Chapter 59

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Chara's POV.

I regained consciousness and immediately gasped. I looked around to see my room. I tried to remember why I was here. Oh. Yeah, the fight with Jake and his goons. I was fine against Thomas, but then Jake did something to Y/N and it somewhat did something to us, taking out Frisk and me, I knew that David was the only one standing as I saw him fighting.

I tried to stand up as I saw someone at my doorstep. "Better ?" I saw Gaster looking at me. I only got one question. "How and where is Y/N ?" I asked Gaster. He sighed. "I feel like you won't answer me." Gaster only said, walking towards Frisk's room. Frisk was already awake. "How's David ?" She asked Gaster, he sighed once again. "More worried about your boyfriends and you." He chuckled a little. "Follow me." He said as he started to walk towards the guest room. He opened the door and I only stared at the beds. Frisk gasped as she saw Y/N and David on beds. Still unconscious. "David had his right arm dislocated and stabbed." He said, I then saw his arm in a cast. "We healed his arm, but we needed to put a cast, his bone was bending in a bad angle." He continued. And I turned my look at Y/N, he had a bandage at his right side of his face. "What happened ?" I asked. "When he returned, he had a harsh cut at his face, cutting vertically his right side. He came back in his spiral state. But he was calm. Anyway, he got unconscious and then the cut started to melt the skin around. David will be able to use his arm again. I fear that Y/N's right eye is too damaged to be active again." He finished, it was my turn to gasp. "He will be blind ?" I asked, my voice trembled a little. "I'm afraid so. The poison attacked too quickly." He said, I could tell than he was sorry. "It's okay Gaster, you did what you could." I said to him, he smiled dryly as he turned his back. "I could've be better." He said as he left the room. Frisk walked towards David's bed, and I walked towards Y/N's bed.

"Why are they like that ?" I heard Frisk say. I turned my head to see her crying. "Because of them Frisk, they are the cause." I said, feeling a little angry. Since then a silence would occur in the room. It was crushing, I felt like Frisk was doing a choice in her head.

"That's it." Frisk said, but her voice changed. "Frisk ?" I called her name, she looked at me, and her bright yellow eyes were dull. "Y/N was right after all, we need to kill them." She said, she surprised me, Frisk wanted to be the pacifist the world needed. "I was too blinded by my previous actions, I didn't want to be that version of Frisk." She continued, I listened closely. "Now, I know that their threat are real, and we need to act." She said, I nodded. "You're right, we know how to fight, we just didn't use that completely." I just said, and then I thought of something else. "What if they won't understand ?" I just asked, Frisk laughed quietly. "Come on Chara, they will, at least Y/N. David might not accept my change." She said, I smiled dryly as she was right, Y/N already killed those guys, David didn't. 

"I don't care if you kill those guys, Frisk. I know you won't be like before." A voice said,, soon after, the person Frisk watched rose up. "I know that you will control yourself. I don't fear the fact you'll go genocidal." David said, hugging Frisk with his good arm. "How can you be so sure ?" Frisk asked. David laughed, surprising the both of us. "I just know, that's it. After all I'm here, Chara is here, everyone is here for you. And I will be personally here to know that you will not lost yourself." David reassured her, which caused her to smile and cry. I smiled as I witnessed that. Frisk had finally someone who loved her to some real high limit. I must thank David one day for that.

"He's still asleep huh ?" David asked, pointing at Y/N. I sadly nodded. "Yeah, and he'll wake up without an eye." I said, David nodded as he seemed to know the situation. "Yeah, I saw that happened, and that slip of focus caused the guy to fuck my arm up badly." He said, I looked at the ground. "Don't be down Chara, wasn't your fault, wasn't Frisk's fault." He said, I smiled as he tried to recomfort me. "Thanks, I know, but it still leave a bitter taste." I said, Frisk got up and put a hand on my shoulder. "Chara, don't worry, knowing Y/N, I'm sure that group got their hours running." She said, I smiled once again. "Yeah, he's the person who can hold grudge crystal clear." I said, which caused David to laugh loudly. "Oh girl you have no idea how much grudges he held back then." He said. "I won't say all of them, but there is one where it surprised me. Basically when we started school last year, there was a senior who said that Y/N won't have his diploma since he repeated a year. Fast forward 8 months later, that guy failed the exams, and Y/N wouldn't leave his side for the day talking about how miserably he failed." He explained, I laughed a little. "That's childish." I said, David shrugged. "I know, he waited almost a year to do that. So think on how he'll be after those guys." He said, I nodded. "He will give them hell." I said, and I heard moving near me, it wasn't Frisk or David.

"Damn right I'll give them hell, I'll bring it to them personally." Y/N said, waking up, I yelled his name and hugged him quickly. "Hey there Red, missed me ?" He said, I snickered. "Yeah sure." I said, he chuckled as he returned the hug. "Fucking hell, my eye's killing me." He said, getting up. He quickly took off the bandage, and what I saw was special.

His scar ran on his right eye, but it wasn't red, it was fucking glowing golden ! "Y/N ! Look yourself in the mirror." I yelled, he seemed surprised and looked at himself with the mirror in the room. He got even more surprised for a second and then returned to be chill. "Seems like my magic is healing me." He casually said. "Too bad it won't heal my eye completely." He said, how can he be casually saying that. "What do you mean ?" Frisk asked. "That thing Jake did, it was special and somewhat countered my healing thing, the Spiral held the poison back, and thanks to that. Gaster could heal me and kill that poison. Seems like the eye is too fragile, so my magic can only repair it to the bare minimum." He explained. "Does that mean you will be able to see with it ?" I asked, he nodded. "I will, but my vision with this eye will be trash, even glasses won't help at this point." He said, laughing. I sighed as I felt relieved, better having one eye with sighting problem than no eye at all. "I'm happy too, Chara." He said, kissing my forehead. I mentally fangirled a bit. Then, the door opened to reveal Gaster.

"Seems like you're all up and good, now care to explain everything downstairs ?" 

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