Chapter Thirty Five: A Little Honesty

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Chapter Thirty Five: A Little Honesty

Harry's Point of View:

I could have gotten up and danced the second that our pilot announced that the plane was finally descending from the evening sky. For some reason, this flight felt longer than it usually does. Maybe it's because for the first time in a while, I'm making the trip alone.

After a few more minutes of anxiousness, I am finally reunited with my boys in Miami, Florida. Thirty minutes away from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where we will kick off the American leg of tour tomorrow night.

The 5 Seconds of Summer boys were also excitedly looking around, and Ashton was already making a Keek. He's worse than I am with Vine. Okay, maybe not.

We said our quick hellos before Paul ushered us to our tour buses before we had the chance to get mobbed by fans. We did have the time to stop for pictures and autographs as long as our girls behaved.

It was when we go on the bus, I realized that I hadn't talked to any of the lads over the few days that we had been separated. I hadn't realized how much I had missed them until we were all together again.

"So, how's Andy, mate?" I hear Zayn ask Niall quietly, he most likely didn't intend for me to hear, but I had to listen in as soon as I heard her name.

It's been a couple of days since I've even heard her name. I shut myself in my room not wanting to hear about what was going on with her. I worried my mum and Gemma, both, but I couldn't face the world knowing that I screwed over the perfect girl.

"She's great, actually. I think she's faking it, but she seems okay. She's in love with Australia. She even convinced Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton to show her around before they left." Niall answered, and even though I couldn't see him I could hear the smile in his voice.

It shocked me that she'd been spending time with them. I wasn't aware that they had properly even met when she spent time with me in London. I knew they had crossed paths, but I didn't know they were friends.

"Did she fix things with her parents?" Louis asked joining the hushed conversation. 

My eyes widened at the thought of her parents they were the ones who caused this entire mess, but I couldn't hate them completely. If it wasn't for their intervention, I never would have met the love of my life. As cliche as that sounds.

"No." Niall's answer was short, and that's when I knew. 

They told her everything, and she told Niall everything. I was ignorant to think that I could keep something like this hidden for very long. A few months was longer than I thought, though.

"Harry, Andy told me to give you this. You know, before." Niall sheepishly rummaged through his suitcase until he pulled out an envelope with my name written on the outside in familiar handwriting.

I instantly thought back to when Andy and I spent one night laying in my bed writing 'I love you' on each other's arms. It breaks my heart to think that she now most likely believes that is a lie, but it never was. When I said I loved her, I meant it every single time.

"Thanks, mate." I croaked out, trying to keep my emotions in check, as I took the envelope with four sets of eyes watching me intently. "Have you read it?" I couldn't help but ask.

"She told me not to." He shook his head, and I sighed with relief. "She actually told me not to give it to you, but I think you need the closure just as much as she did." 

It almost made me smile that even though Niall knows that I was wrong, he was still on my side. No matter how close he is to her, he still thinks of my feelings. Only Niall would do something like that.

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