Chptr 38: Appa & Son's deeds + The Meeting

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[A/N: I always right note here if I double updated so you can't miss the last chapter. Based on experience, it happened to me a lot of times. So yeah, pls check 37 first :D]


Jonghyun scanned the grocery checklist that Yerin gave to him then looked at the grocery cart he was pushing. They aren't even halfway done with the checklist but the cart is already full, all because of Yuhan and all the thing he put on it. He just can't say no to Yuhan.

Yerin asked him to do the grocery shopping because she left early that day for an important meeting. That is why they, two boys, are left alone."

"If umma found out that I bought you this much junk foods, she's gonna scold me.", Jonghyun said.

Yuhan laughed. "Aniyo~ Appa, this is secret.", he even put his index finger on his lips.

Jonghyun can just shook his head while chuckling.

"Okay. Let's finish this list now so that they can go home early.", he said while putting back to the rack a colorful box that Yuhan just randomly threw into the cart. He doesn't even know what that is, and he doubts that Yuhan does, he probably just took it because it's cute and colorful .

"One more...", Yuhan smiled wide then ran along the grocery aisle they were in.

Jonghyun called him then pushed the cart fast with him to catch up with Yuhan.

They ended up in the drinks section and there, Yuhan scanned the racks, up and down, until he found that certain small yellow carton drink. He picked up a whole pack, by 12s.

Jonghyun smiled. His son's strong relationship with banana milk, of couse he can't leave the supermarket without it. He took the pack from Yuhan. "Just this much?"

Yuhan put his finger on his lip, tapping it while thinking. "Uhhh.... Uncle Taemin will come to house?", he asked.

"Maybe. Why?"

"Yuhannie should buy a lot. Uncle Taeminnie will drink too.", he explained and then grabbed two more whole packs. Jonghyun chuckled and helped Yuhan lifting it as it is too heavy for him and he's already hugging it.

After that, they carried on on completing the list. Yuhan behaved, just following Jonghyun around.

When they're finished and Jonghyun is about to go to the cashier, he saw that Yuhan isn't behind him anymore, he called him but he got no response. His eyes quickly roamed around and when he didn't saw him, went back to the last section they were in.

He sighed in relief to see Yuhan there and he is with two other kids, older than him. The other boy was on the floor, seems like he fell or something, and then he saw how Yuhan helped the boy stand up, while the other boy is just looking down at them. Now Jonghyun realized that the boys were fighting, excluding Yuhan. He wanted to approach them but curiosity pulled him to stay on his spot, waiting of what will Yuhan do.

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