Chapter Fifteen: Everybody Has a Dark Side

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Chapter Fifteen: Everybody Has a Dark Side

I stared at the boy in front of me and couldn't believe that he was the person I was confessing my love for less that a day ago. I couldn't believe that those are the green eyes that made me fall for him in the first place. I guess I always had been a sucker for green eyes.

"What happened to us, Annie? To the two people who would fight to the end of the world for each other?" He asked, his eyes filling up with tears, and his voice cracking on the nickname that only he was ever allowed to call me.

"I did this for you. Why won't you see that?" I practically yelled at him. How could he not see that? Wasn't it obvious?

"But you didn't. You did this for you. You didn't even tell me. If you had done this for me, you wouldn't have done it." He kept his voice calm, but I knew he was already tired of this conversation. The way that he was running his hand through his hair gave him away.

"Why aren't you fighting for me? Why are you letting me go?" I choked out, my breath catching in my throat. I'm sure it would hurt less if Kendall had just literally shot me in the heart.

"Is it because things got hard, Kendall?" I added, once it looked like he wasn't going to answer me. "We can't be that perfect couple all the time."

"People don't leave people they love because things get hard, Annie. They leave because they realize that it's no longer worth it." He said softly, and that broke me down. 

"So I'm not worth it?" I asked him, not wanting an answer.

"Not anymore, A. I'll always love you, but I can't do this." He whispered, and I saw the tears cascading down his face. 

I was lost in memories from the last time Kendall and I had fought, but I snapped back to reality when Zayn had repeated Niall's question of why I hurt myself. I ignored him though, and kept my attention of the bottle blonde who was still holding me close to his bare chest.

"You know why, Niall." I answer weakly, too scared to look into those blue eyes that I'm pretty sure can see all the way to my soul.

"You left that part out of your story, Andy." Niall argued, the disappointment in his eyes was almost too much for me.

I had withheld this small detail from Niall for two reasons. One: I knew that it would crush him, even if I didn't do it anymore. Two: I didn't want to burden him with yet another one of my secrets.

"Wait, Niall knows?" Harry questioned, finally coming back to his sense.

I just nod my head and turn to face him. I wasn't sure how to tell him that Niall knew before he did. Especially when to Niall my entire being here is just some joke. Even though I had forgiven Harry, the other boys weren't ready for that privilege yet.

"She told me when I saved her from that guys house, mate." Niall verbally answered, but Harry wasn't looking at him. No, his gaze was locked on me.

"Andy, you hurt yourself? Why? Because of Kendall?" Ali asked, with tears in her eyes.

She was making her way over to me, and grabbing my wrist in one of her hands to examine it closer. She noticed when I visibly winced at the use of his name.

"How did I miss this?" She whispered, but it was mostly to herself.

"Ali, this isn't your fault." I could see it in her eyes that she was blaming herself, and everyone had stopped to watch our exchange making it even worse.

"When was the first time?" She asked in a slow voice, almost as if she didn't want her answer.

"The night he broke up with me." I say in a strained voice.

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