Chptr 48: I Believe Now

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Yerin held on her forehead as she listens to what is being told to her over the phone by her secretary and she keeps sighing all through out.

"He really did that?", she asked Soojin and her secretary replied with a 'yes' and gave a little more details that she needed to know.

She sighed again and rolled her eyes. "Gosh, that man and his wicked ways, aigooo."

She bid goodbye and hung up after asking more information from Soojin as she's not able to go to the office because she has to stay with Yuhan.

Just as she's about to sit down on the couch to relax, the doorbell rang. She stood up to open the door but Yuhan, out of nowhere, dashed past her and attended to the door before she did, as if he knows exactly who came.


Right before she can completely got to the front door, Yerin can already hear super loud greetings and she already new who their visitors are. Five boys appeared in front of her, including Yuhan being carried by Minho.

"Annyeong Yerin-ah~!", they greeted cheerfully.

She greeted back,, trying to be as cheerful as them but failing, and then led them to the living room.

"So, aren't you oppas busy?", she asked after they all have been seated.

"We promised Jonghyun to keep you company and look after you guys while he's away.", Onew explained.

She felt moved at the same time, sad after hearing that from them but she didn't make it obvious as she knows that they are not aware about the problem between them. She tried to think of a way to divert the conversation because it's uncomfortable for her and she remembered something just in time.

"Oh Key oppa...", she looked at him. "I'm really wanting to talk to you. Good thing you came."

"What is it?", Key raised his brow.

"Soojin called me... Why did you kick Meeyon out of the project? I told you to take over not change it."

Key looked sharply at her, with an 'are-you-serious' expression. "Yerin-ah... Don't think that 'what happened' will just simply pass by without me knowing it and me correcting it. I know you know what I mean. ", he stated, choosing his words carefully because Yuhan is with them.

Yerin sighed and scratched her head. She feels mixed emotion, a bit of joy and satisfactory because somehow revenge has been made for her but then, she's feeling guilty because it's like she's mixing work to her personal issues and Key also got involved when it is her own problem.

"How about the contract? You cannot just simply do that to her in a snap. Her agency will surely take action for this.", Yerin said worriedly.

"Actually, her agency did not appeal against it. It is Dongwon, her own brother, who agreed that she should learn in this way.", Key explained.

"And I don't want to work with her anymore so it's better that she's out.", Taemin added, while playing rock paper scissors with Yuhan.

Minho rolled his eyes. "C'mon. You can't be that considerate towards such person." he added.

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