Chapter Twenty Two: New Beginnings

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Chapter Twenty Two: New Beginnings

"It's all about his kiss. Contaminates my lips. Our energy connects. It's simple genetics. I'm the X to his Y. It's the color of his eyes. He can do no wrong. No, he don't need to try. Made from the best. He passes all the test. Got my heart beating fast. It's cardiac arrest. He's from a different strain. That science can't explain. I guess that's how he's made.

In his d-d-d-DNA." 

Was blaring through the speakers as the "rain" from the sprinklers was pounding down on us, making it difficult for us to see. 

I have been back in America for about a week now, and we are making excellent progress on my new movie that is expected to release sometime next summer.

I was looking into the eyes of my gorgeous love interest, and feeling my fake tears well up in my eyes. Right now, we are shooting one of our more intense scenes.

"Fine. You're right. Maybe I am afraid of you. Maybe I am afraid to let my guard down. I am so scared that if you know who I really am.... You won't look at me like that anymore. I'm afraid that once my walls are down, once you've knocked them down and made me comfortable, you'll just walk away because that's why you do right?" I practically scream over the loud rain. My voice cracked in the right places due to my fake emotions.

"You can't keep living like this, Britt, you can't keep drinking too much. You can't keep hiding from your problems by cutting your hair. You can't keep changing every little detail about yourself that's making me stay. You can't keep harassing my friends. You can't keep screwing the guy that lives two apartments over. You have to stop making every mistake that I'm all too willing to forgive." He yelled back, and all of the sudden my tears aren't fake anymore.

My mind was thrown back to when Harry had told me something similar the day that I had left. That's the scariest thing. When you feel an emotional connection to the character I'm playing. When acting isn't acting anymore.

I stare into the bright blue eyes of Graham Phillips, who will soon be nominated for breakthrough actor for this performance, and tried to pull myself together. 

"Why do you keep forgiving me? You know I'm no good for you." I shake my head and recite my line. 

He took a few steps forward to where he was standing so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face. He cradled my face in his hands, and looked me dead in the eyes. 

"I forgive you because you need me. You need someone to be there for you in times like these. When you're sad as hell and don't know who you are anymore. You need someone to hold your hair when you spending the night over the toilet because you drank so much. When you feel so alone, B. Because you need me to hold your hand and tell you it will all be okay, because guess what. It will be. You've never had anyone there. You need me here. Hell, I'm not losing you again." Graham, and his character Adam, stated with such intensity that even I was impressed.

Without another second passing by, Graham crushed his lips to mine, and my arms wrapped themselves around his neck. We stood there in soaking wet clothes, in the fake rain, making out for several moments until we finally hear the director yell cut.

They turn the sprinklers off, and my vision is suddenly restored completely.

"Good job today, everyone. That's a wrap for today. We'll pick up in the morning with the scene where Adam realizes that he's losing Britt. I'll see you all then, and don't be late, Andrea I'm talking to you." The director announced, looking me over causing both Graham and I to chuckle lightly. He seemed to hate me.

Just as I walk over to collect my dry clothes for dinner with Graham tonight, and familiar name lights up my phone screen causing a grin to light up my face.

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