Chapter Thirty Eight: Haters Gone Hate

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Haters Gone Hate

I felt a hot tear roll down my makeup-less cheek as I continued to read the horrible words that were glaring at me from my computer screen. My heart had plummeted to my feet during the first paragraph, and now I was pretty sure I was going to be sick.

I knew how to handle hate, and I've been bashed online more times than I can even count, but this article just crossed every line. I was truly considering suing for slander, because a majority of the things written about me weren't even remotely true. 

I woke up this morning, the morning of July 1st, the morning of my nineteenth birthday, to a very nasty article about me on Perez Hilton. He had called me out on everything from hooking up with Niall, to quitting acting randomly, to my self harm, to the abortion I had no clue how he even knew about. Only a few people knew that story, and this led me to my theory that my mother had been the one who sold the story. 

He even threw in a few lies about how I'm having sex with Ashton, and we were hooking up the entire time that we were in Australia together. He even had this ridiculous theory that I was hitting on Luke when I knew that he was under aged, and I was looking at jail time for this. 

I wasn't sure where he had gotten any of this from, but both statements were completely false. Ashton and Luke were easily two of the best friends that I have right now since I shut everyone else out. The two of them along with Michael, Calum, Niall, and Louis were the only things keeping me sane right now. 

Them and the fact that I absolutely love modeling, and I'm a lot happier with it than I ever was acting. I had even met Miranda Kerr the other day. It was one of the best moments of my life.

I clicked off the article after I had finished reading it. I quickly logged into my twitter instead to see how much damage had been done. 

Instead of seeing only ridiculous amounts of hate like I expected, and it was there, I also saw that I had gained a lot of support and #TeamAndy was trending along with Perez Hilton, Andy Hendricks, and Happy Birthday Andy.

I immediately clicked on the #TeamAndy trend and was amazed to see all of the support I was receiving. It was as if every celebrity I had ever met was standing up for me, and that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

'@KendallJenner: Everyone needs to back off of my girl. She's so strong, and I'm so proud of her. #TeamAndy'

'@KylieJenner: Happy birthday to one of the most gorgeous girls that I know. Ignore the hate. You're perfect. #TeamAndy'

'@KimKardashian: My sweet girl is nineteen today. Keep your head up. I love you and hope your day is as flawless as you are #TeamAndy'

The other member of the Kardashian family had tweeted me as well even though I wasn't as close to them as I was Kendall, Kylie, and Kim. All of the new models that I work with, even Miranda, had tweeted me various messaged of support and sweet happy birthday messages. 

'@Ashton5SOS: I love @AndyOfficial and I'm #TeamAndy. Happy birthday, sexy lady.'

I had to roll my eyes at his tweet. He definitely wasn't helping the rumors that we were together in some sort of romantic way. His fans were freaking out that he had called me a sexy lady, but that's just Ashton. He calls them sexy all the time. 

'@NiallOfficial: I think everyone should stop hating on @AndyOfficial for something that happened a long time ago. Stop pretending you know her.'

'@Niall Official: Oh, and happy birthday. #TeamAndy.' 

I chuckled at his tweet. Liam, Zayn, and Louis had all sent out similar messages, mainly telling thier fans to get off my case. Louis even told Perez Hilton where he could shove his bullshit stories about me, and he set the fans who believed all of this straight.

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