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Brett mind's in turmoil.
Should I trust this lady now? Should I tell her what's been bothering me for ages? I've only known her for a bloody 5 minutes! And I never talk about feelings. I am the king of talking a lot without saying anything significant.
But does that help me? I need to get better! This can't go on.
I feel like I'm slowly dying, all energy draining out of me. Okay. Let's take a leap and start with the top then

"Well that among other things. Our channel is fine at this moment. We still have 5 video's that need to get posted. We always plan ahead and film a lot. That has to be edited and that always takes time, so we can last about 2 months without filming. It's convenient if one of us is ill, like now. We even haven't told our fans yet, in the hope I'm better before we run out of content. But we will run out in not such a long time from now. And I'm in a big peril now that makes it impossible to proceed."
He takes a deep breath before he continues.
"The main problem is that I no longer hear music in my head. I can't process any. It's worse than being deaf. The inside of me is quiet and even outside music just... hurts. Like I'm super tone-deaf. Quite a big thing for a musician you know."
He tries to wink an eye with a fake smile to make it seem like a joke, but it's not working. He's just too sad.
He rather feels like crying, again.
Like he didn't do that last couple of weeks.

"No music? You mean no sound what so ever?" she asks.

A glimmer of panic flashes over Brett's eyes which is not missed by the viewer.
Bret shoots up and looks desperately at the woman.
"You have to understand! My head is empty! I can no longer recall any music. I am empty inside. All concerto's and pieces are gone! I can't even play. I've never been empty! I've always had music. Always. It's never been quiet in my head! Never! Until now. I. Can't. Play. A. Single. Note!"
Tears well up in his eyes now while almost screaming the last words. He is so frustrated.

"I can understand that is a huge thing Brett. Let's start with this. Do you know when the music stopped? Did this come after you collapsed? Or was it before that?"

"After. When I came to, Eddy had already taken me to the hospital. I looked at him and then I had no music left."
He looks down and utters a whispered "Utterly Sacrilegious." tears still sparkling in his eyes.

"Hmm. Can you tell me about that day?"

I prefer not to, he thinks. But that's not going to do, is it. He needs to open up. He must.
"Well... Okay. So we have a YouTube channel and we make about 3 to 5 items for it every week. Mostly just fun cheerful content, some with serious undertones, but mainly to make people happy. To let our followers hear all kinds of classical music, without it being too heavy. But now we had come up with the stupid idea to have a blind dating-show. We hired a big space, put a screen up and one party had to be in the hot seat, like the call it, and the contestants were on the other side of the screen. Then unexpectedly I ended on the hot seat. There were a couple of girls I couldn't see that would participate and I had to eliminate them after letting them play their instruments and ask a couple of questions. In the end I had to choose one participant with whom I wanted to go on a date."
Brett falls silent for a few moments before continuing.
"They all had surprised me with this you know. I thought Eddy would be the one. That he was the one before the camera. Everyone thinks Eddy is the most handsome of the two of us anyway, so I had not expected that I would have to be the one. And to be honest I didn't want to do this actually. I was already tired as it was, so I didn't want to deal with this too. All those girls who were doing their very best and there I was saying all kinds of stupid things with my stupid head."
*Brett rolls his eyes* He's starting to get himself fired up, annoyed again with the memory of the situation he had been pushed in, a deep frown in his forehead. He's talking a bit more loudly now, totally agitated.
"But of course I'm a professional. So yes, I did the stupid item. But I didn't want to! Everybody watching and judging me. All that pressure was killing! I didn't want to choose! Why should I have to anyway. I just DON'T want to go on a DATE with anyone other than EDDY!"

Oh shoot.

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