Chapter 14

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As we walked towards the mall, I couldn't help to look at Chara, she was really beautiful, almost too beautiful. I blushed at the sight and looked at our hands, still connected, and that caused me to blush even more. But she didn't seemed to dislike that.

"Chara, you look absolutely beautiful." I blurted out, making her look at me. "T-Thanks Y/N, you look stunning too." She said, blushing. I was blushing a little too. "So, what do you wanna eat at the mall ?" I asked, trying to make conversation. "To be honest, I figured that we'll choose when we'll get there." She laughed a little. "So much for planning huh ?" I said, slightly teasing her. She punched my shoulder playfully with her other hand. "Didn't you said that you like women that take care of things ?" She asked, her tone was playful. "I did, I like when women take the lead." I said, smiling at her. I like it when she was blushing, it added a nice touch, almost like she was some angel. "So you're fine with other women ?" She asked, her playful tone wasn't there. "Normally yeah, but since it's you, I like it even more." I said truthfully, after all, I wanted to do that date with nobody else than Chara. "Nice save." She said. "It's not a save, it's the truth, after all, it's with you that I wanted to do the date." I said. Her face was shocked for a second, and then she blushed even more, even spreading to her ears. "I w-wanted to do this with y-you too." She said, shyly. Fucking hell, I'm repeating myself but she's fucking cute.


"I nearly forgot that the mall was this huge !" Chara exclaimed. Our hands wasn't holding anymore, but I was still happy that I was here with her. "Yeah, it's nearly too much." I said, laughing. "Yeah, so, do you want to eat now ?" She asked. "If you want to look at your outfit now, we could go and check the clothing shops." I said, she nodded and analyzed the surroundings to look at a shop. I did it as well and I saw one, at the end of the right side. "Found one." I said as I pointed the direction to Chara. "Aren't you a good looking observer." She said while walking towards the shop, did she just flirted with me ? "Only for the gook looking girl that you are." I said, flirting back, I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I saw Chara's face heating up as well.

"Hello, welcome to our shop, feel free to try the clothes you'd like !" The cashier said to us, we nodded as Chara already checked the aisles of clothing. I figured that she was a little interested in fashion, but the speed she used to check everything... That's only respectable. She walked up to me, smiling, I didn't resist to smile back at her. "Would you like to tell your opinion on the outfit that I chose ?" She asked. "I can only say yes, Chara." I responded, she smiled and took my hand, leading me to a changing booth. "Wait for me please." She said as she entered the booth. I nodded as I took a sit just ahead of it. Soon enough she only tilted her head out. "No peaking." She just said as she returned to change her clothes. Even if she didn't told me that, I wouldn't peak at her. I only wish to see her body when she wanted. That's a perverted thought, but a nice one to be honest. I decided to shot a look at my surroundings. Only to see women here. Am I in a Victoria's Secret ? I don't know, I have no knowledge about all that. Once I finished to look around, I saw Chara, waiting for me to look at her. "Oh, sor..." I started, but I looked at her and ... wow. She chose a white t-shirt with a tight dark blue jeans. Classic, but still, beautiful. "You look stunning." I only said. She smiled. "Well, I'll take that." She said as she returned to the booth. I couldn't help but to look at her bottom and thighs, which were greatly empowered by the tightness of her jeans. I blushed when I noticed that ... I had indeed dirty thoughts about Chara. Fucking hell Y/N, she's not even your girlfriend.

"So, wanna watch the movie now or you wanna eat ?" I asked Chara, she just paid for her clothes and now we're walking around. "I mean, a good meal after a good movie is always a safe bet." She said. "I like your thinking, let's go check what's airing right now." I said, smiling. I led the way since I knew where the cinema was, I did watched a movie there. It's was about a guy who were fighting a racist cult who wanted all the monsters dead. It was alright, the ending felt rushed though. But the last scene was kinda sad.

