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"All the Best people are Crazy"

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"All the Best people are Crazy"

(note:- I had to skip a chapter because Primadonna was not needed much in it, just so you know she knows about Alaric's ring and she knows who's Elena's real mother)

After Primadonna was home, she had spent her day as her now usual and then she had gotten a call from Stefan and Elena saying that Stefan had found out that the man Who had stopped Elena and called her Katherine was Frederick, he had tried to chase after him but sadly he was staked and then lost him.

Now at the present, Primadonna is at the Salvatore boarding house with Elena, Stefan and Damon. All of them were surrounding the broken window from which Frederick and someone called Beth-Anne had broken in their house.

Damon gritted his teeth and said "I say we go to Pearl's, and annihilate that idiot who attacked us last night." while he was hammering the last nail into the window frame.

Stefan sighed and said "Oh yeah? And then what? We turn to the rest of the house of vampires and say 'Oops, sorry?' seriously Damon?"which made his older brother glare at him.

" I can't believe you made this deal with her." Elena sighed looking at Damon. Then Damon replied " Actually, It was more like helpful exchange of information, plus, it's not like I had any choice, she is... Scary. Besides she is going to help get Katherine back."

This line made Primadonna scoff and say "Of course, because Damon gets whatever he desires, no matter who he hurts or gets hurt in the process of it." Which Made Damon glare at her too but Primadonna was now used to it and knew that the spirit who had possessed her won't let him harm her.

"You don't have to be snarky about it." Damon replied in a serious voice but after a second he was back to his weird smirky attitude, Elena rolled her eyes and said "She and I  woke up in the morning to know that all the vampires from the tomb are out, I think we both earned snarky."

"How long are you going to blame for turning your birth mother into a vampire?" Damon said this, guessing the reason of the  weird mood Elena was in today.

Elena then said "I am not blaming you Damon, I have just accepted the fact that you are a self-serving psychopath, with no redeeming qualities."

Which made Primadonna snicker. Damon then rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, I can so see the forgiveness."

Then Stefan, irritated by the bickering of the three said "Guys, I don't think we being very productive here, we have to find a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires, remember?" Primadonna got up and said "Well, I am leaving, hope you all find a way and solve it, good day mates."

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