Chapter Eighteen: That JoJo Song

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Chapter Eighteen: That JoJo Song

"Since I was a little girl, I knew what I wanted. One day I would see the world, make my mark on it. Put in time, sacrificed, never thought of thinking twice. Since I was a little girl, I dreamed it. Now I'm standing with you in this terminal with a ticket so far from your love." I scream over the sound of my running water. 

"Andy, my ears are bleeding." Niall calls through his bathroom door in response to my horrible singing. 

I just giggled and continued to massage his strawberry scented shampoo through my hair. I'm pretty sure that he had stolen it from my house when we were there anyway.

"Sorry I can't be a superstar like you, Nialler." I yell back, hoping that he can hear me.

"You are a superstar, A. I couldn't act half as well as you could." He joked back.

We have exactly an hour and a half before we are supposed to meet everyone else at the airport before I board a plane that will take me halfway across the world. Maybe that's the inspiration for the song I was just belting out at the top of my lungs.

"Can I have one more kiss, one more touch? I just can't get enough of you, but I'm in a rush. I got to fly away. Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three. There's a doorway to my dreams. I could go or I could stay. Should I change my life or miss my flight?" I continue to sing at a much quieter volume as I shut the water off, and step out of the shower quickly being engulfed by the cool air in Niall's apartment. 

I slip on some Victoria Secret yoga pants along with one of Niall's white button down shirts. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and decide to skip the makeup. I pretty much look the same without it on anyway, and I'm in no mood to bother.

Completely aware that my outfit screams one night stand, I step back into Niall's bedroom only to see him having a hushed conversation into his phone. He wasn't speaking loud enough so that I could hear what he was saying, so I decided to clear my throat to get his attention.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked nervously, and I just nodded my head in response.

I wordlessly follow him down to where a driver is waiting for us. The boys are leaving straight from the airport to go record their new single so Niall didn't see any point in taking his car when one of the boys could just drop him off. He's such a lazy ass sometimes.

The drive was completely silent, but not an awkward silent, I just think that we were both lost in separate thoughts. We were both obviously concerned with how to tell Harry, as if he doesn't know exactly what happened after I left with Niall. There were already pictures everywhere.

"The public thinks I cheated on Harry with you." I whisper, shattering whatever serene silence was going on.

"This won't have an easy fix like last time, Andy. This could be a perfect reason to just end it." He suggested, almost absentmindedly.

I took a deep breathe and squeezed my eyes closed hoping that when I opened them that Niall would tell me that the past two days have just been some sort of bad dream. I wanted this to be a nightmare, because now I couldn't imagine letting Harry go. He made me better, and I don't want to go back to who I was.

"Maybe you're right." I reluctantly admit as much as it made my heart break.

I think that's one of the worst feelings in the world. The moment that you can physically feel your heart break in half. It like a tightness in your chest and a sob that you just can't get out of your throat. It's one of the most painful things.

That ended the conversation as we pulled into the airport parking lot. My plane didn't leave for an hour. We decided to arrive early so that we would have time for our over dramatic goodbye.

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