Chapter 36

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Chara's POV

"Y/N no !" I yelled as I saw him falling after ... burning that crazy man. I rushed at him as I couldn't help but to cry. "Please, stay with me !" I yelled as I took his hand with the two of mine. He didn't seemed to notice me, since his eyes were looking at the sky, but instead of his E/C eyes, or his golden eyes when he was being controlled, his eyes were gray, dull and dark. "I'm g-glad to h-have been your f-friends." He said, smiling a little bit as his hands felt cold, his eyes closing and his entire body went limp, as if ... as if he wasn't alive anymore. "NO, Y/N ! PLEASE DON'T DIE !" I yelled as I began to use magic healing on him, using some of my Soul Power to make it stronger. "Frisk ! Call Sans !" I yelled as I already felt myself tired. Frisk nodded as she called Sans. David looked at me with a sad face. "Sans' coming." Frisk said as I doubled the intensity of my healing, soon enough, Frisk helped me, David didn't do anything as he didn't learnt magic healing. I saw a blue flash next to us and I already felt the skeleton's eyes looking at all of us. "Fucking hell." He said, I looked at him and saw the charred body of the maniac. "You'll explain it when he'll be on his feet." Sans said, taking my and Frisk's hand, David took Frisk's and and grasped Y/N too. "Close your eyes." Sans said, as he teleported.

"Put him on the couch !" I heard mom yelled, as we arrived at our home. David and I took Y/N's body and slowly put him on the couch, I felt tears falling as I healed him once again. Mom came by my side and started to heal him too. After one or two minutes, I looked at mom's face, and it wasn't telling me good news. "Chara..." Mom said, stopping her healing. "What are you doing !" I yelled, but I knew that it meant something. "It's useless, healing won't save him..." She said. "What are you ..." I trailed off, stopping healing too. I felt mom pulling me into a hug. And then it clicked. "I'm so sorry for your loss." Mom said softly, patting my head. I let out the loudest cry of pain and sorrow I could do as I cried all the tears I've had. "W-What do you mean ?" David asked. Frisk and him was at the verge of crying. "Y/N is ... falling down." Mom said. "What ?! I thought only monsters could be in that state !" Frisk yelled, David looked at us with a perplexed look. "No dear, humans can be in that state too, but it takes so much magic from them that me and Asgore didn't thought it was possible." Mom explained. "What ... What is 'falling down' ?" David asked. I could see his tears failing slowly. "Falling down is a state where one's soul is completely empty of magic. On monsters, it happens when the monsters is too old, or if he used too much magic. For humans, it's only the latter." Mom explained once again. "Is there a way to give him magic ?" I said, being desperate. Mom shook her head, telling me it wasn't possible. I looked at Y/N's body, and I could only feel ... emptiness. "So ... that's it ?" I said, my voice completely denuded of emotions. I could feel all of their eyes looking at me. "When my life finally turned to be worthwhile living, the ONE thing who made me happy will slowly die." I said, looking at Y/N's face. "Just because humans wanted to once again be that disgustingly race." I continued. "I fucking hate them, all of them. They took the one person I loved that much." I finished, I could feel all my past emotions coming back. Anger, sadness, sorrow, hate... It was too much for me.

"I'll make them pay." I said, as I felt something coming out of my eyes, and it was not tears. "I'll make them suffer." I said as I unconsciously formed a knife. "I'll kill them." I said, as I saw the black ooze falling into Y/N's body. "Chara stop !" I heard Frisk yell at me. And next thing I saw, was her rushing at me to hug me. "Please don't. I know it's harder for you than me. But please, control yourself ! You're not that Chara anymore. You've changed for the better." Frisk said, crying in my shoulder. "And they took the reason why I've changed, Frisk." I said, not hugging her back. I saw David approaching us. "Y/N wouldn't like that." He said, calmly as his tears were flowing down. "He did that to protect us from him, and maybe from them. So please Chara, as Frisk said, don't become the older yourself. Y/N wouldn't want to see that." David said, his voice were waking me, I dropped the knife as I hugged back Frisk, crying all over her shoulder. "I loved him, I loved him so, so much." I said as I could barely speak when my sobbing were filling the room.

"Children, I did not said everything." Mom's voice snapped us back, we all looked at her, even Sans, which didn't talk since we arrived. "For monsters, recovering from falling down is impossible, they are made of magic based on their soul. But for humans, they could recover, they possess physical matter, their body isn't shaped by their soul." She explained, does that mean ... "Y/N can recover ?" I asked, still crying. "I don't know for sure, Chara. His soul is totally new for me, I never saw a golden soul before. You can't see it, but his body radiates magic strongly, he's not out of magic, his soul is just shocked by the amount he used." She said, I nodded as I looked at his body. "That kid's soul is special. I could feel his magic from where I was." Sans talked, surprised us as we turned out look to him. "You do know what I'm talking about. His magic is the strongest I've seen out of any humans." Sans said, he might be right. "What do you suggest then ?" Mom asked Sans, since he was the magic specialist out of every monster alive, with Alphys. "Just wait, as much as it will pain us. We don't know if he'll wake up soon, in fact, he might never woke up." Sans said, his eyes going dark. Even if he was harsh and blunt, he was right. "So we can just wait for him. If he's determined enough, he could escape his premature death." Sans said, finishing his explanation. "But-" I wanted to say something, but I felt mom's and Frisk's hand on both of my shoulder. "Chara, Sans is right. I know for sure that you are the one who is hurting the most. But we can't do anything." Frisk said, I just cried again as she was right. "It's hurting me Frisk. More than everything I've felt before." I cried, Frisk nodded and she enveloped me in a quick hug. "I know, Chara. But now, we just need to wait and wish that Y/N will be back." Frisk said, I decided to stop lying to myself, I knew that we couldn't do anything, I've tried to think about anything that could help Y/N's situation. But I didn't found anything. 


I couldn't sleep, not after what I've seen today. Y/N being controlled by the crazy man, barely killing us, him snapping back to control, impaling himself, and just annihilating the dude with the strongest magic I've seen from a human. 

I just hope that Y/N will wake up soon. I miss him already.

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