Chapter 64

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"What are you even saying ?" Frisk said, Chara looked at me with a distressed face. It must be because they're shocked that they didn't understand it directly, because David did at least. "That Volt or myself will die. The final showdown will happen today. Regardless of the outcome, it won't be the end." I said, all of their look were stunned and afraid. "Please Y/N don't do it." Chara said, she started to cry. I smiled a little as I put my hand on her cheeks. "Sorry Chara, but we have the same soul, so you know that I won't give up." I said, and I looked at Frisk. "Frisk, please look out for her." I said to her silently, she grasped my t-shirt and made me look at her eyes, and for once, they were fully opened, revealing their bright golden color. My instincts kicked in as I summoned my gauntlet and brushed off her hand. Once I did that she didn't even reacted, just looking at me with fury. 

"So you're just giving up on us ?! After everything we've done together ?! After everything we've been through ?!" Frisk yelled. It was my time to be stunned. "What the fuck are you talking about ? I never thought about giving up on all of this !" I said, gesturing to the house and to my friends. Soon enough, Frisk calmed down, but her eyes were still opened. As for my gauntlet, I despawned it. "Huh, our golden color is so different." I sighed as I noticed that her golden eyes were bright. And the golden color of my gauntlet was dirtier than before. "Even though you did some shady shit, it's still brighter than mine." I continued, they all looked at me. "It shows that you truly have a good soul, Frisk. And mine is just some weird shit than can be corrupted by anything I'm thinking or feeling." I finished. David looked down as he knew why I said that, as we talked about it just minutes ago.

"What are you saying ?" Chara talked, her voice cracked a little. "To put it simply, I'm just tired of all of this, that's why I want to end it as fast as possible." I confessed. David had a bit of a surprised face, as for Chara and Frisk, they had a understanding face. "We know about that feeling. And to be honest, you're right, the only way to end it is to finish that event." Chara said, hugging me. I hugged her back. "Let me go with you." She suddenly said. I broke the bug and looked at her dead in the eyes.

"No. I don't want to put any of you in danger." I said, being firm in my decision. "Y/N, you could always teleport me out of danger if things get 1% messy." Chara said. "And I can defend myself, I'm tired of pretending to be weak, truth is, I still got the combat experience of my and Frisk's genocide." She said, spawning a knife. And it's true, her knife is truly different. Before it was just materialized magic with the form of a knife. Now it's slightly buzzing, all of the magic is focused of the cutting part and the point of the knife and she hold it with a much more different posture, leaving little to no flaws in her grip. I sighed as I scratched my head.

"Okay, fine yeah. But the moment I feel that it's too dangerous, you got one way trip to home, understood ?" I accepted her plead. "But Frisk and David, stay here. We need you here incase Chara or I teleported here with bruises." I quickly said. They know that I was right and they got nothing to say, so they just nodded. "Please come back in one piece." Frisk said. I laughed a little. "I ain't gonna be in that manga." I joked, earning a scoff by David. "How can you be like that with all that on your mind." He asked, well, more like he asked to himself. "I must do it, I want to see you smile after all." I said, putting the same teleporting glyph on Chara's hand and on the couch. "It'll put you on the couch." I simply said as Chara nodded. "Time to go." I said, Chara nodded as we started to walk towards the door. "Please win." Frisk pleaded, I did a dry laugh. "Will do." I said as I took Chara's hand to teleport to the spot I know they always look.


"Why are we here ?" Chara said as we were at the entrance of the school, good thing it was in a vacation. "Because Jake was a student in here. Volt visited him quite enough because he left his magical signature here, giving him a better manipulation of it here." I explained. "Good enough." She said as she took a step forward. I stopped her instantly as I felt something's at our feet. I was right, as there was a lighting string at our feet, lighting magic needed to be sustained at all time to be active, meaning that he was here. "He's here, at my signal, rush inside." I whispered to Chara, she nodded as she took a deep breath. 

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