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Andy's Point of View:

Two Years Later:

Her brown hair framed her face in soft ringlets that she got from her father. She also got his gorgeous green eyes, only they were shaped like my eyes. She got my bone structure. She got my build. She was the most gorgeous human being that I had ever laid eyes on.

"How is she doing?" Harry's voice broke me away from admiring the beautiful little girl in my arms.

"Her temperature is rising, but she's still asleep." I sighed and looked at the clock on the wall. It was just after three in the morning.

Olivia Anne Styles had woken Harry and I up around midnight crying her sweet little heart out. She has been burning up with fever and coughing her head off ever since. She had only just fallen asleep. 

"Do you think we should take her to a doctor?" He asked, crossing the room and kneeling down in front of me.

"No, the medicine should kick in soon. Maybe it already has since she's asleep." I shook my head and turned my attention from my husband to my daughter.

We sat in silence for a while and just listened to Liv's soft breathing. The sound that assured me that she was okay and wasn't in any pain. 

"I love you, Andy. I feel like I haven't told you enough lately." Harry whispered, and I just nodded. Not saying the words back.

"Do you remember our first night in this house?" I reminisced.

"I was going to cook for you because I wanted that night to be special, but then I almost set the house on fire... When you came in, I was almost in tears and frantically trying to stop the smoke alarm from going off. You just pulled me into your arms and told me that it was okay. You tried so hard not to laugh at me, but you eventually broke and started laughing hysterically. I wiped my tears and joined in when I realized how ridiculous the whole thing was. Then you pressed the reset button on the alarm and told me that we'd just order a pizza." I didn't know where this story came from, but the words fell out of my mouth before I could second guess them.

"Do you remember the time you wrecked my Range Rover? I was so mad until I saw you swearing in the front seat. You looked like you had just killed someone. You were so cute." He chuckled, and I blushed.

I remembered that day. We had barely been married for a year, and Harry had sent me out to get groceries while he and Louis took care of Olivia. My car had been in the shop because I had needed a new something in it, so Harry insisted that I took his. I made it about ten yards before I smashed into the back of a tree.

I thought Harry would have hated me, but he didn't even raise his voice. He just smiled at me and told me he'd call Sara and ask her to get the milk and the bread and whatever else she needed on her way to get Louis. He had never been that understanding with me before.

"Do you still love me like you did the day we got married?" I asked softy, not wanting to wake Liv.

"I love you so much more than the day that we got married. I've gotten to know so much more about you now than I did then. I learn new things about you everyday." He smiled gently, and I just returned it.

"I love you more, too. So much more, Harry. You've been so much more than perfect." I comment, running a hand through his messy curls.

I chuckled as I thought over the past two years of our lives together we have been through a lot, and we get stronger everyday. 

"Do you remember the time that Kendall and Logan flew over here, and Logan spent the entire trip fawning over Olivia. I thought he was going to take her with him." I remembered randomly, and I just giggled.

Saving Andy (A One Direction/Harry Styles Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now