Chptr 6: Cold Reconciliation

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Yerin got snapped out from her slumber when she felt the heat of the sun rays from the window hitting her face. She slowly opened her eyes and adjusted to the brightness of her surroundings but as soon as the memories of what happened last night came into her mind, she suddenly sat up on her bed. She did some thinking as her mind is still adjusting from her sleep. Everything slowly came to her mind and when she had finally remembered the later scenes of last night, she drop back her body on the bed and sighed.


There literally weren't any corner of the house that Yerin hasn't went since she kept on walking around, trying her best to ease at least a little bit of her nervousness. She would check her phone from time to time hoping to find a message from Onew announcing that Jonghyun is alright, but it's almost an hour that has passed since she asked him to call and check on Jonghyun, there's still none from him.

She bit her fingers more everytime the thought of Jonghyun's accident three years ago would come to her mind. He has the same anger when he drove away after she had unmeaningly said something unpleasing to his ears. Her heart pounded hard at the thought that it might happen again.

Yerin tightly closed her eyes as she shook her head, driving those bad thoughts away. 'Omg. Yerin you need to relax.', she fanned herself to lessen the tension in her. She decided to go to the kitchen to drink water only to stumble while running back to the living room when she heard her phone rang.

A call from Onew.

“Onew oppa! Have you contacted him already? Have you talked to him? Where is he now? Does h--”

Onew cut her off. “Hey hey. Yerin Relax.”

She followed what he said. She breathed deeply a few times first then tried to talk calmly, while her heart seemed to not understand the word 'calm'.

“H-Have you talked to him already?”, Yerin asked again.

“Yes. Don't worry anymore. He's safe and he's here now at my house. I and the boys will talk to him.”, Onew said.

Yerin almost dropped in the floor because of the big relief she felt. “Is he still mad?”

“Uhh we still can't talk to him properly.”

She bit her lip. “Uhm... C-can I talk to him?”, she asked nervously.

Onew parted the phone from his ear to look at Jonghyun but ended up shaking his head as he get back to the phone. “I don't think so. Let's just let him cool down first. We'll take care of him for now.”

She sighed, “Okay. Please try to calm him oppa.”



Yerin looked at the clock beside her bed and found out that it's almost high noon. She had trouble sleeping last night that's why she wasn't surprised that she has woken up very late but she didn't bother about the time. Good thing it is weekend and she doesn't have to be at the office because she is seriously not in the mood to work now.

She reached for her phone, hoping to find something that would brighten up her day, a message from Jonghyun or something, but all she got is disappointment when she found nothing in her inbox but just random messages from random people.

'He's really mad...', she thought. Then she started typing a message.

[TO: Babo DINO <3]

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