Chapter One Hundred

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Adrian Winters

No one ever tells you how unbelievably fucking boring house arrest is. I had cleaned my entire car collection by hand and it was only then that I realized how long it had been since I'd done so.

I'd also made a large amount of food and spent the largest part of the past month watching shows on Netflix along with going to counselling since I was referred to one for my nightmares of my parents deaths.

Desperately I wish it had been Waccabuc so I could have gone out onto the lake, or spent time in the library or office. Here at home I was reduced to the latter of the two, and it had even become me redesigning most of my house expanding it, and changing the themes. That had been the main focus of what I was doing.

Finishing off the East End of the property that would require me to buy up my neighbors though I didn't particularly give a shit, there was an influx of people selling their homes out here as Manhattan got busier more money had to be made an a house as good of an investment as it was people weren't going to let that sit around same as how I sold the cars I didn't get usage out of or moved them around to various other homes around the states.

I also wished to be driving around Monaco to park one of my obnoxiously loud Zonda's outside the Monte Carlo Casino and mildly annoy the other rich people that lived there when I parked my five million dollar Zonda next to someone's Aventador.

On one specific dinner I'd done that to Hunter though no one knew about my penthouse in Monaco aside from likely my accountant who was really just a family accountant and annoyed me when they told me about how the old way was.

I respected the traditions but I also had seen enough for people trying to outdo one another when they battled in the parking lot over who had more money and the nicer vehicle, so buying the most expensive bespoke vehicles I could get my hands on made my life a lot easier because I could so easily annoy people.

My entire spending habit was based on what I liked and what would make people shut up.

To each their fucking own.

Getting out of the shower which had barely woken me up I dried off and crossed the room to the double sink which I always thought was funny as no one had ever gotten to use it besides me so it was extremely pointless to have a second sink there.

Maybe one day.

I had taken lessons from being with Sav I wouldn't let another person get close to my heart if they didn't prove to me that they deserved to be in my life. Everyone had to prove themselves and that was now going to be void of preference.

Letting out a sigh as I stared at myself I walked out and into the closet where I picked out a pair of black jeans and a red Tom Ford hoodie. Most of my clothing was designer I just had the labels removed because I believed that an outfit was always about how it looked not who made it.

Also old money keeps who they have clothing from a secret.

I mixed new and old traditions, I hated the showiness of the world now so I thought I can either be annoyed by it or make everyone shut up, one or the other.

Styling my hair even though no one would see it I left my bedroom knowing that if I stayed I'd end up doing viceful things to pass the time, and I'd again only recently kicked that habit.

Getting downstairs I made myself coffee, and began going through the process of making pancakes. Over the years I either remembered the recipe's I made or knew how to experiment well enough to make something taste good.

I also began wondering what I'd do today. Technically my LaFerrari needed to be topped up on oil, and the door hinge needed to be greased so I had my work cut out for me.

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