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Taehyung's jaw clenched. "Seokjin, I know what you are trying to do, and it's not going to work. I will make this clear to eliminate any doubts you have. I love you, I want you. You are my Omega. I will never deny that. However, I will not return until we have worked through our differences and I handle some matters that are personal to me.

Aside from our differences, there are things I have to do. Also, there is a lot you need to change, and I am sure there is a lot you wish I would change. I meant it when I said I was not leaving you. I am not. I am coming back; just give me some more time."

Jin smiled but immediately frowned on the other end of the line since he didn't like some of what Taehyung had responded with. "How can you claim that I am your Omega when I do not know where you are now located? What big differences do we have that cause you to feel the need to separate yourself from me? You are aware that this is harmful to my well-being. Not just to my reputation but to myself as well.

I am an Omega who has already been mated; it is not appropriate for me to be without my Alpha. Why can't we address our differences or the rifts that you think to exist together in the same room? What if I find out I'm pregnant, Taehyung? Will you not return?"

"I will return soon. This isn't just about us right now, Seokjin. I am close to finding someone I have been looking for.

Also, you are not pregnant, and even if you are, you are the one who made the decision to get pregnant on your own. You didn't even bother to involve me in the discussion about that choice.

This serves as an illustration of the differences that exist between the two of us. You take great pride in the fact that you are a prince who is free to do whatever he pleases. Deal with the fact that you have changed your mind about getting pregnant for whatever self-centered motives led you to make this decision. We will talk at another time." Taehyung hung up the phone and then powered it off. He knew if he kept it on, he would have a hard time not answering, and right now, he needed time to himself to process all he had learned.

It was already difficult for him to speak with Seokjin over the phone without completely losing it. On the other hand, he was aware that the things going on between him and his mate had nothing to do with his recent findings. It actually only made matters more difficult for him to deal with.

He also knew Seokjin wasn't pregnant, Namjoon had confirmed it to him, and he knew the king would have ordered him home if it were the case.


"Never in the history of our relationship have I questioned your ability to lead, but what is this? How is it possible for you to let Taehyung go about his business when our other son is stuck within this place in such excruciating pain? He thinks he might be pregnant. Should Taehyung not be ordered back here?" It was very upsetting for the queen that her husband had forced her to apologize to Taehyung, and it was much more distressing for her to watch her son go through what he was going through.

While the king's wife spoke, he chose to listen to her with his eyes closed. Because of the previous occurrences, he was not shocked that she must have had a lot of concerns about his leadership abilities. He knew she had to have them. She had never been a quiet lady; in that regard, she was quite similar to her son.

"I know this has been hard for you, as it's been the same for me. However, don't you dare ever doubt my ability to lead. I have never done anything that puts our family, especially not our kids, in danger. Seokjin's injury is temporary. Taehyung will return; he has given me his word. He needs more time. We must give him some time. If we continue to press him, rather than working to our advantage, this situation will turn against us."

Sunja sat next to her husband and put her hand on his shoulder before asking, "Jong-soo, is there anything you are keeping from me that I should know?"

It had been a long time since the queen had called her husband by his name; nonetheless, she could feel that something was amiss and that he was trying to keep whatever was wrong from her.

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