Chapter 11

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After a good day and a good night of sleep, and a speech of a worried mother last night, I readied myself once again for a day a school. At least it's Friday, so last one before the week-end. I'm excited for the week-end. I don't know what I'll do, but it'll be at least good for me, I hope so.

What did I dreamt about ? After all I can remember quite a few dreams, but the two last nights that I slept, I didn't remember anything. Weird, maybe because two days ago was a stressful and hurtful day ? Maybe. Maybe because I just didn't remember it ? Maybe. 

I finished preparing myself as I left my house, saying goodbye to mom, she wanted to meet Toriel, Chara and Frisk. To thank them for how they treated me during that week, after all, they did helped my sorry ass two times, and I did said to Chara that one day she'll taste mom's best dish. So it's a win-win situation right there.

I waited for Chara and Frisk at the crossroad we used to meet, I looked at the surroundings and and experience a feeling of deja-vu. Not because I knew how the neighborhood looked like, but more like it happened before. This situation, this week, it all felt weird at once. I don't know why, must be my brain who's playing me thicks.

"Y/N, are you good ?" Chara's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Oh, hey, sorry I was in my thoughts. Are you good ?" I greeted Chara, Frisk wasn't here ? "I'm good, and you ? Any phantom pain ?" She asked. "No, not at all. Hey, why Frisk isn't here ?" I asked her. "Well, she took too much time to prepare herself, so I figured to go before her since I didn't want to make you wait alone." She said, blushing a little. "Oh, well thank you Chara, that's kind of you." I thanked her, she's truly kind.

"Sorry I'm late !" Frisk yelled, while running towards Chara and I. "No worries, it's only 7:32. You good." I said to Frisk. "As an ambassador, being late is unacceptable." Frisk said, being a little ashamed. "Not for me, I don't care to be honest." I said, being late is normal after all. "You don't care about me you said ?" Frisk said, I could sense anger, but was it playful or real ? Don't know. "Don't make me say something I didn't. I said that I didn't care about you being late, you're a friend to me, not someone who have a political position." I said, beginning to walk. "I thought so." Frisk said, with a hint of triumph. "What did you talked about ?" She asked. "Nothing, just talking about that and this." I said. "Very passionate." Frisk sarcastically said. "Well, I needed to tell you something about my mom wanting to know you, but now I don't think I'll said it." I said, playfully. "Wait please tell me !" Frisk yelled as Chara just looked at me. "Well, my mom wanted to visit you to say thank you, and to meet you, Chara and Toriel, if that's alright." I said, Chara nodded while Frisk jumped in excitement. "Of course, plus Dad and Asriel will return tonight, you could meet them too !" Frisk excitedly said. "A big family meeting, sort of." I said, laughing. "Wait, who is Asriel ?" I asked. "Our brother." Chara responded. "Biological or adopted." I asked, Chara seemed to freeze for a split-second, but resumed her walk. "Adopted, of course." She said. I just nodded at her response, not wanting to ask her more, it seems like biological family is something I can't talk about.




"Okay so, what is the play, do I say to my mom to wait us at the crossroad, or do I come at your house with her ?" I asked the sisters. "Oh, if you're good with it, you can ask her to wait us at the crossroad, like that we'd have a chance to talk to her before mom sees her." Frisk said. "Is Toriel very talkative with other mothers ?" I asked. "Oh boy, you don't know what you put us into." Chara said, sighing. I did a good laugh. They looked at me, perplexed. "My mom is very social too, I think we created a mother friendship." I laughed. They smiled a little.

Once we were at the crossroad, I saw mom waiting, and looking at her, I could tell she wants to make a good first image. "Hey, this is Chara." I said at mom, pointing at the red-eyed female. "And this is Frisk." I pointed at the half-closed female. "As for me, I am Y/N." I said, joking. "Well, nice to meet you, Frisk and Chara." She said, shaking her hand. "And nice to see you too, son." She said, hugging me, I didn't have the time to hug her back since she was with the sisters in no time. Oh boy it'll be interesting.

"Y/N ?" Chara said, slowing down, letting Frisk and mom be ahead. "Yeah ?" I responded. "T-This week end, do you want to do something ?" She asked. "Yeah, what do you want to do ?" I replied, interested to do something with her. "Maybe go to the mall ? W-Watching a movie or just looking at stores ?" She said, it kinda looked like she wanted to see me more than to go to the mall. That must be wrong, she's way out of my league to be interested in me. "Sounds like a plan, will Frisk be there ?" I asked. "No, busy with ambassador stuff, at least she'll be helped by mom, and and Asriel." She said. So just the two of us, huh ? No, Y/N, what did I just said. "Alright, we'll talk about it later ?" I asked. "Yes, of course." She replied.

"Greetings, I am Toriel, your son is truly a gentleman." Toriel greeted my mom. "Hello, I am M/N, your daughters are quite the deal as well." Mom greeted back Toriel. "Hey Y/N, better ?" Toriel greeted me. "Hey Toriel, I am perfectly better, thanks." I said to her, she just smiled back, and started a conversation which I felt will be long. 

"Oh, there is new faces in this house." A powerful, but kind voice was heard at the door of the Dreemurr's house. I saw two monsters, one was a huge goat with a ginger beard. And the other was a lite version of the huge one, minus the beard. "Hey dad, hey Asriel." Frisk and Chara greeted their father and brother. "Oh, M/N, Y/N. Let me introduce you to my husband and child." Toriel said, standing up to walk towards them. Since I was already on my two feet, I decided to walk towards them as well, mom, Frisk and Chara followed in the second. "This is Asgore, my husband." She pointed at the huge goat. "And this is Asriel, our son." She then pointed at the smaller goat. "Nice to meet you, Asgore, Asriel." Mom said, shaking their hands. "You are M/N, if I understood." Asgore said. "That's right." Mom said and looked at me, I nodded to her since she knew that I don't like her introduces me. "And I am Y/N, pleased to meet you sir." I said, shaking Asgore's hand, which was really huge, but really soft. "You are the kind man to defended our daughters, I must thank you for that, Y/N." Asgore thanked me. "No need to, sir. It is normal." I said, bowing a little. "Quit the formalities, and please, call me Asgore." Asgore kindly said. I nodded and turned a little to look at Asriel. "Nice to meet you Asriel." I said, offering a hand-shake. "Nice to meet you too, I hope we can be friends !" Asriel said, shaking my hand, he was enthusia-


I got a sudden headache while I heard those words, I looked around to see if someone did heard them, but it seems like I was the only one who heard it. I winced a little as I held my head as the sudden headache had left me dizzy. "Y/N, are you alright ?" Chara asked me, looking at me. "Y-Yeah, I'm good, just a little headache." I said, feeling a little better. But, what are those voices ?

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