Chapter 58

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"That's a good change." I said, Sans was looking happy. "Does that mean ... the program won't take over your brain ?" He asked, I sighed. "I don't know, by 'program' I mean the Ancient Power, not that thing in my head." I explained, he nodded. "So your body is becoming one with Ancient Power, what else ?" He asked. "I don't really know if it'll affect my magic or something else." I said, he once again nodded. "Time to go back don't you think ?" He said, I nodded as I signaled him to not teleport. I wanted to test that. He grinned as I snapped my fingers, and it worked, approximately, I landed on the couch and Sans fell with his skull first on the ground. "What the ?" David was surprised, Sans grunted as I laughed. "Sorry Sans, first time using it." I said, he laughed soon after. "Damn, I fell into it." He said, I laughed at his pun. I looked over Chara and she looked quite scared. "I-Is that really you ?" She asked, I sighed as I knew that before golden eyes meant bad news. I approached her and quickly hugged my girlfriend. "I'm sane, I'm just dead set on something." I said, and then, I started to explain why I got golden eyes.


"Incredible, your feelings are a major role for your power." Gaster said, I nodded as it wasn't new. "Well, let's say that when the feelings are what you want for the future, it certainly helps." I said, David and Gaster nodded, they knew what I wanted to do in the future, the rest was just looking questionably. "You all will know when the time will come." I said. "Are you hiding something to me ?" Chara asked. I laughed a little. "Especially yeah. You won't know a thing." I said, smirking, Chara pouted a little. "Meanie." Chara just said, I smiled.

"Well, I mustn't waste time. Those who wanted to help me, come here." I said, Chara, David and Frisk approached me. "Sorry kiddo, me and Gaster need to do something." Sans said, I nodded. I managed to create a mark on their palm. Marking them for me. "Now I know where you'll be in the next 24 hours, making me able to teleport you without touching you or making my magic surround you." I said, they looked at the mark. It was a circle, within it was a square and within it was a cross. Kinda good looking. "Let's get down to business." I said, they all nodded as I teleported the 4 of us to that place.

"He'll show up, right ?" David asked. I nodded. "Jake certainly felt my magic here. He'll take the bait like a dumb guy." I said, they only nodded. 

[Activate the Magic Scan.]




Good enough. "Hide, quick." I whispered, making the three of them hide quickly. 

Soon after, the huge door opened, revealing Jake, one half of his face was scorched by my fire. "Damn, I sure left a souvenir." I said, smiling, Jake was pissed faster than a League of Legends player. "You got lucky that time." He said, I smiled. "Then might be my second name after all." I said, he grunted at me. "Nevermind, that all thing is a curse in itself." I said, then he laughed. "It's a blessing ! You're hosting the most perfect and powerful magic of all time, the ability to use and bend reality to your will !" He yelled, his voice echoing in the warehouse. "What's your plan with it ?" I just asked, he smiled and laughed. "Simple, the Administrator wants to use it on himself, and he wants to create a perfect world, without any of those resetting bitches, and you." He said, it pissed me off a little, but I stayed calm. "I'm sure your prefect world is a world where nobody can do something without your approval." I said, he smirked. "Absolutely." He just said.

"Now, let's start what we need to do." Jake said, snapping his fingers. Soon, three dudes rushed at me, Andrew, Thomas and someone else. "I knew you wouldn't come alone." I said, summoning my gauntlet. Soon after, Chara blocked Thomas, Frisk kicked Andrew and David rooted the other. "Y/N, go ! We'll deal with them." Chara just said, I nodded and rushed to Jake. "This demon wants her revenge." I heard Chara say as she started to attack.

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