Chapter 63

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Woke up and felt like before the talk with everyone. Yes, that means that the Spiral is back in  my brain. This time is different though. Before, I just had it, it was like a disease, it spread in my brain like a parasite trying to take control of me. But now, I knew how it was to have that thing, and most of all, I wanted to have it, because I thought of a plan, a plan to bring Volt and kill him. And if it works with 100% efficiency, I might even bring that bastard out there too. I didn't stop at Volt, I wanted that Administrator to be killed too. Then, and just then, I'll be able to have a normal life again. I'll be able to see Mom again. Speaking of which, she didn't even came one time, but I didn't even called her one time. I guess that's normal. After all I said to her that I needed to be away from her. Sorry Mom.

"Doing a monologue over there ?" Chara asked me, I looked at her only to see her shiny red eyes looking at me. As well as her uncovered boobs from yesterday. "Yeah, just finished. Had a good sleep ?" I asked her. She nodded and I smiled. "Hey, Y/N ?" She asked my name, I looked at her and she seemed focused on my eyes. I forgot, my eyes were different when I got the Spiral. "Yes, but don't worry, this time I got it under control." I said to her, she seemed to be eased-up a little. "I'm trusting you, darling." She said, kissing me. I smiled at her and ruffled her hairs a little.

"Hello there." Frisk greeted Chara and me at the dining table. "Hey." I just said, Chara waived. David nodded at me and Chara, I nodded back at him. "It's back huh ?" David said, which surprised me and Frisk. "Controlled, only way that I could defeat those dudes once and for all." I explained briefly. "How do you control it ?" Frisk asked, still a little surprised. "Just thinking about all those edgy stuff. You already know." I said, David and Frisk nodded. "Just hoping that you're doing the right thing, Y/N." David said, I smiled a little. "Don't worry, I got this." I said, confident. They seemed happy with it, so we dropped that subject, as Chara talked about the movie we watched yesterday. Confidence here, I looked at Chara every 5 seconds, I maybe am thirsty for her... Not maybe, I'm a complete simp.

"Are you really okay ?" David asked me, Chara and Frisk were talking with Toriel and Asgore, leaving us alone in the living room. "Yeah, don't worry." I just said. "Because I feel it, the growing despair in your eyes, others may not see it, but I'm seeing it." He said, I always knew that David was observant, I just chose not to admit it. "Listen, it's the only way to defeat them, I can't grow stronger by basic means anymore." I said, looking at my hands. "It's stressing you out ?" David asked, I could only sigh. "Of fucking course. There is a bunch of dudes hunting me because I'm supposed to be their experiment, some sort of weapon that can transcend humanity and reality. Cherry on top, they can take over my mind." I said, I kinda snapped there, but when I looked at David, I could only see that the understood a little. "I'm trusting you Y/N. But please don't overdo it, we don't know what'll happen if the Spiral take entirely the control." He said, I let out a dry laugh. "Maybe it'll be better than this situation." I quietly said, David tilted his head at me. He heard me very well. "Come on David, you know how I'm truly feeling." I said, finally embracing the fact that all of this made me different from the one I used to be. More cynical, less lively, all of that. "Don't tell me this shit right now." He said, a pinch of anger in  his voice, I could only laugh, the only mechanism I've developed. "I don't need to, you understood it the second I said it." I said, noting his saddened face, he somewhat was let down by the revelation. "Don't tell anyone about that, don't want them to be worried over their mind for me once again." I said, getting up. The firm grip of David on my arm. "Don't give up, you're halfway done." David said, it somewhat refreshed my mind. "I know, and I won't, need to tell you what my original soul is ?" I said, the thought of giving up crossed my mind more than a bunch of times. But now, I can't afford to have those thoughts. "We're here for you, Chara, Frisk, everyone who ever stepped into this house." He said, he was trying his best to cheer me up. Appreciate the effort but to be honest, that's as successful as trying to cooling off the Sun. "I know buddy, thanks." I said, he released his grip and stood up as well. 

I think at that time, he managed to know what was my plan to lure Volt. And he decided to not talk about it, I could feel that he wanted to oppose that plan, but he knew that won't be necessary as it already started.

"So, what do you want to do today ?" Chara asked us, she was walking towards us with Frisk at her side, David looked at me with pained eyes.

"Chara, Frisk. I need to tell you something important." I said, their face went from happy, to anxious. "What's the matter ?" Chara asked. David just looked at the ground, earing a more stressed face for Frisk. I sighed as I looked right in the eyes of Chara. "Don't tell me..." Chara whispered. She was fearing something. "The Spiral was killing two birds with one stone, making me stronger yes, but it attracts those dudes, well, it'll attract Volt out. And today, he'll take the bait full on." I said, Chara was looking at me surprised, as for Frisk, she was stunned. "What does it mean ?" Frisk asked. I just laughed a little. 

"That today, only one man will be standing as the other will drown in his blood."

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