Chapter 52

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I woke up, unlike the two days before, I was feeling calm, the spiral wasn't welcoming me. It felt really good, I don't really like waking up and feeling bloodthirsty and hateful. If I could tell that to the Y/N 3 months ago, he would say that I am a insane dude. 

And to be honest, I felt like I was becoming insane, the more the spiral was taking me, the more it was powerful. I felt like all my previous feelings was drowning with the sea of hate, anger, bloodlust, you could name it. I was becoming just a vessel for that Ancient Power, and it angered me ever more because it was because of their fault if I was like that.

I took a deep breath as I looked over Chara, stopping the spiral from going further. I smiled as I knew that I had at least something who could stop it, it was her. Cliché, but Chara was the one who could control me, or the spiral at least. 

"Hello there." I said as I saw Chara waking up, she looked at me and smiled, hugging me as soon as she woke up.  "Hey N/N." She just said. I started to pat her head, I heard satisfaction noises from her. I felt myself at ease as I enjoyed the peace. "Are you alright ?" She asked me, I hummed a little. "Can't say that I truly am, but right now, I feel good. The spiral didn't start for once." I said, she smiled as she kissed me. I kissed her back as the kiss went deeper that usual, I could feel that Chara wanted something. She broke up the kiss and she put herself on top of me. "Bad boy needs to be punished~" She said, her voice was seductive and her eyes had lust in them. "Oh yeah, how so ?" I asked, I let myself getting in the mood. "Let me show you~" She said as she started to grind me, time to lose something else.

* [No lemons guys, they're cringe to write.]

"Good morning to you." Frisk welcomed us, good thing we've waited some time after our deeds. "Good morning Frisk." I just said as I took my seat on the kitchen table. Chara was in the toilet, doing some adjustments. "How are you feeling ?" Frisk asked me. "To be honest, first time in a while that I'm feeling good. No spiral or anything." I said, thanks to Chara helping me, in her own way. "Good, where's Chara ?" Frisk asked. "Bathroom break." I said, pouring cereals. "Did you at least used protection ?" Frisk suddenly asked. I nearly dropped the bow of cereals. "How ?" I just asked. "I mean, she wasn't quiet." Frisk said. I laughed a little as she was right. "Sorry if that was too much." I said, she laughed as she got up. "Don't care, it's natural, and she kinda asked me for advice." Frisk said. I laughed as I started to eat my cereals.

"Hey there." Chara said at my left, I smiled at her as she took her seat. "Chara, it was your first time right ?" I asked. "Yeah, it wasn't yours ?" Chara said, she was blushing a little. "It was mine too, but you seemed experimented." I said, I was lost with what she did. "Helps to watch porn." She said, I laughed a little. "You planned that ?" I asked. She nodded as she smiled slightly. "From a long time, the first time I wanted to do that was the second night you slept in our house when you decided to move here." She said, I smiled as I kissed her forehead. "It was incredible, I loved that." I said, finishing my cereals. She smiled as she prepared herself some cereals. I was refreshed to say the least. 


David decided to come at the house since he wanted to hang out. "You good ?" He asked me. I nodded as I looked to Chara. "Yeah, today started greatly." I said, Frisk snickered. "They fucked." Frisk suddenly said, which made Chara blushed heavily, I laughed a little when I saw her reaction. "How do you know ?!" Chara yelled at Frisk. "I mean, you weren't on silence mode." I whispered in her ear. She seemed surprised and threw a barrage of weak punches on me. "I'm just saying the truth." I said, after a while she stopped punching, but her blush was still there. "Meanie." Chara just said, pouting. I laughed and put her in a hug. I wanted to tease her a little more. "Don't worry, I loved your moans." I whispered in her ear. She squealed silently. "Aren't you cute together." Frisk said, David approached her and kissed her. "I'm so fucking lucky to have Chara." I just said, ending the hug. "I mean, the only way to get out of this spiral is to see Chara, and that works." I continued. "Maybe it's because my feelings for Chara is the exact opposite of anger and hate." I finished, they seemed to be in their thought as I said that. "So, if Chara's the way out, what's the way in ?" David said, I smiled a little. "Thinking of them, of my condition, the most efficient one is to see them in person." I said, looking at Chara the whole time. "Even talking about them could put yourself in that spiral ?" David asked, I nodded. "That's why I looked at Chara when I said that." I said, looking at David. "How about your magic ?" He asked. I sighed as I knew that he wanted to know, I couldn't blame him after all. "It's alright if I'm using a little, but in a fight, it can cloud my mind easily." I said, I was fairly confident as for why. I shook my head and looked at Chara for a second, feeling my anger rising. It was really starting to grow on me, and I didn't know how much time I got before going 100% insane. Even if Chara was stopping it, it could clearly overpower that counter quickly. I was lying to myself then, I knew that my state was going downhill, and Chara was just building walls to stop that.




As always Chara was sleeping near me, and I couldn't help, but fearing myself even more. I was becoming less sane each days passing by, my mind was falling apart, my thoughts were replaced by ideas of killing Jake and Volt.

I need to act, quickly.

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