Chptr 8: A Little Help from Key

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Yerin woke up early this morning but not to get ready for going to the office. It is a weekday morning but she seemed to have no plans of being productive today, just lying flat on her stomach on the couch while staring at her phone on her hands. She would put her phone facing down and after a few seconds, she'd be flipping it over again to check it and the cycle repeats for half an hour now. She had realize that this scene have been happening for plenty of times in a row now, like she's almost getting used to it, waiting for Jonghyun's call or even his text message.

She can feel that Jonghyun is trying to be distant to her these past few days because he's still not fine with their last fight, but yesterday, when he went to the photoshoot venue, she thought everything will be fine from then on, but she ruined it. She wants to hang herself upside down for asking him about the project right away, all she was thinking then was to solve everything because she's feeling pressured that Mr. Shin already gave her a deadline. And that's why Jonghyun walked away again last night without them having a good and proper talk. He didn't yell at her and just calmly went away but his face was really dark and that made her worry more. When he's quiet, it's something that she should be scared of.

Her phone suddenly rang which made her rise up immediately to sit up but seeing another name on her phone's screen, she dropped herself down again then answered the call.

"Yah Yerin. Where are you? Why aren't you here at the office?", Key's loud voice was what welcomed her ears.

She sighed before answering. "Sorry oppa but can I not come to work today?", she answered in a lazy voice.

"Wae? Are you sick?', Key worriedly asked.

"No. I just don't feel like I can do something good today..."

Key flicked his tongue a few times. "I know you fought again for the 9873624th time last night but stocking yourself at home won't help."

She rolled her eyes. "I know. But everyday I have to deal with a lot of things and I felt all the stress it brought me, so please, please, please, let me take a break. Just today.", she begged.

Key can't do anything against her request and ended up sighing and accepting that he has to shoulder all the paper works for today. "Arasseo. You rest then come here when you're already fine."

"Thanks kibum.", she said with a slight smile.

"Yeah yeah. Thank me for doing these pile of works here all alone.", he said in sarcasm.

"Sorry, I'll make it up to you next time, I promise."

"You really should.", Key chuckled. "... and fix your problem with Jonghyun."

Yerin sighed. "Yes, I will. I'm really trying.", she said helplessly.

Yerin ended the call after they said goodbye and she went back to doing nothing, just burying her chin on the couch. She taps her phone screen with her finger where Jonghyun's picture was set as the wallpaper.

"You...", She mumbled, talking to the phone. "...why do you always have to walk away, you sulky dino. We should have settled the problem last night if you just listened to me."

When the LCD light went off and the phone locked, she realized how pointless it is to talk to the phone and she just closed her eyes. She haven't slept properly last night so she feels drowsy. And just when she was about to drift off to sleep, the ring of the doorbell echoed all over the house.

At first, she ignored it, thinking that it wasn't a real sound but when the it rang again, she came back to her senses and immediately jumped of the couch. Excitement rushed all over her body as she dash on her way to the door, tripping and stumbling. Her smile was about to rip her face when she opened the door.

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