Chapter 16

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[God of Highschool is ending, I recommend all of you to read it on Webtoon, it is my favorite on the platform !]

*Launch the DSH Protocol*

My head is killing me. I looked at my phone to see the time. 6:40, shit. My dream was a bit strange. Only thing I could remember is the 'DSH Protocol.' It seemed so real, it was like ... I lived it. I could feel the coldness of the room of my dream. I could hear the persons talking. That was a little fucked up for a dream, not gonna lie. 

"Hey Y/N." Mom greeted me in the kitchen. "Hey mom." I greeted her back, my voice echoing in my head, slightly increasing the headache. I searched for a pain-killer in the closet near the bathroom. I took one pill and swallowed it without water, a trick I learned to do when I was bored. I trained with M&M's, don't take medicine like like they were candies, that's what mom used to tell me when I was younger. Fucking hell am I sick ? Why does headaches must exists in the first place ?

7:32, walking towards the crossroad, a little late, yes. The headache is still here, I wonder when it'll wear off. As soon as the crossroad came into view, the sisters waved at me with a smile. I smiled a little as the headache became stronger, I grunted a little because of the pain, but I tried to act like nothing. "Hey girls, how are you ?" I asked them. "I'm good, knowing that this week-end is longer." Frisk said. "I'm good, but I could be better if someone could answer at my text." Chara said, pouting. Well, that's a first. "Sorry, I fell asleep without texting you goodnight." I apologized, does she care that much to me ? "Don't do it again." Chara said, her mouth in her black jacket. "I won't." I said. I felt Frisk's eyes looking at me with smugness ... ? "Come on Y/N, not texting back at your girlfriend is mean~" Frisk said, I blushed at her words, as well as Chara. "What are you talking about, Chara is not my girlfriend." I said, whispering a 'yet' at the end of my sentence, and I could've sworn that Frisk's facial expression was surprised, did she heard me ? "That's mean of you Y/N~" She teased as she started to walk towards the school. "D-Don't pay attention to her words, Frisk is like that." Chara said to me as we started walking too. "She's the teasing type ?" I asked Chara, her blush died down. "You have no idea." She sighed. David will be glad to hear that ahah.


"Crappy lunch once again." I said, looking at the mashed-potatoes in my plate, I took my fork to take some, but I needed more strength that necessary to pick it up. "You struggled too much for that. Aren't you weak~" Chara said, teasing me. I just laughed a little as I ate that mashed-potatoes. How come that meal can be dry as hell ? I looked at Chara, and as I excepted, she struggled too. "Aren't you struggling ? You need some help ?~" I teased her back, only to cause a laugh from her. "Okay I walked into it." She exclaimed. "Why won't you walk into my room ?~" I teased her once again, that time, earning a full blush from the red eyed girl. "W-W-What did you say ?" Chara said, stuttering. "You heard me very well, Red." I said, doing my best to not blush, and dial down the fucking headache who didn't leave me since this morning. "Y-You already slept at my place, so why wouldn't I sleep at your place ?~" She teased, thank you whoever made Frisk and David late. "You just need to ask, but careful, I only have one bed~" I said, this time Chara didn't respond, she looked at her plate with a really deep blush. Did I go too far ? When I wanted to ask her if I did go too far, Frisk and David came at the table. "How are ya guys ?" David asked, he saw Chara's blush and then he looked at me with a 'congratulations' look. 


"Hey Y/N." Frisk asked for me, I walked up to her, since I was behind her and Chara. But as soon as I was next to them, Chara slowed down enough to be behind us. "What did you do to her ?" She asked, I could see that she was completely serious, and now the headache is acting up. "At lunch, I teased her ... ?" I said, being completely unsure if it was teasing or flirting. "You did not. You flirted with her." She said, eying me down. "Did she told you ?" I asked. "Yes, she tell me everything." She said, does that mean ... "Everything ?" I asked. "Yes." She just answered, well, can't hurt to try. "Listen Frisk, I want to know what am I to Chara." I said, feeling a little blush on my face. "Why ?" She asked, I saw her smile, and it basically told me that she knows. "You already know, so is it the same way ?" I asked. Frisk's smile was bigger. "I'll only tell you that, Y/N : if you hurt her, I will make sure you'll regret." She said, with a sinister smile. I closed my eyes and I saw a silhouette being shadowed by the light, I only saw a disturbing smile and a red knife. I opened my eyes and then, the headache was too much, so I grunted and held my head a little, stumbling due to the immense pain that I experimented. "Oh my god Y/N I was joking, are you okay ?" Frisk asked me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Y-Yeah, I'm good, don't worry just a slight headache." I said, and I saw Chara being next to me. "Are you sure that you're okay ? You have quite the headache since you met Asriel and dad." Chara asked. "Yes I'm sure, don't worry Red. I'm good. Thanks for caring." I responded to her, her worrying for me is quite ... pleasant, it shows that she cares about me. Does she ... love me as well ? "Alright, but I want to make sure you're good, you're coming at our home and I'll ask Toriel to check you up." Chara said, helping me to walk again. "Is that necessary ?" I asked. "Yes, I won't take no as an answer." Chara said, stomping her foot on the ground. 


"Hey mom, can you check Y/N up ?" Chara said, putting me on the couch. "Thanks Red." I whispered to her. She just smiled warmly at me. "What's going on ?" Toriel asked, a little worried. "Y/N got bad headaches since he met Asriel. And he's telling me that's nothing to worry about." Chara explained, getting worried too. "It's just this one, the others was nothing." I said. "I need to know what's going on." Chara just said, playing with her fingers, clearly showing her panic for me. Toriel started to check me up, I could tell that she was more experimented than most of the doctors I knew. "I found nothing, have you been stressed lately ?" Toriel asked. "No, no stress, I drink a fair amount of water each day." I said. "Then it's probably just a persistent headache. Nothing to worry about. You just need to rest a little Y/N." Toriel concluded. "Thanks, Toriel." I thanked her. I looked at Chara to see her eyes and fingers still radiating her worries. "Chara." I started, taking her hands with mines. "I'm good, if it was something serious, you would've been the first to know." I said, looking into her eyes. I swear if Toriel wasn't there, I would've kissed her. She nodded and then hugged me. "I know, I just don't like seeing you in pain." She said, her voice being muffled on my shoulder. "I've gone through worse, don't you worry. Tomorrow I'll be good as yesterday." I said, rocking her a little, it seems that did helped, since when we broke the hug, she wasn't playing with her hands anymore. "Come on, I'll take you home." Chara said, smiling a little.


"Do you still have the headache ?" Chara asked, right in front of my home's door. "It died down a lot, I'm good now." I said looking at her. "Okay, it helps knowing you aren't hurting as much." Chara said, smiling at me. I couldn't mutter a word, her cuteness, her care about me, it stunned me too much. I just put my hand on her cheek, which she leaned her head on. Her cheek was really smooth, I could feel the heat of her cheek raging up. She looked at me as she put her hand on my shoulder. I felt that, any seconds now we could kiss. "Chara..." I whispered, letting my body being closer to hers. "Y/N, I ..." Chara started. "Listen Chara, I need to tell you something, but not here, I want to say it to you tomorrow, I want to go on a date tomorrow, after school. And then, I'll tell you what I want to tell you." I said, closing the gape between our body. "T-Then, I'll do the same, tomorrow." She said, not leaving my eyes. I kissed her forehead gently. "You text me when you'll get home ?" I asked, ending her hug. "Of course, see you tomorrow, N/N." Chara said. "See you, Red." I said as I walked into my home.

Tomorrow, I'll be a man.

Tomorrow, I'll confess my love for her.

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