Interview Chapter

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Interview Chapter:

It was weird, being in an television studio with the 5 Seconds of Summer boys and the One Direction boys. Even if it was only Ellen, we were all told that we had to be completely honest. It was time to come clean. 

I was nervous, of course, who knew what she could ask? 

"Good afternoon, America. I'm here with Andrea Hendricks, 5 Seconds of Summer, and One Direction." Ellen announced, and I was almost frozen with nerves. "We're going to start with some fan questions and then I'll ask some questions of my own." 

"So, Ashton, mdscoresby wants to know if you ever had any feeling for Andy. Even if they were deep down." She asked, and I directed my attention to Ashton.

"Who wouldn't have feelings for her? She's amazing, and she's gorgeous. At first, I had a crush on her. Now, I only see her as a friend. She has Harry, and I couldn't come between that."

"Now, Niall, how do you actually feel about sleeping with Andy? JoelleShafer wants to know." Ellen asked the Irish boy with a grin on her face.

Niall was silent for a moment, and I felt Harry tense beside me. I had always suspected that  maybe Niall felt something more than just lust for me. There was a time when I questioned my feelings for him, but I knew it would always be Harry.

"Nah. She's brilliant, but I never saw her like that. Do I regret sleeping with her? No, I don't. I've been alone for a long time, and Andy was there. We were both a little broken, and we both needed to forget." He answered, never taking his eyes off of me. 

"So you have no feelings for her?" The interviewer clarified, and Niall just shook his head. "What about you, Andy? Any secret feelings for Niall?" She threw at me and I felt Harry's body tense up again.

"Niall is my best friend. He was there for me when no one else was, and I'll always love him for that. I was an emotional wreck every time something happened between Niall and I, and I had convinced myself that I felt something other than friendship and gratitude for him. But really, I never did." I sighed and ran the hand that wasn't holding Harry's through my hair.

"Now, Harry, mdscoresby wants to know when you realized that you were in love with Andy?" She nodded her head at me and then turned her attention to my now smiling fiance. 

He smiled at me softly, and I squeezed his hand urging him to continue. He had never told me when he knew.

"I fought it for a long time. I didn't want to feel anything for her. I just wanted to sleep with her and move on, but she didn't let me do that. There was the night, a long time ago now, right after we first met, Andy." He spoke directly to me, and it was like everyone else in the room just melted away. It was just the two of us.

"We were at a club one of your first nights in England, and Cher was with us. You were so drunk, and we were pretending like we didn't care about each other. I saw you dancing with Zayn, and my blood was boiling, even after you pushed him away. So I grabbed the first girl I saw. I pulled her close and started flirting with her. I even grabbed her hand and pulled her to where you were standing. You pretended not to care, but I could see the jealousy in your eyes." He paused to chuckle.

I remembered that night perfectly. 

He walked over and brought the girl with him, his hand never once leaving hers. He didn't even look at me twice when Louis asked him what he was doing. 

"Whores, haven't you ever heard of quality instead of quantity?" The girl hissed at me and Cher. I remember that I had been standing with Josh and the rest of the One Direction boys. Of course, she had been jealous. 

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