Chapter 17

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*The subject began to assimilate the DSH and the APP. Waiting for more results. Seems to be promising.*

6:30. Once again, I had a dream, stranger than the last one, I could see the white ceiling, the coldness of the room I was in. And the infamous headache, although it wasn't as bad as the one I had the day before. I wonder why I get those dreams and those headaches. And, I felt ... out of place, a weird feeling. I mean I did mistakes, and I'm trying my best to make amends, I was in the wrong. After all all I did was to put blood on my hand, even if I was defending the people who didn't defend themselves. It was not an excuse to me. I did cause pain to several persons, my closest ones. And I swore to never do it again, as I said before, emotional pain is not something you can heal with a bandage, it needs time and mental efforts, you need to work on yourself before working for others. Selfish, yes, but it is necessary to do.

"Morning son." Mom said, laying on the couch as she watched some shows, her works starts later in the morning, so she wanted to be here before I'm going to school, she wanted to be here for me, which I couldn't be thankful enough. "Hey mom." I greeted her back, should I tell of my plan for this afternoon ? I hated to hide things from her since my past with the Crew and all that. "Mom, I'm going to have another date with Chara after school." I said, digging in the breakfast she always prepared for me. "That's wonderful ! What are your plans ?" She said, sitting up to look at me. "I don't know, but I want to confess to her at the end. That's for sure." I said, having a little blush. "You seem to be determined aren't you ?" She said, I smiled a little. "I don't see why I should lie about my feelings, it's not healthy." I said as I gulped the milk out of my mug. "Make sense, you always hated lies." She said, getting up to get my dishes out the table. She knew that I disliked it, I could do it after all. "Y/N, make her yours, I want my son to be happy with the one he loves." She said, ruffling my hair, which were all over my head, bed hairs. "Thanks mom, I'll be going soon." I said as I started to go upstairs towards my room, preparing myself physically and mentally for the day.


"Hey Y/N." Chara said, walking towards me. Frisk was behind her for once. "Hey Red. How are ya ?" I asked her. "I'm doing good. But I feel like I'll be even better at the end of the day." She said, being sure of herself. "I'm sure it will be the same for me." I said as I put my hand on her cheek. "Doing moves out here, you're daring Y/N~" Frisk said, beginning to move for school. "Why wouldn't I ?" I just said, looking at Chara, who's blushing a little. "Careful at the school, you could be starting rumors without you wanting it." Frisk said, loooking back at us. "Don't care about it, it's just noises for me." I said, I disliked rumors about others, but when it was about me, I simply didn't care. "You're truly something else." Frisk finished. Am I though ? I'm just human after all, one person could think the same way I'm thinking right now.


"Great, something at least cooked a little for today, I'm starting to think that lunch isn't that bad." I said, as I saw that the noodles wasn't sticking to each other. "It seems like it, remember that lunch like before the summer break ?" David asked me, making me laugh. "Oh dude, how could someone forget that ?" I said, remembering that day. "What happened ?" Frisk asked at us, Chara was just looking at us smiling. "Well, it was a special day, so for dessert they did some cake. But the cake was something else. It was supposed to be a chocolate cake. But instead it was a cake with rice and ketchup in it." David said, laughing a little. "And so, when everyone saw that, they just launched them across the room." I completed. We were laughing at this little 'accident', it was funny, but not for the school. I felt a little sorry when I saw the cleaning agents complaining about ketchup being everywhere. 


"Well, I'll be at your house in 30-45 minutes, is that good with you ?" I asked Chara, at the infamous crossroad. "Y-Yeah, just tell me when you'll go to my home, okay ?" She said. "Of course, see you later." I said as we did a little hug, Frisk was looking from afar, I gestured her to come to talk. "Better get going." I said as Chara made her way towards her house. "What are you doing ?" Chara asked to Frisk, which started to walk towards me. "I just need to talk with him, go prepare, it's a big day." Frisk said, whispering the last part, but I was sure that she did it willingly. Chara just nodded and started to power-walk. 

"Frisk, I'll be quick." I started, being serious. "What is it ?" She asked, tilting her head. "I'm going to confess to Chara, after the date." I said, looking at Frisk's semi closed eyes. "I'm 50% sure that I will have a positive response. So please, tell me that I have more than 50%." I asked, being afraid of the idea that Chara might refuse. "Y/N, as your friend and the sister of Chara, I am 100% sure that you are doing the best thing you could." She said, which was confusing me a little. "I'm not supposed to say this, but Chara don't trust humans, so seeing her trusting you that much. I am sure that you'll be together at the end of the day." She said, which confirmed my first thoughts of Chara. "Don't worry, I already guessed it. Thanks Frisk, you helped me a lot there." I said, Frisk was one hell of a wingman, even if she didn't knew that. "I'll repay you one day, when you'll ask me the same for David." I said, teasing her a bit. Frisk blushed. "Y-You noticed ?" She asked, being a little sky. "And don't worry, you've got your chances, go get 'em tiger." I said, smiling at her, she smiled back at me. "Okay, I'll be going, I have a date after all." I said, beginning to move towards my home. "Go Y/N, be her boyfriend." Frisk said, leaving for her home. 

Time to shine, Y/N.

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