Chapter 27

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I woke up to a ceiling who wasn't a ceiling I've had the habit to look at. I looked at my right and I saw Chara, with her head on my torso, good thing I've slept with a t-shirt, I saw her drooling a little. I smiled at the sight, after I am the lucky one who got to see it. I tried to stretch my legs without moving too much, it was not a good experience, it felt empty. I felt Chara moving a little, so I looked at her and I saw her looking at me, I smiled and she smiled too. "Good morning Red, careful with the drool please." I said, smiling as she blushed in embarrassment. "Good morning N/N, and sorry about that." She said, standing up a little and rubbing the back of her head. "No worries, what time is it ?" I said, as my phone were in my pants, which was on the floor, and no, we did not have sex. "6:18." Chara said, I sighed a little. "Welp, let's get going now shall we ?" I said, getting out of the bed. "M-Maybe put some clothes on please." Chara said as she pointed at my lower part. I just had a underwear, and you know, I felt that I got a morning wood not so long ago. "Oh shit, sorry." I said as I put on my pants. "I was just surprised, it's the first time I'm in this situation." Chara calmly said as she got up as well. Her ... boobs giggled a little, I blushed a little and looked down. "Me too Chara, seems like we'll discover plenty of situations like this." I said, stretching at my fullest, felt good. "Can't wait to have them with you." She said as she kissed my check. I smiled as I was impatient to live days with her.

"Good morning weird couple." Frisk said as we reached the dining table for breakfast. "Hey there, you good ?" I asked, still feeling like shit after what I said. "Yeah, clearly better than yesterday, don't worry." She said, smiling at me. I smiled back and took a sit at the end of the table. "Weird couple ?" Chara asked Frisk. "You are a kid who I brought back from the dead. And he's some sort of experiment of crazy scientists." Frisk said, she got a point. "I'm more that that..." I said, faking a hurtful tone and face. "Oh come on Y/N, you know that I'm joking right ?" Frisk said, smiling. I smiled back at her. "Yeah, just messing with you." I laughed a little. Chara smiled and Frisk laughed a little too. "You little sneak." She said as she took a spoonful of her cereals. "Oh, Y/N, would you like something ?" Chara asked. "Well, to be honest I'm kinda hungry, can I have a bowl of cereals ?" I asked Chara. "Sure, let me go and get it." She said as she got up for her chair, I got up as well since I didn't want to be that helpless guest. 


"So, what did I miss yesterday ?" I asked the sisters, as we're on our way towards school. "Not much to be honest, was boring without you." Chara said. "Come on, I'm not a entertainment." I said, laughing a little. "You are one when you're with David." Frisk said. "Oh, subject dropped, how's things with David ?" I asked her. She blushed a little. "I-It's good, maybe even more." Frisk said, I smiled at her. "Be good with him, you deserve happiness as mush as he deserves." I said, looking at her. She looked at me and nodded. "But..." I continued, she looked at me with a confused face. "If you're going to be a serious item with him, don't hide anything." I said, looking serious, and she nodded, as she knew what I was talking about. "Yes, Y/N. Don't worry, I won't hide it from my loved ones anymore, you opened my eyes. At least half opened." She said as she pointed at her eyes. I laughed and Chara snickered. "Good one." I said.


"At least I did miss one crappy lunch yesterday." I said as I played with the rice. "Lucky you." David said, as he always joined us for lunch. "Are you better ? Frisk told me that you were sick." David asked me, I smiled a little. "Yeah, all good now, feels like I'm better than before now." I said as for now, there was no secrets anymore. "All good then." He said as he started to eat. I started to eat too and felt the stickiness of the rice. Felt like chewing-gum, did not taste like it. "That rice is disgusting." Chara said, drinking water to help. "Ahah, beginner's mistake, always take some sauce." I said as I got up for some sauce, since I forgot. "Then we're all beginners." Chara said as each four of us didn't take sauce. "Sharp deduction." I said as I started to go towards the sauce booth, I heard Chara standing up, and soon enough, she was next to me. "Sauce date ?" I said jokingly. She laughed a little. "Best date ever." She said jokingly too. I laughed a little and then put some sauce in that rice. "Now it'll be decent at best." I said as I waited Chara to return.


"Want to hang out after ?" I asked David, helping him getting closer to Frisk. I'm a man operating in the shadows. "Yeah sure, send me a message when you're good." He said as he took his way towards his home. "Sure buddy, see ya." I said as he waved at me. "Helping in the shadows ?" Chara whispered to me as we started to walk too. "You know it, don't like the spotlight." I said as I looked to Frisk, which was ahead of us. "I still feel like a shit after yesterday, and helping her like that help me feels a little better." I said to Chara. She nodded. "I know what you are talking about, it was the same with monsters." Chara responded. It must've been terrible for them. "Let's hope that you'll get happier now." I said, loudly enough to Frisk to hear it as well. "I'm happy, you make me happy, and you made me realize that I deserve that." Chara said, hugging my arm. "Let's have fun now. You and Frisk deserves it a whole lot." I said as we sped up to join Frisk. "For now on, let's have a blast, okay ?" I said to Frisk, showing her my fist. She was surprised, but she smiled genuinely. "That's for sure, and I'm counting on you and David to help." Frisk said, fist-bumping me. "Don't worry, David will help you a ton." I said. I wasn't a shipping person, but I felt like seeing David and Frisk dating, it will be fucking good.

I want to make my friends happy, I want to protect my friends. I'll do everything I can to do it.


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