Chapter Thirty Three: Same Mistakes

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Chapter Thirty Three: Same Mistakes

I could list a thousand and one reasons why I hate fighting with Niall right off the top of my head. It hurts me more than fighting with anyone else does, except maybe Harry. 

I have been in Ireland for a day and now Niall and I are at each other's throats in the middle of his kitchen. 

The rest of his family had gone their separate ways for the day doing whatever they do which left Niall and I to have a movie day like we used to have because things got all complicated.

Our fight started when Niall began talking about how he is trying to convince Harry to just apologize to me so that we can all just move on. I was quick to inform him that it doesn't work that way. An apology doesn't mean anything, especially when he had to be convinced to apologize to me.

Besides, when it comes to Harry I don't want an 'I'm sorry.' I want a reason for why he is making me feel like this.

"If you would hear him out, he could fix this." Niall pleaded with me, trying his hardest not to lose his temper.

"Niall, throw that plate on the ground." I stated calmly, gesturing to the glass plate that was sitting next to him on the counter.

He just looked at me like I had lost my mind and shook his head at my random request, only I did have a point.

"Niall James Horan, throw the plate." I said through clenched teeth.

"Okay. Fine." He finally snaps after a few moment of deliberation.

I cringed when I heard the sound of glass shattering on his wooden floor. He was still staring at me with confusion clear in his eyes, but I wasn't done yet.

"Did you break it?" I asked with emotion coting my voice. I couldn't believe that I was actually using this as an analogy.

He turned his attention from me to the plate that was in thousands of pieces on the floor. He nodded his head, never taking his eyes off of the plate.

"Now, apologize to it." I felt like I was scolding a misbehaving child, but that couldn't have been further from the truth. I only wanted Niall to see things from my point of view.

"Andy, what is the point of this?" He questioned, his blue eyes meeting mine with a look of confusion. He hadn't caught on yet.

"Just apologize to the plate." I exasperatedly stated, throwing my hands up for emphasis.

"I'm sorry plate." Niall humored me.

"Did that fix it? Did it take it back to the state it was in before you threw it?" I asked shaking my head and blinking my tears away. 

"No." He mumbled weakly. He was finally getting the picture.

"Then do you get it? I'm just like that plate, Ni. I'm broken, and it will take so much more than an apology to put me back together." I explained, moving over so that I could wrap him in an embrace.

For a while, he just held me. He didnt' say a word and he didn't have to because in that moment I felt like no one has ever understood me as much as this boy right here does. 

I should have known what would come when I looked up and saw that Niall was already staring at me. I should have pulled away when I saw his eyes glance down at my lips. I shouldn't have wanted to kiss him as much as I did. I should have known that trouble would come if I gave in to my temptation, but I didn't.

Our lips came together in a passionate kiss, and I couldn't get enough of him. I wrapped my hands in his hair, and he placed his in my back pockets to pull me closer. 

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