Chapter 48

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I woke as I remembered that today was Gaster's training, with the fight I did yesterday with Undyne, I felt like he'll do some serious things, I could only imagine as I didn't see Gaster fighting for real. I knew about Undyne and Sans, as Chara told me that they were completely different, Sans was actually the strongest monster magically, but with his words, 'G's could whoop my bonny-ass with one look and gesture.' And it clicked in my head, when I felt pressured, intimidated when Gaster used his magic, he didn't let it all out, I felt scared to imagine his true power. 

I looked at Chara as I saw her looking at the roof, probably having some inner monologue, I waited as I looked at her face. The definition of beauty changes between people, for me, Chara was the most beautiful women. Might sound like a simp, but I don't care. All of her body was beautiful, from head to toes. Her face was cute because of her natural blush, beautiful because of her red eyes. Her hair was always silky. Her body had form, not skinny, not chubby, it was just perfect for me.

"Aren't you tired to look at me ?" Chara's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Not at all." I said, smiling as it matched my thoughts. "If anything, it's infuriating. How can you be that beautiful ?" I asked, rhetorically, Chara heard it and laughed. "I don't know, I might have to ask you one day." She said, I laughed as well as her come back was really good. "Might be the best couple out there." I said, joking. "Yeah, a 518 years old resurrected kid with a 18 years old experimented kid." She said, I laughed a little. "If you see it like that, that's kinda fucked up." I said, she only nodded as she got up, putting her shirt on and made her way out of the room, downstairs.

"Here comes the 2nd human to ever defeated Undyne." Frisk said, I smiled. "Hello to you too, Ambassador." I said, jokingly bowing to her. "Pff, I do hold a prestigious title." She said, proudly standing up. "You freed the monster-kind after all. More than once." I said, the last part to myself. "What was that ?" Frisk asked, raising a eyebrow. "Nothing, you already know it after all." I said, not wanting to talk about that, she just hummed as she returned to her breakfast. "How did it felt ?" Frisk suddenly asked. "Seeing all my progress getting recognized. It felt greatly accomplishing." I said, it made me want to train even harder. "I feel you, but don't let that push you. You're doing it because you want to revenge yourself. Not because you want to be complimented." Frisk said seriously, I was surprised of that, but I knew that she wanted to gently remind me. "Don't you worry, I didn't forget even one bit of my objective." I said, even if I didn't say it once, the 'machine' in my head always showed it to me. "That's good." Chara's voice said behind me. I smiled as I nodded to her, showing appreciation of her who let Frisk and I talk.

"Gaster wanted me to tell you something Y/N." Frisk said, I looked at her as I munched on my cereals. "He wanted to tell you that today there will no training, as he's asked somewhere else." She said, I looked at her questionably. "I don't know any of it either. At least you'll have a couple day off." She said, smiling a little as she put her bowl in the dishwasher. I looked at Chara and she smiled a bit. "Let's spend the day chilling okay ?" She said, I sighed as I nodded. Unconsciously I was happy, the idea of getting serious against Gaster really scared me for no reasons. "Yeah, let's do that." I said as I took her hand, squeezed it a little and took a spoonful of cereals.


"Shit, we're out." Chara said as she tried to find some chocolate bars. "Could go to buy some." I said as I already started to put my shoes on. "Let me go with you." Chara asked, but I shook my head off at her. "I'll be quick, don't worry." I said as I quickly kissed her. "Why don't you want me with you ?" She said, pouting. "It's useless to go together, it's not a difficult task Red. Don't worry, I'll be safe and all." I said as I opened the door. "Okay, be quick okay ?" She said, I nodded as I smiled.

I started to walk towards a small convenience store closer than the mall, as the name said, it's convenient. I hummed a tune for a song as I didn't think of my earphone, too bad. I looked around to see some cars and people passing by, but soon enough, the sight of cars and people turned to be a sight of trees. 

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