Chapter 25

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Chara's POV.

How did he know ? It was supposed to be the prefect ending ! The perfect timeline where nobody will get hurt ! The timeline where we could finally enjoy peace ! So why is it happening !? WHY did he know !? I cried into my pillows as my entire life was shut down on me. It felt like all the things we've had together, just fell apart and shattered in millions and millions of pieces. I wanted to be happy, I wanted to be free, I wanted to be loved ! I wanted to be love by him ! Now he won't talk to me again ! 

"Hey kid, ya' okay ?" I heard Sans' voice. "NO I'M NOT OKAY !" I yelled back at him, but I quickly started to cry once again. "Wow, what's happening ? Never saw you like that." Sans said, his voice showed concern. "It's a-all over ! Y/N knows !" I said as I felt my tears falling onto my legs. "Go see F-Frisk, she needs it more." I said as I put my head in my pillow, only to cry more. "She told me to come and see you, Y/N knows about it all ?" He asked. I moved my head a little on the side to make him hear me clearly. "A-All about it, RESETs, genocide. All of it." I said, I heard my voice being broken due to my crying. "He said that he didn't want to see us again. T-The only person I l-loved started to hate me." I said. "Chara, you need to understand him, after all, he acted like that because it was to sudden." Said said, trying to recomfort me. "I've been there, so Chara, you need to confront him, and tell him everything about your past. From what you told me about this guy, he could understand at least your situation." Sans said, patting my back. It's true though, if I tell him about my nightmare of a past, maybe he would understand. I just need to make him listen to me. "But, h-how could I make him listen to me ?" I asked, trying to stop my tears. "Go to his house, if he isn't there, wait for him, tell his mom that you had a fight." Sans said, I got up, rubbing my eyes. "B-But what if it doesn't work ?" I asked, afraid of that case. "Then, you must wait for him. If you truly love him, let him some space." He said, leaving the room. "T-Thanks Sans." I thanked him. "No problem kid, now go, I can't stand leaving with two sisters like that." He chuckled and I nodded, determined to talk with Y/N.

Y/N's POV.

I heard my door open, I looked up and I saw mom walking in, she smiled at me but when she actually looked at me, her face changed for the worst. "Oh my god Y/N, what happened ?" Mom asked me, I looked at the ground, emotionless. "What if ... your loved one lied about one thing ?" I said, I don't want her to know about the RESET. "Care to be more precise ?" She asked, rubbing my shoulder. "What if the person you loved, kept things, kept very important things from you ? And then you discovered it on your own ?" I said, trying to be as cryptic as possible. "It's about Chara ?" She asked, I could only nod. "You had a big fight, and now you're not sure if you can trust her anymore ?" She asked once again, I nodded. She's too good to read people. "I don't know the things she hide to you, but if it was that important, she must have a reason, don't let your heart hate her, just hear her out and try to understand her point of view." Mom said, I looked at her and she smiled at me. "It's the first time I saw you liking somebody that hard, and I can't stand to see that person go away because of some fight." She said, hugging me. She was right, I acted on the field, impulsively. But still... Then, three knocks were heard, my mom got to the door and opened it. Only to reveal Chara. "H-Hey Ms. L/N. Is Y/N here ? I r-really need to talk to him." I heard Chara's voice, she was crying not so long ago. "Oh, of course he's here, come on in dear." Mom said, letting Chara in, when she saw me, her face was saddened and surprised. Must be because of the puffiness of my eyes. "I'll let you talk privately, I'll be in my room." Mom said, going upstairs and looking at me sweetly. 

"If you expect me to apologize, then go." I said coldly as I got up from the couch. "N-No please, I need to tell you more." Chara said, looking at me with sadness. I sighed and gestured her to come in the couch. She sat next to me, even after the things I said, she decided to come here. "I need to tell you about my past, I don't want to hide anything from you anymore." She said, with a new found confidence. "Will it help me understand your choices ?" I asked, because deep down, I knew that I wanted to forgive them. "I think." She said, looking down. I took her hand and ran my thumb gently on it. "Then I would like to hear it." I said, nodding at Chara. She nodded back as she took a deep breath.

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