Chptr 50 [Part 1]

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[a/n: I unpublished edited then republished this chapter. It's okay now]

The ambiance is dark and heavy in that same room that they are in for quite long now, just sitting beside each other and staring at random inanimate object. Everybody is quiet, no one wants to talk as their minds are all covered with a big cloud of worry and fear that they couldn't think clear.

Onew slowly brought his head up from looking at the floor to stare at the people around him. Looking at them is like having a view of a life size still image. His eyes then went to the window where he saw the outside, it's already already dark and he have realized that they all spent the whole day doing nothing but just nervously waiting for updates and praying hard.

His eyes landed back to to Yerin and he wondered when did she stopped crying, maybe not long ago as he can still see wet traces on her cheeks and her damp eyes, she looks pale and weak. Finally, someone stood up to break the suffocating silence. Mr. Kim stood in the middle and faced them all.

"It's already late and we're all tired, I think we should rest for now. The airlines said they will give updates so we're just gonna wait for it.", he announced, as the family head.

All agreed by nodding their heads silently, except for Yerin who remained motionless, staring at the carpet. They noticed it and all looked at Yerin worriedly.

"You should rest now, you need it.", Mrs. Kim gently stroked Yerin's hair repeatedly.

Yerin's swollen, damp eyes looked at her mother-in-law, and then to everyone in that living room, all their eyes are on her too. They all look tired as well. She's thankful that they are all there as she doesn't know how she can survive the situation alone, she wanted to at least give a little smile to them as a sign of gratefulness but her lips are disobeying her. All she can project is a weak straight face.

"It's okay. Everybody can go home now.", she told them, she was surprised that her voice isn't shaking anymore.

Mrs. Kim shook her head. "Dear, it is you that needs rest the most. You can go to your room now. We'll take care of everything here."

"I can stay here for tonight so that I can look after you and Yuhan.", Sodam suggested and the others agreed on that, again, except for Yerin.

She shook her head slowly. "No, I can manage this. You have your own things to do and you also need rest. Thank you."

"Yerin-ah...", Key called out worriedly.

On that situation, they all heard that front door opened, followed by small giggles and steps going in.

"Ummaaaaa~", Yuhan appeared in the living room, behind him are his Uncle Minho and Uncle Taemin. He then ran to Yerin and jumped on her for a hug.

Yerin hugged his son back, very tight, tighter than it should be, as if she's getting strength and energy from Yuhan that she seriously needs right now. She need to be strong for him.

The hug lasted longer than it should be until Yuhan wriggled out of it to greet the others that are present there. And the he started narrating his activities the whole day outside.

As Yerin listens to Yuhan's story, she saw Minho and Taemin went to a distance from them with Key and Onew, and she exactly knew what they are talking about after she saw the newly arrived guys sighed deep and shook their heads.

"...we ate ice cream before we went home.", that last part was the only thing that Yerin caught from Yuhan's story. She smiled very little and nodded to him but as Yuhan stares at his mother's face, his expression changes until he ended up furrowing his brows, scanning Yerin's face.

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