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Primadonna rocked Seraphina around her room back in the Salvatore house, she completely hid her nervousness regarding the fact that Stefan and Elena were missing, as she had gotten advise from her mother that apparently babies can sense your emotions. 

Seraphina also somehow felt that her one father was missing, which had made her extremely cranky and she wasn't going to anyone except Primadonna and Damon. Just then, Primadonna felt a presence behind her, she turned around and saw "Panda?" which made the older demi goddess shocked "You used your powers?" 

Pandora shrugged as she came closer to them "Oh come on Maddie, I am old enough! Mom and Dad are training me! So I learnt to teleport first! Like you! I mean.. I am a little bummed that Martha isn't there to train me like she trained you, but I am really happy about mom and dad, now, I wanna see my niece!"

Primadonna shook her head as she slightly tilted the sleeping baby to face Pandora, Pandora quietly gasped as she looked at her face" She is so pretty... Oh my god.. Her hair is just like Stefan!" Primadonna smiled as she ruffled her sister's hair" Yeah it is." Pandora then smiled as she walked around" I wonder how will she look like when she grows up, I wonder how I will look like when I grow up!"

The cheery mood on Primadonna slightly faltered, she still hadn't told her sister about the face prophecy, Primadonna sighed as she placed her daughter back in her crib and walked near to Pandora" Andie.. I have to tell you something, listen carefully.. Okay?" Pandora turned around and looked at her sister and smiled with confusion and curiosity" What?"

Primadonna then took a deep breath and revealed" Andie.. When you will grow up.. You will look exactly like me.. Same face.. Same voice.. " Pandora playfully scoffed as she waved her off" Oh don't be silly Maddie, how is that possible?" Primadonna then explained" Andie.. Listen here carefully.. Our father Poseidon, had placed a boon on Mystique that her face will be born in the family every blue moon, it was then Amythest, then me and then... " all the smile then fell from Pandora's lips as she completed" And me.. Oh my god.. No.. It cannot be.. I.. I have to have my own face! I cannot be exactly like you! I mean you are beautiful! But I have to have my own face, look pretty in my own way!"

Primadonna then dug inside her pocket and opened her locket, she had placed the old image of her, Damon and Stefan, which was taken the day when Damon and Primadonna were betrothed, the picture was given to her by Damon, and the next image was of the three of them, now older and Seraphina was in Stefan's arms and there was another layer of the locket, where Elijah, Hayley and Niklaus stood. 

Pandora grabbed the locket and looked at the first picture and gasped "That.. That is not me! Who are these both boys?!" Primadonna then grabbed her shoulders and rubbed them "No it's not Andie.. That's.. Me! When I was a little older than you.. And those both boys are Damon and Stefan." Pandora threw the locket away and shouted "Why did you never tell me?! Why are you always hiding things from me Maddie?!" the loud voice startled Seraphina, which made Primadonna get up and turn back to the baby, as she picked her up, she turned back again and sighed when she saw Pandora wasn't there. 

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