Chapter 47

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Timeskip : One Month Forward

I woke up, feeling drowsy and my muscle was aching a little, due to the fact that since one month, everyday I'd train, either magically or physically. In only one month it already showed that I was stepping up. My body was getting more shredded, and due to my height, and the fact that I was already a little fit, the definition of my muscles was better, I could see that I was growing a 4-pack after all. Which stunned me after all, all I did was sparing, not actual exercises. And magically it was insane, the spears, the bones and the knife was near perfection as Gaster said, eventually, I gave them each a role in fights. The bone was the projectile, the spear was the counter and the knife was the close combat weapon. I've learned some magic spells too. How to create fire, how to create a magic barrier, and most of all, I've learned about a certain type of magic, buffing magic. Who could buff my strength, speed, endurance or resistance. The first time I used it, I could only use one of the four buffs, during that month I learned how to use two of them. Which was really convenient, but eventually, I want to use all four of them.

I felt shifting at my left, I saw Chara looking at me with a smile. "Have you finished your inner monologue ?" Chara asked, I smiled at her, she noticed that habit of mine. "Just in time, had a good sleep ?" I asked back, she nodded as she stretched her arms. "It was good, and you ?" She said, I nodded as I stretched my arms too. "It was neat." I just said, she smiled as she got up. I forget that during that month, Chara had taken the habit to sleep topless. So I just found myself being literally stunned by her boobs. I'm some lucky bastard. "Enjoying the view ?~" She said, teasing me as she reached for a shirt. I grinned as I nodded. "That and your eyes are fighting for the first place." I just said, as I got up too. I hugged her and she hugged back too. "It always feels good, no matter how much we hug." She said, sinking a little in the hug. "It's addicting." I just said, she nodded as she broke the hug. "Come on, need to eat, you got Undyne today." She said, I nodded as we made our way downstairs.

Since it was Saturday, everybody was in the living room, including my trainers and David, since now, he was sleeping at the Dreemurr's house every other weekend. "Hey y'all." I casually said as I made my way towards the kitchen, grabbing some cereals, I took some chocolate bars as Chara was speaking with the monsters. I tossed them at Chara and I noticed that my accuracy was leagues above the accuracy I had one month prior. "Nice throws puck." Undyne said, I smiled. "I've learned with the bests." I said, grabbing a bowl and some milk. "Of course you did !" Undyne said loudly as she grinned proudly. I poured the cereals in the bowl and then I put the milk in, as everybody should do.

"What's the plan today ?" I asked Undyne as I sat at the kitchen table, slowly eating my cereals. "I feel that you're ready for a serious sparing." She said, I nodded as I was ready, but Chara wasn't. "It's too soon." Chara sternly said at Undyne, the 6 foot 8 inches fish monster looked at Chara with a small smile. She whispered something at Chara and she soon blushed. "I hope you're ready Y/N." Undyne said grinning as Chara looked at me, smiling and blushing at the same time. "What did you said to her ?" I asked Undyne, she just laughed loudly. "Don't worry." She said, as she got out, telling me that she'll be ready whenever I'll be. I took my time as I needed to put my head into training mode. I looked at Asgore, Gaster, Asriel and David walking towards me. Essentially making the girls of the house alone.

"Y/N, let me tell you something." Asgore said, I looked at him and nodded. "Undyne is the strongest monster out there, if she asked you for a serious sparing, it means that she respects you and is willing to go all out." He said, I could tell that he wanted me to be careful. "Don't worry, I'll do my best." I said, Asgore smiled a little. "After all, I've been trained with the best monsters." I said, smiling and looking at Gaster, who smiled back at me. "You honor me too much, Y/N. All I did was to guide you to be better each passing day." Gaster said, as always, he was humble. "Come on Gaster, we all know that you're a beast." David said, making Asgore and Asriel laugh. "Stop it please." Gaster said, smiling. "Hope you'll give us a hell of a show, we'll be watching." David said, lifting his fist, I fist-bumped him as I smiled. "You won't be disappointed." I said, smiling. "And don't forget, Chara will be watching too." Asriel said, nudging me. "More reasons to be serious then." I said, finishing my cereals and washing the bowl.

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