Chapter 37

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I grunted as I was woken up by some light entering my room. I heard my room's door being closed and I heard some footsteps coming at me. "Wake up, Chara." I heard a male voice, I once again grunted, as I wasn't in a good mood after yesterday's event. "Come on, don't you want to see me ?" The male voice said, I looked at the source and it was Y/N. Y/N ! "N/N !" I yelled as I threw myself at his collar, hugging him, I could feel tears in my eyes. "You're alive, you're alive !" I said, completely relieved to see him. "Why do you sound like I was dying ?" He said as he chuckled. "You were dying ! Your soul was practically out of magic !" I said, this time I let out my tears of happiness. I heard him sigh as he ended the hug. "Come on, let me show you something." He said, taking my hand to guide me out of my room.

But once I saw what was in the living room, I wanted to puke. Several bodies, all of them were burned. I looked at Y/N as he grinned maniacally. "Don't you like that sight ?!" He yelled, laughing like a madman. "Like that we will finally live our life together !" He yelled as he pinned me to the wall. "Nobody will stop me from protecting you~" He purred in my ear. That doesn't sound right, that's not Y/N. That's not real. That's-

"CHARA WAKE UP !" Frisk's yell woke me up, in sweat and I was panting. "Holy shit Frisk !" I said, I didn't mean to say that to her. "You were moving around, muttering things like 'this isn't him'. Did you had a nightmare ?" She asked tenderly. I took my phone to look at the time, 6:40. Fucking hell. "Y-Yeah." I just said. She took my hand and guided me out of my room. Once I got out of my room, my living room was clean, no burned corpses. I sighed in relief. "What was the nightmare about ?" Frisk asked me, I felt my hands trembling. I, then, explained my nightmare about Y/N. She was silent the whole time. "It was a nightmare, Chara. He won't do that, and you know it." Frisk said, hugging me. I just hugged back.

I couldn't help to feel disgusted by myself. I've had a nightmare about my boyfriend, being a total psycho, weebs might call him a yandere. But after I saw him being emotionless when he was walking towards us, it was terrifying. Even more when he made a hole in his body with his own fist, and it once again peaked when he overpowered that dude. We only saw him being brutal but not killing anyone, but the way he killed the man, it was like he ... liked that. Like he had fun doing that. I shook my head, he wanted to defend himself, he wanted to defend us. 


"Mrs. Chara, are you listening ?" The teacher called my name, I was surprised for a second and nodded. "So what did I say ?" He asked me. I didn't have a single clue, so I stayed silent. He looked at me with a slight angered look and sighed. "I guess I have to repeat myself. Do you know where Y/N is ?" He asked. When he mentioned Y/N's name, I just froze in place, not moving a single atom in my body, I could feel Frisk's look at me. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know." I said, fighting back the tears who were coming up. "That's a shame." He just said, as he returned to his lessons. "Are you alright ?" Frisk asked me, I looked at her and her look just changed, seeing my painful expression. I shook my head, being honest with what I'm feeling. "I can't stand feeling all that." I whispered to her, letting a tear falling on the table. Frisk just put her hand on my thigh and smiles sadly at me. "I know that you're doing your best." She just said, as she returned her focus of the lesson. 


"You did good Chara, I'm proud of you." Frisk said to me, as we're sitting on the couch, yesterday we decided to move Y/N in the guest room, Mom, Dad, Asriel and Sans decided to take turns to watch over him, they wanted him to come back too. "It's the hardest thing I've got to experience on the surface." I said, feeling once again tears coming up. "Chara I want you to know, we're here for you, mom, dad, Asriel, Sans, David and myself want to let you know that you're not alone in this difficult moment." She said, hugging me, I hugged back as I put my forehead on her shoulder, letting myself cry. "I don't want him to go !" I yelled, even though he could comeback, in the depth of my soul, I already knew that I didn't need to hope that. "I know, like all of us." Frisk said, patting my back and my head. In the hug, we heard a door being opened, we saw Sans coming out of the guest room, he looked at us with a smile, but he quickly dropped it and replaced it with a sad one. "Hey kiddos." Sans said, walking towards us. "Hey." Frisk greeted back, I just nodded at him. "Sorry to ask you that question when the mood isn't the greatest. But ... What happened ?" Sans asked, I just let my face being shifted by those memories. "I'll explain, Chara." Frisk softly said, as she started to explain everything.

"Fucking hell." Sans said, after hearing what happened. "But normally using Ambient and Soul magic isn't quite possible without years and years of training, how could he managed to do that ?" Sans said, he talked to himself loudly as he thought. "Now that I know the backstage, I could tell you something." Sans said, looking at me. "I checked Y/N's soul, and his stats were ... obfuscated." He said, making us looking at him questionably. "What do you mean ?" I asked, my voice cracked a little. "What I mean by that, is that Y/N's HP, ATK, DEF, EXP and LV are censored. I couldn't see them." Sans said. "That's icing over the cake." I just said, they looked at me with an even more surprised look. "We don't even fucking know how he can come back, and now we can't look at his stats to see something to fucking help us !" I snapped, yelling loudly. Frisk gasped as Sans sighed a little. "Look, I know you're frustrated. But I promise to you that I will do anything to make him come back. And you know how much I dislike promise." Sans said, I grunted as I felt angry all of a sudden. I decided to go outside and materialized a knife. I walked to a tree and I stabbed it, once, twice, thrice... I lost the count of it, I let myself being controlled by all those negative feelings. But after a while, I didn't have the strength to do it anymore, so I sighed and I decided to come back inside. "Chara, are you okay ?" Frisk asked, Sans didn't moved. "I can't do it anymore. It's too much." I said as I rushed upstairs in my room, only to launch myself on my bed, and I let my eyes cry every tears they could.

Please Y/N, I need you with me, wake up.

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