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I grunted as I felt light entering the room. I didn't want to wake up now but I needed to. "Wakey wakey." I heard a sweet voice coming in my ears. I opened my eyes only to see the same red-eyed human I loved back then. "Hello there." I just said while I left the warm and sweet bed. "Come on, you said today was special." She said, I laughed a little and hugged her. She hugged me back and I broke it soon after to kiss her. "Just because we'll visit Frisk and David doesn't mean it'll be special, we do it every Sunday." I said, laughing a little. After all she didn't have a single clue why I said that. "I know, just wanted you out of bed." She said, smirking and already out of my reach, seriously. 


"I made sure that we won't be late this time." She said as she already prepared breakfast. Toasts, hot cocoa, classic but unrivaled. "You sure do Red." I said, kissing her cheek and sitting down, already eating. "Eager aren't you ?" Chara said, seems like she already ate her breakfast. I swallowed the piece of toast I was eating and I laughed a little. "Always eager to eat something you made." I said, she laughed a little. "Please don't eat all the things I make, some of them are not considered food." She said, I laughed as I knew exactly what she meant. "Come on, it wasn't all bad." I said, I laughed a little when she shot me a 'really dude' glare. "How can you say that ? Those meatballs were charcoals." She said faking cry sounds. "Remember who I am." I said, she took the memo and she playfully punched me. "Using your magic to eat those, seriously." She said, I laughed as I continued to eat.




"Hello you beautiful morons !" David greeted us with open arms. I hugged him and Frisk and Chara did the same. "How are y'all ?" I asked the couple. "We're good, fortunately I don't have food poisoning." David said with a laugh, Frisk hit him softly and was pouting. I just laughed loudly as Chara did a little but cheeky laugh. "It's a sister thing I think." I said. Chara and Frisk were glaring at me. "Come on, you need to fail before reaching good levels." I said, David nodded as the sisters were still pouting. "Come on, let's go on the couch." 




The day was a classic Sunday with them, we told each others the things we did the week and laughed at out somewhat bizarre adventures. To be honest it felt good, it's been two years since our lives was finally in our hands, no more group who tried to kill us, no more RESET. Just basics, normal human lives. 

"See you next week." Frisk said, hugging us. "See ya next week, and beware, something might happen soon." I said, leaving the house, good thing their house was near our own. Yes, with Chara and Frisk being daughters and ambassadors of the monster-human relationship, let's say that the wallets were clearly not running empty. 

"Let's go ?" Chara said, hugging my arm. Good thing my hand was in my pocket, I could reach the little thing inside. "Not yet." I said as I push her a little to make her stop hugging my arm. "What's going on ?" She asked, she was a little surprised, after all I didn't ever denied her hugs one time. 

"Chara, we're together since a little more than two years, every day with you is fucking beautiful and I couldn't be more thankful than I am already. But I think there is a way to make those days even more beautiful for me. You've been with me when times got really dark, where I wanted to let it all go. But you didn't ever abandoned me one time, and you said that you wanted to wait for me one day. I know that you said that you wanted to do it, but I'm too impatient to let you do it. So let me do it." I said, putting my right knee on the ground and I reached the little bow inside my pocket, once Chara knew what it was, she gasped and put her hands on her mouth, as her eyes were watering. "Will you, Chara Dreemurr, let me take your hand and ask you to marry me ?" I said, opening the bow and revealing the golden ring with rubies engraved in it. She was starting to cry, but I knew that it was happy tears. "Yes ! I will definitely marry you !" She yelled, kissing me. I didn't have time to kiss her back. But I did take my time to put the ring on her finger, like I always wanted to do.




I managed to do it, I managed to find a true purpose in life when everything seemed lost. Where my soul and mind were at their darkest spot. But I managed to do it, I was bound to fail, bound to re-experiment everything at all time because someone wanted it that way. Now that I think about it, I can say that I severed the destiny's link which always caused me to fail.

The End.

Oh boy, did I liked doing this story ? No. I loved it. Seriously, I can't thank all of you enough for your support, I loved to see your comments on my chapters, no matter how scuffed they were. 

But does that mean it is my time to exit the community ? 

I don't think so.

So be ready, because soon enough (I think so) I'll write a third Chara x Reader !

But not an Original Undertale one, it'll take place in the Storyshift Universe ! 

So please, check it out when it'll release, I'm fucking pumped up to write a fanfic of my favorite AU and my favorite Chara. (Classic Chara and SS! Chara are tied for first.)

Until then, my fellow readers.

Take care of yourself.

Destiny's Link (Female Chara x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now