also told him that the pups couldn't hurt their mom unless she was just a normal human, who couldn't heal or anything like that. But since Shauna was she'd be okay on that part of it at least, and she also shouldn't/wouldn't need a c-section or anything like that since wolves can have their young on their own.

Once it got to the page he was looking for, he read it closely as it read that the pups would become stronger and shift more, since they are full wolf and are strong like him and her, but the pups are going to be much stronger now because of the dose that hydra had given them of the super soldier serum.

But it also said that the best way to help his mate to relieve her pain, can be by keeping the stress on the down low, never leaving her side which he wasn't going to do anymore right now after what had just happened. He could also help her by making sure that she stayed comfortable, got enough rest, didn't over do it or shift to much into her wolf form because it could make things worse, depending on the day or how much the pups shifted or would shift.

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