Once she reached the cinema, we looked what movies were airing, Chara said she was fine with whatever, but I don't think that '50 shades of gray' was up to her liking, fortunately, she did not chose that, I think that this film is for ... I'll shut up for now. "How about that movie ?" She asked, pointing at an movie called : 'Avatar'. No way she didn't watched it. "Chara, you never watched it ?" I asked. "I am more into series to be honest." She said. "You do know that series are like a movie but spread out in episodes." I said, laughing. "Hey at least I can stop after an episode ends. With movies you have to watch it all together." She explained. "Fair point, let's go." I said as I bought two tickets for Avatar, which was 18€. [17.48 USD] "I could pay for myself you know." Chara said in a grumpy voice. "I know, you're my date, and I wanted to pay at least something for you." I said, patting her head a little. She soon dropped her act and started to blush. "Come on, it'll start soon enough." I said as I extended my hand, which she gladly took.


"Y/N." Chara said, after we left the cinema, it was a 3-hour movie, so now it's around 17:00. "Yeah ?" I responded. "I'll make sure to watch the next ones with you." She said, smiling genuinely. Once again, I felt my heart skipped a beat. "Y-Yeah, can't wait to see them with you." I said, stopping looking at her. "Come on, let's go eat something now." She said, taking my hand as she started to walk. "What do you wanna eat ?" She asked. The urge to say 'you' ... "Well, don't know for sure." I said. "I chose the movie, you choose the place to eat." She said, looking at me in the eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. "What about that place ?" I said. She just looked at me perplexed as I knew where we'll eat. "Come on." I said as I started walking.

Soon enough, we were at a little restaurant, it wasn't crowded, so we picked a good spot, near the angle of the back end of the restaurant. "I hope you'll like it here, when I were in my dark spot, I always ate here, their food is really good, and it made me happy the time of a meal." I said. She took my hand, which were on the table. "Y/N, don't worry, your dark time is over, and you're here, with me." She said, she decided to be protective. My heartbeat was speeding up, I loved when she was doing that. "Thanks, Red. I'm fine, because I'm here with you now." I said, looking at her eyes. She blushed and smiled at me. And now, I'm fighting against the urge to kiss her. "Hello, welcome to our restaurant, what would you like to choose ?" The waiter arrived, causing us to snap back in reality. "I'll take the spaghetti with bologna, and parmesan, please." I said, handing the card to the waiter. "A fine choice, our bologna truly something else. And you, lady ?" He asked Chara. "I will take the filet-mignon, I'd like it rare, thank you." Chara said, handing her card. "Magnifique, I'll serve you as soon as your meals will be good to eat." He said, leaving. "Wow, a rare filet-mignon, didn't know the royalty of your family was inherited by you." I jokingly said. "Thank you subject, you dish is common, but a safe bet." She said, with a bad 'royal' tone. I laughed quite a bit, and it seemed that my laugh made her laugh too. I couldn't have thought of a better date, Chara was really the one that I wanted to go on a date.


"Would you like me to take you home ?" I asked, seeing that we're nearly at her home. "I wouldn't mind, does it bother you ?" Chara asked, with a little shyness. "I proposed, Red. Of course it won't bother me." I said as I poked her cheek playfully, it was soft. 

"Seems like our date is over now." I said, looking at the tall gate of her home. "Y-Yeah, I really liked it." Chara said, looking down. "I liked it too. No. I loved it with you." I said, being a little more transparent with my feelings. "And I would love to do it again, if you want, Chara." I said, taking her hands into mines. "I-I would love too, Y/N." She said. I was stuck in time when I looked at her, at her beautiful red eyes, who were shining bright. At her little blush at her cheeks. I couldn't help myself to put her in a hug, which she returned in no time. "Tell me when you wanna do it again, okay ?" I said to Chara. "S-Sure." She only said. "Well, time to go now." I said, ending the hug. I wanted to kiss her so bad. "Bye, make sure to m-message me when you're home, okay ?" She said. "Will do, Red." I said. Come on Y/N, make a fucking move ! Let's do it. I kissed the forehead gently as I put my hand delicately on her cheek. "Bye Chara, see you Monday." I said as I started to walk towards my home. 

I could still felt my blush on my cheeks and the softness of her cheek in hand. I smiled when I remembered the kiss I gave her, even if it was just seconds ago.

I guess I couldn't hide it anymore. I'm in love, I love Chara.

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